Straw Boss Obama Selling FEAR and Dogma Tickets: Claims, ‘Something is Wrong with Black Men Who Don’t Support Kamala’ - a Golden Retriever in Step-N-Fetchit Servitude to Her Elite Liberal Masters


According to FUNKTIONARY:

golden retrievers – a dysphemism describing a variation of the old “Step-N-Fetchit” racist caricature to be revived (in the very near future) in a labor context vis-à-vis Afrikan-Americans and other majorities (so-called minorities).

shenanigger – a Negro (neo-lawn-jockey) who carries out Step-n-Fetchit type activities/actions (shenanigans) for the dominant immoral minority (the psychopathic white power semi-organism), i.e., the Rhodes, Rothschild Anglo-Saxon Zionist power clique, unknowingly at the expense of him/herself and knowingly at the expense (sell-out/buy-out) of his/her people and culture. (See: McNegro, Coin-Operated, The Moteasuh Tribe, Sambo & $nigger)

F.E.A.R. – False Evidence Appearing Real. 2) Forfeiture Endangers American Rights. 3) Familiar Escape Avoidance Reoccuring. 4) Fake Experienced As Real. Fear invokes our reptilian brain—fight or flight—response that leads to two possible actions: (Flight mode) – Forget Everything And Run, or (Fight mode) – Face Everything And Rise. How we respond is a choice we all have. Fear is not of the unknown, but of losing the known and one’s investment therein. Fear is often disguised as procrastination. Fear often hides behind foolishness and fear often represents the status quo. Fear plays a much larger role in our decision making than most would like to admit. There’s fear of failure, fear of being left out, fear of acceptance, fear of success, fear of being exposed, fear of being alone, fear of ego-death, fear of dying, fear of being wrong, fear of being unpopular, or just a fear of change. Fear is rampant, wears many faces and is at the bottom of many decisions that the fearful routinely make. Fear-based thoughtforms, behaviors, and thought patterns drain your energy and inhibit you from freeing, clearing, and rechanneling the requisite energy necessary to face the unknown. Fear is a formulated lie, a lopsided perception distorting, clouding or veiling the hidden implicate order and balance. We’re living in a four-lettered world—FEAR! Self-Realization neutralizes fear at its root before its permutation and permeation at the cellular level. “Conutatis Maledictis flammis acribus addictus.” “We fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them.” There’s no place to hide but there is a place we can run—follow me out of the ashes and into the Sun. (See: Acceptance, Human Beam, Wholeness, Judgment, Unknown, Light, Enlightenment, Fright, Ignorance, Pathocracy, Self-Awareness, The Past, Self- Observation, Opinion, The Crowd’s Clothes, Self-Image, Self-Importance, Deep Awake, Self-Cultivation, Shine, Resentment, Fearlessness, “Assemblage Point,” Kensei, Clarity, Death Concept, Money, Substitute Life, Unconditional Love, Self-Realization, Primordial Fear, Kenosis, The Future, Memory, Representation, Understranded & Courage)

Dogma – Am God (spelled backwards). 2) a puppy’s mother—a bitch. 3) instructions on what to believe and how to believe it. 4) truth pressed and starched to appear crisp. 5) any kind of truth that justifies the institutionalized structure of the organization. Reality isn’t wrinkle-free. Every dogma has its day—and a dogma that chases its catechism, will definitely be busy. Dogma is the edifice of ignorance (in the form of static superstitions) and bastion of banality inside your thinking apparatus and thinking process. Dogma is the expression of the belief system that must be adhered to; hatred is the enforcer. Dogma is the rulebook of the particular truth that is being enforced by hatred. The truth that is played with is the game— the rules that enforce how the game is played is the dogma. Dogma is a protector of objective truth; and truth is a prophylactic for reality. Dogma is the bug (fatal flaw) and true believers are the replicating viruses that propagate and distort the internal model of the nature of reality directly experienced within nondual consciousness. People perceive reality’s forms as direct threats on (and to) their truths because they are merely living (in truth at the mythic or rational level of consciousness) and not Alive (living God in reality) at the higher states, levels or realms of consciousness. Nondual consciousness unfolds itself the highest realization that a divine being can experience appearing-as-process in the space-time continuum. “Any time you have a doctrine where that is the truth that you assert, and that what you call the truth is unassailable, you’ve got doctrine, you’ve got dogma on your hands. And so Cosmos is…an offering of science, and a reminder that dogma does not advance science; it actually regresses it.” ~Neil DeGrassi Tyson. Dogma is the straightjacket of the spirit. Before you ever had the opportunity to even ask the question, the answer was given to you. Dogma is believing in borrowed answers to questions you never had the chance to formulate or ask. True believers are people who believe in answers without asking. Believing in borrowed answers is convenient and comfortable. Questioning is never comforting; to question one has to go within oneself. Dogma’s staying power lies in its ability to feed on any experience, digest, then defecate it while pronouncing it as a piece of duty. It secretly enriches itself on that it openly despises. A man of dogma is a dead man, and he clings to dead leaves (beliefs and scriptures) and dead ideologies. [MORE]

dogmatricks – mindgames that are played on and through one’s head by the pushers of dogma and convicts of orthotoxic religion. Convictions causes convicts, what you believe will imprison you, what you espouse will ensnare you, and what you covet will entrap you. Why allow yourself to continue being spoon-fed religion from a second-hand God instead of directly experiencing Divinity within? (See: Mindfulness, Aristotelitis, Reversion, Religion, Monothink & Centroversion)

Straw-Boss – a Sambo who is appointed a certain oversight role for the white power structure Overseer. It is the job of the Straw- Boss to establish a formal organization to effectively and systematically carry out the wishes of the racist white supremacist power matrix while serving his own personal needs and ends through patronage power. 2) a ranking Snigger. 3) Toby. 4) “Safe-House Negro.” 5) responsible (to the white racist supremacist ideology) Negro. 6) the gatekeeper for Black professional positions gained through (acquiesced to) various sexual positions. 7) Pork Chop Boy. (See: McNegro)