Who Pulls the Strings on "Black" Puppetician Eleanor Holmes Norton? House Rep Proposes to Put Marijuana in the Capitol Garden While Delivering Little of Tangible Value to the Black Votary in DC

The U.S. Botanic Garden counts coffee and tobacco plants among its enormous botanical collection — and if Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton has anything to say about it, the country’s oldest public garden could soon display marijuana, too.

Norton, the District of Columbia’s nonvoting delegate to Congress, has long been a proponent of national marijuana legalization and has decried congressional oversight that blocks D.C. from taxing and regulating cannabis sales. 

Now, the Democrat has turned her advocacy towards the Botanic Garden on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol, reasoning with its Executive Director Susan Pell in a letter Wednesday that the push towards legalization makes weed deserving of a garden plot.

“As individual states and the country as a whole are moving toward the legalization of marijuana, having a display with male and female marijuana plants would be a historic opportunity to highlight the impact of marijuana on American society and, especially, the American economy,” the lawmaker wrote. [MORE]