Study Finds that when DC Police Use Force, 94% of the Time It Involves Black People. Also, Blacks are 12X More Likely to be Killed by Cops than White People in City Controlled by Elite, White Liberals

From [HERE] Out of all use of force incidents by police in 2023, a DC government study found that 94% of all the people involved in these incidents were Black, according to a report released on Tuesday. 

This statistic from the DC Office of Police Complaints was higher than a 2022 report of use of force incidents, which showed 90% of incidents involved use of force against Black people.

Use of force can be everything from MPD officers holding down or handcuffing suspects, to police use of batons, dogs, tasers or guns. 

"Tactical takedowns were the most frequent type of force reported in 2023," the report from DC Office of Police Complaints says. "Accounting for 39% of uses of force." 

Out of the 1,142 use of force incidents in 2023, most of these incidents did not involve the use of guns. Police fired their guns at eight different people in 2023 and a total use of four dogs; killing one and all four dogs in separate incidents. 

"A total of 1,017 MPD officers reported using force in 2023," the report says. "Which is roughly 25% of all MPD officers." 

The total number of use of force incidents increased by 11% from 2022 to 2023.

Additionally, according to Mapping Police Violence Black people are 12x more likely to be killed by police than white people in DC. [MORE] Also Black people accounted for more than 70% of the people stopped by police in the city.

Another statistic found that only a quarter of the incidents where police used force involved a subject assaulting a DC police officer.

These numbers are vastly disproportionate from the population of Black people or African Americans who live in Washington, D.C. According to the 2020 U.S. Census, Black people make up 44.4% of the population of D.C.

DC is a city controlled by elite, white liberals. That is, elite white liberals control and own all major resources (such as banks, local mainstream media, major real estate, ports, utilities, large corporations and businesses, all major industry, major non-profits, unions, hospitals, etc) and own most major real estate and anything else of substantial material value. [MORE]

According to the DC Office of Police Complaints' report, 45% of the officers who reported using force were Black. 52% of the department is Black. (Black cops brutalize and harm black people at a rate nearly equal to white cops. “There Is Now A Large Body Of Evidence Measuring Whether The Race Of The Individual Officers Affects Their Use Of Force. Most Studies Show No Effect. More Distressingly, A Few Indicate That Black Officers Are More Likely To Use Force Or Make Arrests, Especially Of Black Civilians.” [MORE]