Lt Gov. Winsome Sears: Harriet Tubman Carried A Gun, If It's Good Enough For Her Then It's Good Enough For Me

From [HERE] Virginia Lt. Gov Winsome Sears (R) made the case for gun ownership in the black community on Friday's broadcast of HBO's 'Real Time' with host Bill Maher.

"I got tired of seeing black people every time we're in the media about guns it's always bad. We are law-abiding citizens and we're not going to give up our Second Amendment rights. And by the way, the fastest growing segment of gun owners, do you know who they are? I'm glad you asked. It's women. Black women. And it was a black woman who said you need a Winchester rifle in every home. A black woman during the Civil Rights [movement] and before said that. And Harriet Tubman carried a gun. If it's good enough for her it's good enough for me," Sears said.