Unwanted Racist Returns to the Miami Police Dept to Provide UnDeclinable "Public Service" to Black Citizens b/c Cops Can't Be Hired or Fired or Controlled by the Community in the Free Range Prison

From [HERE] About seven months after Police Chief Manny Morales fired Capt. Javier Ortiz — the embattled former union boss and longtime firebrand known for racist social media posts and accusations of excessive force — has been reinstated. Ortiz is temporarily returning to a desk job after he reached a settlement with police brass, according to an agreement obtained by the Miami Herald.

“The South Florida Police Benevolent Association, on behalf of Capt. Javier Ortiz, and the city of Miami have reached a resolution to all pending matters regarding the employment of Captain Ortiz,” said Steadman Stahl, president of the South Florida Police Benevolent Association. “Both parties believe that it is in the best interests of the citizens of the city of Miami and Captain Ortiz.”

The settlement agreement awards Ortiz several months of backpay but confines him to an administrative job directly under Morales where he will not receive a gun or a take-home car, and he has narrow restrictions on when he can use police powers. Ortiz has a base salary of $155,004 that is bolstered further by incentives like running certain task forces.

“He will only utilize his police power in the event someone is using or threatening to use deadly force if he reasonably believes he must act to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or another,” reads the settlement.

Another caveat: He’ll work the desk job during late-night hours.

The deal, signed by Ortiz and Miami City Manager Art Noriega on Tuesday, requires Ortiz to retire on Nov. 7, 2025. Oritz has also agreed to stay out of police union business and no longer work off-duty hours or overtime, and will return to his rank as captain. In exchange, he’s agreed to drop all pending litigation against the city.

Morales fired Ortiz in September, citing a “pattern of behavior and his failure to maintain a good moral character.” 

State and federal authorities investigated Ortiz for two years over misconduct allegations. By April 2021, the investigation resulted in no criminal charges but highlighted a string of questionable arrests and “a pattern of abuse and bias against minorities, particularly African-Americans.”

Ortiz, a former SWAT commander, made numerous dubious arrests and the resulted in lawsuits and legal settlements totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars, according to the investigation done by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

In 2015, he made a social media post where he called Tamir Rice, the 12-year-old shot and killed by a Cleveland cop while playing with a toy gun, a thug.

Ortiz, along with other officers, was accused of beating a Francois, Alexandre, who was celebrating the Miami Heat’s NBA championship victory in the summer of 2013. Alexandre’s eye socket was broken in the ordeal, but Ortiz dodged any charges after a federal appeals court said Ortiz had “qualified immunity” when he subdued Alexandre.