Elite Liberals Beg Blacks to Vote in Detroit but Voting for Dems Over the Past 50 Yrs has been a Disaster: 30% Below Poverty, 38% in Poor Jobs, Child Illiteracy High, Jail 90% Black in Unsafe City
/The Packard Motors plant looks as if a wrecking ball has swung through the top floors, but the building has just been left to collapse. Whatever happened or did not happen in Detroit ain regard to black people is the result of white supremacists/racists; as they control everything in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war) in DETROIT AND IN OTHER METRO AREAS WHERE MOST BLACKS LIVE.
ELITE WHITES vs DETROIT. Harris tells Black congregants in Detroit church to 'turn the page on hate.' Is it hatred or domination by elite white liberals that has caused and is causing 2nd class citizenship for Black people in Detroit? The lathered up white liberal media goes on selling its puppetician Kamala in spite of her obvious failures of advancing the interests of Black communities and vacant history of even attempting to do so. According to their “clogic” and campaign presentation of Kamala, her chromosomes and her grimacing presence alone are an achievement to be vicariously celebrated and “felt” by sleeping toms and the Black community as a whole. Who needs results or a”black ideology” or “black politics?”
D-Town is a city controlled by elite, white liberals. [MORE] In all liberal jurisdictions where blacks reside, regardless of the number of Black elected officials, elite whites control and own all major resources (such as banks, local mainstream media, major real estate, ports, utilities, large corporations and businesses, all major industry, major non-profits, unions, hospitals, etc) and own most major real estate, City bonds and anything else of substantial material value and they substantially fund most political campaigns.
Neely Fuller explains, ‘in a socio-material system dominated by wealthy, powerful racists, all major decisions involving non-white people are made by elite racists. In such places elite white liberals function as the major decision makers in regards to what happens or does not happen to non-white people, particularly Blacks and Latinos.’ Elite whites are their employers, landlords, creditors, land owners, supervisors, bosses and major decision-makers. Fuller states, ‘Whatever a Black person gets, and/or is allowed to keep, is the result of decisions made by elite racist suspects. This is the functional meaning of White Supremacy (Racism) that many Black people prefer not to acknowledge.’ [MORE] Thus, in their direct or indirect relations with elite white liberals, most black people function as their employees, workers, consumers, helpers, servants, tenants, patients, clients, customers, etc.
At this point in history, no one can make a rational argument that Black people have tangibly or materially benefited from voting or paying taxes in most of the metro areas and urban cities where the majority of the Black population resides in the US. This includes Detroit. The following is part of mounting evidence that voting for elite liberals, their grimacing remote controlled Black rolebots and supporting their causes has been a complete disaster for Blacks. Elite liberals and their Black probots loudly and dogmatically claim that voting for them will solve most of their problems. However, the quality of Black citizenship stays low where the majority of Blacks live and it does so despite high turnout (in Detroit) by the black votary for many, many years.
WHAT’S LEFT OF The Packard Motors plant ON 5555 Concord Ave IN DETROIT - PHOTO FROM GOOGLE MAPS 2022
The overwhelming majority of children in the Detroit public school system are Black. A 136-page class action lawsuit provided details about the public education imposed onto Black children in Detroit;
“the schools are schools in name only, characterized by slum-like conditions and lacking the most basic educational opportunities that children elsewhere in Michigan and throughout the nation take for granted. Plaintiffs sit in classrooms where not even the pretense of education takes place, in schools that are functionally incapable of delivering access to literacy. This abject failure makes it nearly impossible for young people to attain the level of literacy necessary to function—much less thrive—in higher education, the workforce, and the activities of democratic citizenship. The abysmal conditions and appalling outcomes in Plaintiffs’ schools are unprecedented. And they would be unthinkable in schools serving predominantly white, affluent student populations. In short, the schooling afforded to Plaintiffs is both separate and unequal.” [MORE]
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit ruled that authorities had been so negligent toward the educational needs of Detroit students that children had been “deprived of access to literacy.” [MORE]
The complaint states, “Achievement data reveal that in Plaintiffs’ schools, illiteracy is the norm. Many students in Plaintiffs’ schools cannot read, write, or comprehend at a grade-appropriate level. These students struggle to write proper paragraphs or even complete sentences, let alone essays or narratives. And because the rest of the curriculum assumes a level of literacy that the students do not attain, they are also unable to learn State-mandated content in all other subject areas.”
It states, “Plaintiffs’ schools have failed them at every stage of the educational system. In the primary grades, Plaintiffs’ elementary schools—Hamilton and Experiencia—have failed to deliver access to the foundational literacy skills of letter- and word-recognition and phonetics. For example, in the third grade at Hamilton, only 4.2% of students scored proficient or above on the State of Michigan’s 2015-16 English assessment test, compared with 46.0% of third-grade students statewide. In practice, this means that many students have a vocabulary of only a couple hundred words. Some students cannot even sound out letters.” [MORE]
*In 2022, Asian adults in the Detroit Region were most likely to hold a bachelor’s degree or higher among all racial and ethnic groups at 66.2% and outperformed the national average.
*The share of Black or African American adults reflected the lowest educational attainment (19.1%)—far below the Detroit Region’s rate of 34.5%. [MORE]
*17%: percentage of Detroit residents aged 25-34 who hold a bachelor’s degree, compared to 35% nationally
* 68%: percentage of students considered chronically absent - missing at least 10% of classes - in the Detroit Public Schools Community District during the 2022-2023 school year [MORE]
Detroit remains one of the most segregated cities in the country. Additionally, significant racial disparities remain in owning homes, residing in owner-occupied homes, and furthermore with living in middle class neighborhoods.
• Detroit is the most segregated city in the country, with more than half the Black population living in neighborhoods that are 80% Black.
• As of 2016, 77% of White families in Michigan owned their own homes, compared to 40% of Black families, 55% of Hispanic/Latino families, 56% of Native American families, and 55% of Asian American families.
• Only 47 percent of Black households, 58 percent of Other/mixed race households, 60 percent of Latino households, and 64 percent of Asian households are owner occupied compared to 80 percent of White households. [MORE]
Income and wealth shows some of the most significant racial and ethnic disparities in Detroit, with gaps showing in income, rates of working poverty, and net worth. A disproportionate amount of income disparities are attributed to employment gaps, compared to the national average.
• Detroit has the highest percentage of lower-income residents (with incomes under $25,000) and the lowest percentage of high-income residents (income greater than $150,000).
• Latinos have the highest rate of working poverty, at 9.9 percent, and Arab Americans and Blacks also have working poverty rates that are well above average (8.6 percent and 6.4 percent, respectively). Whites have the lowest rate of working poverty at about 2 percent.
• The median net worth of White households in Michigan was $91,000, compared to only $4,000 for households of color, a gap of $87,000.
• COVID-19: The median net worth of African American families is $17,600, compared with $171,000 for White families, and a White family is likely to have $10 for every $1 an African American family has. Approximately 73% of African Americans and 70% of Hispanics/Latinos, compared with 47% of Whites, report that they do not have emergency funds to cover three months of expenses, leaving them especially vulnerable to economic downturns, such as the current COVID-19 crisis. [MORE]
31.5% of the population for whom poverty status is determined in Detroit, MI (197k out of 626k people) live below the poverty line, a number that is higher than the national average of 12.5%. The largest demographic living in poverty are Females 25 - 34, followed by Females 35 - 44 and then Females 55 - 64.
The most common racial or ethnic group living below the poverty line in Detroit, MI is Black, followed by White and Hispanic. [MORE]
Differences in employment are seen in wages, income gaps, and unemployment rates. Entrepreneurship rates are believed to be similar, though the success of businesses owned by people of color differ significantly on size, profitability, and early survival rates.
• African Americans consistently have higher unemployment and lower wages compared with their White counterparts. For African Americans without a high school diploma, their unemployment rate is 41 percent compared to 23 percent for Whites.
• Nationally, 34 percent of the racial income gap is due to differences in employment. In the Detroit region, the share of the gap attributable to employment is even higher, at 58 percent. [MORE]
Liberal prosecutors and their police keep the crowded Jail population in Detroit at 90% Black [MORE] Detroit Police Department is considered one of the deadliest police forces in the United States, with officers disproportionately murdering unarmed, Black civilians. [MORE]