Evictions Causing a Substantial Increase in DC Homelessness (86% Black). Is it White Republican or White Liberal Landlords Forcing Blacks to Look for the Grate Outdoors? (DC is Only 5% Republican)
/In Washington, DC, African Americans make up 86.4 percent of the homeless population, while representing only 46.6 percent of THE city’s population. According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, this imbalance is not improving over time. the vast majority of the landlords are white LIBERALS. VOTER REGISTRATION IN DC IS ONLY 5% REPUBLICAN.
From [HERE] Homelessness in the District has increased from last year, according to annual Point-in-Time Count results the D.C. Department of Human Services (DHS) announced Friday.
That increase follows several consecutive years of declining numbers. Last year was the lowest count in 17 years: the 2022 point-in-time survey identified 4,410 people living outside or in shelters – a 13.7% drop from 2021.
That record low was made possible by federal emergency spending during the COVID-19 pandemic, including through the American Rescue Plan Act and emergency rental assistance programs to help people pay rent. But as federal protections have winded down, evictions have also gone up.
This year the District counted 4,922 unhoused people – an 11.6% increase from 2022, with a 12.1% increase among families and a 10.2% increase among single “unaccompanied individuals.”
Of those 4,922 people, 50% are experiencing homelessness in D.C. for the first time.
That’s driven up overall numbers. While there’s been a 57% increase in people who were able to transition out of homelessness from last year, DHS says the number of people who became homeless for the first time is outpacing the number of those who found housing. Those counted as experiencing homelessness for the first time might include residents who moved to D.C. while already experiencing homelessness, in addition to those who were already D.C. residents.
The population of people who are experiencing homelessness is also skewing younger than in previous years, and there’s a higher prevalence this year of substance use. [MORE]
All photos above are the exclusive property of the undeceiver, Vincent Brown