Tenn Shooting Not a False Flag? The So-Called Shooter is Seen Wearing Different Shoes in Video. Rather Than Provide More Video of the Incident, Gov/Media Claim the Shoes are the Same, Blame the Light

PROVE IT THEN. Nashville police released two videos of the incident: one was closed-circuit television footage from the Covenant School, and the other is a merged video of body camera footage from two police officers.

The attacker’s shoes as they are seen on the closed-circuit television camera footage appear to be black and white Pumas, while the ones seen on the body camera footage appear to be Vans with a red flame design. 

The body cam video provided a closer view of the shoes. A search through Google Lens showed a Vans shoe with the same flame design and single white stripe.

Brooke Reese, a Metropolitan Nashville Police Department spokesperson, told USA Today that there is no evidence the shooter changed shoes during the attack, and that the claim that the shooting was a false flag operation had no validity. [MORE]

According to the USA Today, “Multiple [unnamed] forensic experts said there are a variety of reasons why the shoes might appear to be a different color in the later footage.”

V.S. Subrahmanian, a computer science professor at Northwestern University, told USA TODAY that any reddish glow on the shoes in the second footage “might be due to the interplay between the sunlight coming through the window and the reddish floor beam in the center of the latter image.”

“I don’t see any significant visual inconsistencies in the imagery of the shoes when the perpetrator first enters the school and the video showing the shooter down,” Subrahmanian said. “The latter shows similar shoes with a similar pattern.” [“similar” pattern means they are not exactly the same. And would being a computer science professor be a relevant expertise to this issue?]

Siwei Lyu, a digital media forensics expert at the University of Buffalo, agreed, noting that the image of the shoe on the right in the Facebook post was shot near the footboard of the room, which has red color in it. 

"So the light in the room will have red light reflected from that part of the room, and if the materials of the shoes reflect a small amount of red light, it will appear reddish to us," Lyu said. "On the other hand, the image (on the left) was shot in a well lit situation, where input white light of all spectra are somewhat equally absorbed so the object appeared black." [MORE] yup, sounds like bullshit.

The police have explained there is more video from the school and from the police body cameras. As explained, the video is merged video from 2 bodycams and 1closed circuit camera so clearly there is more video. Also, the shooter’s corpse and his personal belongings (including his clothing) obviously shouldn’t be missing now. If its not a false flag then why not just release more video or photos of the incident? Also note that similar to the fake as fuck Buffalo shooting there is no blood anywhere in the video of this incident.