White Flint Cop Charged with Misdemeanor Assault for Striking Handcuffed Black Man Held by 2 Other Cops

From [HERE] A Flint police officer charged with misdemeanor assault struck a handcuffed man multiple times while the victim was detained by two other officers, according to a video obtained by MLive-The Flint Journal.

The video, obtained by The Journal through the alleged victim, appears to show Flint police officer Charles Redmond, 51, arrive at the scene, and push Terry Taylor’s face into a cement porch before hitting him with what appears to be a closed fist and then kicking him in the face.

After the apparent assault, the three officers pulled Taylor down the steps of the porch and onto the ground. The video capturing the incident came from a home security system.

Redmond declined to comment on the incident when approached by an MLive reporter Monday, April 10, prior to a pre-trial hearing. He said he has yet to hire an attorney.

Flint police previously said they were notified of an incident involving the possible use of excessive force on Jan. 27, a day after the alleged assault against Taylor.

Redmond was placed on administrative leave without pay and an internal investigation began, police said.

The investigation determined that Redmond did use excessive force, authorities said in a prior statement. A warrant request was submitted to the prosecutor’s office before being authorized on March 22.

“This administration will continue to be transparent and hold all officers accountable for their actions,” Flint Police Chief Terence Green said in a statement at the time.

Redmond was arraigned before District Judge David Guinn on March 23.

“The complaining witness says that on the date and at the location described, the defendant, contrary to law, did make an assault, or an assault and battery, upon the following person: (redacted) contrary to MCL 750.81(1).,” the complaint reads.

The charge is punishable by 93 days in jail and/or a $500 fine, according to the complaint.