Is it MAGA Republicans or Mostly White Liberal Landlords Evicting Mostly Black Tenants Into the Streets? Evictions Soar in CA, Elsewhere. Media Pretends Unknown Forces Cause Black/Latino Homelessness
/From [HERE] Eviction cases soared across California in the year after the last portion of a statewide moratorium lapsed, a CalMatters analysis of court data shows.
The elevated numbers — in some places beyond pre-pandemic levels — show a significant portion of renters remain at risk of losing their homes, despite the state’s rollout of a $5 billion rent relief program during the pandemic and a yearslong pause on many eviction cases that many landlords have said disrupted their businesses and income. A nationwide study published this year found increases in eviction filings are associated with slight upticks in the population of homeless people living in shelters.
The statewide moratorium was extended until June 2022 for those who had applied for rental assistance by March, barring evictions in cases where tenants had not paid rent and said they couldn’t because of financial hardship wrought by the pandemic. The law didn’t stop evictions completely — thousands were still locked out under various exceptions — but it dropped cases to record lows. After it ended, a patchwork of local protections for tenants kicked in for cities that had passed their own eviction limits, which then phased out later in 2022 or earlier this year. [MORE]
LIBERALS LOVE TO DECEIVE BLACK PEOPLE INTO BELIEVING THEY LIVE IN RACIST FREE ENVIRONMENTS IN THEIR LIBERAL CITIES (SUCH AS SEATTLE, PORTLAND, SF, DC, NYC, CHICAGO, ATLANTA, ST. LOUIS, LA, ETC.). THEY ALSO PURPOSEFULLY CONFUSE RACISM WITH BIGOTRY AND OTHER FORMS OF BAD SPEECH/DISRESPECT. WHITE LIBERAL CITIES ARE PLACES OVERWHELMINGLY “run and controlled by elite white liberals” -WHICH HAS nothing to do with the number of ELECTED Black puppeticians or APPOINTED BLACK rolebots in a given jurisdiction. Rather, in all liberal jurisdictions where Blacks reside, elite whites control and own all major resources (such as banks, local mainstream media, major real estate, utilities, large corporations and businesses, major industry, major non-profits, unions, hospitals, etc) and anything else of SUBSTANTIAL material value. In such places wealthy racist suspects function as the major decision makers in regards to what happens or does not happen to non-white people, particularly Blacks and Latinos.
Neely Fuller accurately explains, ‘the system of racism white supremacy is a socio-economic material system dominated by wealthy, powerful racists’ - not a system of mere bigotry dominated by hateful OR MEAN bigots. In general, in their direct or indirect relations with white liberals, most Black people function as their employees, WORKERS, consumers, helpers, SERVANTS, tenants, patients, clients and customers. RACISTS DOMINATE NON-WHITE PEOPLE - NOT MERELY HATE ON THEM. MASTER-SERVANT RELATIONS ARE THE gravamen of racism white supremacy- NOT MERE HATRED
If liberal jurisdictions are basically ‘racist free’ then who has crammed the jails with Blacks in NYC, Milwaukee, Chicago, Columbus, Minnesota, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Oakland, Atlanta, Kansas City, St. Louis, Detroit, New Orleans and others? Who maintains the jails in reprehensible conditions in LA, DC, Atlanta and NYC? IS IT MEAN MAGA FOLKS OR POLITE, COURTEOUS LIBERALS???? Who has stuffed a backlog of criminal cases and crowded courtrooms with Blacks in these places? Who is striking Blacks from juries on a daily basis? Who is evicting Black tenants from their homes for failure to pay rent, even during the government’s mindless COVID lockdowns? Who is providing a servant (mis)education to black children in its poverty schools? Who is running their public fool systems? Who is gentrifying neighborhoods, dislocating Black families, businesses and making thousands of black people homeless in these cities? Who is failing to protect law abiding black people in their segregated communities while simultaneously preventing them from arming themselves in self-defense from criminals? Who is it in charge of the police officers surveilling, stopping, frisking, and searching law abiding Blacks at will on a daily basis? Whose police officers frequently brutalize and murder blacks with impunity? [MORE]
The Packard Motors plant looks as if a wrecking ball has swung through the top floors, but the building has just been left to collapse. SIMILARLY, THIS ONCE BEAUTIFUL BUILDING IN A BALTIMORE HOOD LOOKS LIKE IT HAS BEEN NEGLECTED BY THE COMMUNITY BUT ACTUALLY IT WAS ABANDONED BY ITS WHITE OWNERS IN SAID LIBERAL CITY. [MORE] MOST PROPERTY IS OWNED BY WHITE FOLKS IN SAID PLACES run and controlled by white liberals. Whatever happened or did not happen in Detroit OR B-MORE is the result of ELITE white supremacist/racist lIBERALS; as they control everything in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war) IN SAID PLACES.
When you move people around you destabilize them. Gentrification or "Racial Dislocation" is an Integral, Ongoing Part of THE REFINEMENT OF THE SYSTEM OF White Supremacy.' - Neely Fuller