Columbus Settles Case: White Cops Verbally Abused, Punched, Kicked, Tased, Pulled Black Man’s Hair Out and Stripped Him Naked from Waist Down. Police said 'The Force Continuum Allowed Them to Do so'

From [HERE] White Officials in Columbus have reached a $225,000 settlement with a Black man who said white police officers used improper force during a 2017 arrest.

The Columbus City Council voted unanimously Monday to approve the deal with Timothy Davis. As part of the settlement, neither the city nor the officers admitted to any wrongdoing.

Davis had sued the city in federal court, alleging civil rights violations, but a jury rejected his claims in December 2021. A federal judge granted a partial new trial in September, saying a complete jury verdict in favor of the officers was "against the clear weight of the evidence.” The settlement reached in December and approved Monday resolves that matter.

Davis' lawyers had said during the trial that Columbus officers verbally abused, punched, kicked and used a stun gun on him; pulled out his hair; and stripped him nearly naked from the waist down during the September 2017 arrest.

A lawsuit also accused officers of trying to block bystanders from filming the arrest. [MORE]

After the incident Police Spokesman Sgt. Dean Worthington told the NBC, “We are allowed to punch and we are allowed to kick.” “That’s part of our use of force continuum and it all depends on what the behavior of the suspect is at the time.” Also,  a white Columbus police officer was "relieved from duty" after he allegedly made comments threatening to choke a suspect. [MORE]