Mutombo Dead from Tumor. Tricked by Gov Liars Into Taking COVID Shot and Spreading Myth-Information on Deadly Injections. Coincidence Theorists call Silence on Mounting Deaths 'Respect for the Family'

PROLIFIC SHOT BLOCKER CAN’T DODGE THE MRNA DEATH SHOT. Dikembe Mutombo has died at 58, the NBA announced on Monday. The cause of death was brain cancer. [MORE] On Oct 15, 2022 ESPN reported that Mutombo began receiving treatment for a brain tumor.

Ironically, Dikembe helped to propagandize deadly COVID shots by spreading unscientific nonsense and myth information. [MORE] and [MORE] and [MORE] Similar to “Race,” COVID Shots are a Leading Cause of Millions of Coincidences. Racists and synchronized, obedient Defenders of Genocidal, Coerced Shots Dogmatically Disagree.

According to FUNKTIONARY,

coincidence theories – the naïve belief that problems (and solutions to them) happen spontaneously, that nothing is ever foreseen, plotted, planned or conspired through collusion by the wealthy and powerful. (See: Pathocracy, Fronts, Predictive Programming, Conspiracy Theories, Laws, Technetronic Age, WARS & Council on Foreign Relations).

According to Dr. Michael Palmer and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi:

Are mRNA vaccines dangerous in principle, or is the observed harm accidental?

The facts presented in this book will make it clear that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have done very significant harm. We might wonder whether this damage was caused by these vaccines working as intended, or rather by undeclared ingredients or contaminants. This question cannot be dismissed out of hand. Several kinds of contaminations have been clearly documented; and furthermore, there is an unusually large spread in the rate of adverse events between batches of the same COVID-19 vaccines, which indicates at the very least that these were not manufactured to consistent standards (see Section 5.4). Each of these factors may potentially influence toxicity. However, we will make the case that most of the observed severe harm is best understood in terms of these vaccines doing what they are designed to do; the harm is not accidental but rather built into the mRNA technology.

1.2 COVID-19 vaccines were never about your health

The official story of the COVID-19 “pandemic” is a staggering concoction of unscientific nonsense and outright lies [2]. This started already with the tales about the allegedly natural origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which became untenable as soon as Chinese virologist Li-Meng Yan and her colleagues published their detailed analysis of the viral genome, revealing unambiguous traces of laboratory manipulation [3, 4]. While we still don’t know for certain who was or was not involved in the creation of this chimeric virus, this question is not really crucial: the absurd and predictably harmful “response measures”, which were imposed swiftly and in lock-step by the WHO and by most national governments of the world, revealed clearly and early on that the virus and these measures were part of the same agenda. Already in early 2020, Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret, in their book COVID-19: The Great Reset [5], spelled it out for us:

The worldwide crisis triggered by the coronavirus pandemic . . . is bringing economic disruption of monumental proportions. . . . At the time of writing (June 2020), the pandemic continues to worsen globally. Many of us are pondering when things will return to normal. The short response is: never.

The authors’ patently false claim that the “pandemic continues to worsen” as of June 2020—see for example Figure 1.1—gives the game away: Klaus Schwab and his cronies at the World Economic Forum are using COVID-19 as a cudgel to inflict upon the world their premeditated “economic disruption of monumental proportions” and to usher in their dystopian “new normal.” Early measures such as the closure of small businesses, schools, and places of worship caused grave damage to our livelihoods and our quality of life.

However, even worse was to come with the introduction of the gene- based COVID-19 vaccines. While there is now overwhelming evidence of grave injury and death due to these products (see Chapters 4 and 7), this evidence is still only slowly making its way into general awareness. A case can be made that these risks were not merely accepted but intended; the entire process of development and approval appears to have been designed to conceal the dangers and rush these harmful vaccines to market. [MORE]