McNegro Mayor Increases LAPD's Budget Under a Pretense of Fighting Crime and Real Purpose of Surveilling/Killing Black Citizens to Please Her White Liberal Masters who Control All Major City Resources

In the aftermath of multiple episodes in which LAPD have killed at least 2 Black men and one Latino man since January, McNegro Mayor Bass is proposing to do what so many of her predecessors have done and hire more cops.

Her budget calls for additional funds for recruitment, including signing bonuses; for additional civilian employees, including 911 operators; and for more rank-and-file officers, in part by coaxing some recent retirees back into uniform. All told, she is hoping to expand the department by some 400 officers. [MORE] But what else can a McNegro puppetican like Bass do when her white masters pull the strings? According to FUNKTIONARY:

 McNegro – over one million sold-out. How can any neo-Negro sell out of anything that he does not own—other than merchandise? You have to own something to sell-out. (See: Negropolitan, BOHICAN, Eyeservant, $nigger & Sambo)

Los Angeles is a city run by white liberals - they own and control all major real estate, businesses, banks, industry, utilities, resources and media and control government and its puppeticians and authorities. They all also function as the major decision makers in regards to what happens or does not happen to non-white people. Non-whites, particularly Blacks and Latinos, function in some capacity as their workers, helpers, servants, tenants and customers (but go on enjoying your delusions).

IT IS A WHITE SUPREMACY MYTH THAT POLICE BUDGETS EFFECT THE CRIME RATE. For decades in America we’ve been told by liberal and conservative politicians and other leaders that we have to keep spending money on the police if we want to keep our communities safe. It’s been repeated so many times over so many years that many of us probably don’t give it a second thought. But we started wondering… is it actually true? The answer surprised us, and it might surprise you too. A recent study(Opens in new window) took a look at police spending and crime rates and found that there’s no correlation at all between the two. 

Seeing that made us dig a little deeper into the numbers. According to data collected over the past 60 years, from 1960 to 2018, spending more on policing doesn’t lower the crime rate and spending less on policing doesn’t increase it. Despite that total lack of correlation, politicians always seem to call for more police spending when the crime rate goes up. But what about when crime goes down—what do they do then? You guessed it! They keep calling for increased police spending. No matter what happens, the response is always the same: Put more money in police budgets.

In fact, there’s six decades’ worth of data showing no correlation (Opens in new window) between police spending and the overall crime rate—so we wanted to know if more police spending is the most effective way to address a rise in the violent crime rate. [MORE]


On January 2, 2023. The LAPD fatally shot 45-year-old Takar Smith. Provacative cops shot said Black man while he was on his knees holding a child’s bike in his own kitchen and not posing a threat to police. [MORE]

On Jan. 3. 2023 the LAPD fatally shot 35-year-old Oscar Sanchez because he was holding a metal pipe in his own house. [MORE]

Also on Jan. 3, 2023 the LAPD murdered 31-year-old school teacher Keenan Anderson by smothering and tasing him to death the street. Cops initiated violence against him because they believed he was DUI as he walked in the street (?). On video he begged cops not to kill him. [MORE]

Mayor Karen Bass was sworn in on December 10, 2022. She is the first woman and the second Black person, after Tom Bradley, to serve as mayor of Los Angeles. As explained by Mapping Police Violence, Black people are 3X more likely than whites to be killed by police and Los Angeles is among other major cities where said racial disparity occurs. A large number of police murders of Black people occur in white, liberal cities. [MORE]