Dr Umar: 'CoinOperated MassaBators who Tried to Destroy Kyrie Irving Failed. SNiggers Charles Barkley and Stephen A Smith, Vaginal McNegro Michael Wilbon and Halfrocentric SNAG Broussard are Traitors'


According to FUNKTIONARY:

blackstabbers – flunkey buck-dancing and sniggering Negroes who multiply their trinkets by carrying out division amongst their own people. Blackstabbers typically come in the form of “trusted” friends who work as spies and agent provocateurs for the FBI. Blackstabbers were bountiful during the FBI’s COINTELPROgram. FBI’s domestic spying budget has increased and so have the bucket-mouth Negro flunkeys and Snigger operatives. The names and dirty deeds of Blackstabbers and their families will be enshrined, dishonored and disgraced (posthumously and currently) in the soon-to-be erected African-American Hall of Shame. The website will have pictures, linking evidence and biographies. Sing!! “They smile in your face—plotting to turn on their race—the blackstabbers.” With credits and apologies to the good O’Jays. (See: Sniggers, Coin-Operated, Sambo, Black Flask Brigade, UNCLE TOM & Piece-Activist)

auto-coon – (noun) a cookie-cutter rapper/entertainer that sells his/her community and dignity out to profit from ignorance. Auto-coons are typically produced in great numbers by major recording labels and corporate media. (Verb) –to fall back on the gimmicks, buffoonery, and swagger-jacking to sell records due to lack of intelligence, real talent, and creativity.

$nigger – a sold-out snitching-smiling Sambo-Negro. 2) a South-Bender offender. $niggers smile for nothing except an empty mind while selling-out their own kind. They typically have an intellectual base yet are devoid of intelligence, thus promoting the on-going smiling face. They also often giggle and have a frivolous conception of society and scant knowledge of the vestiges of the trans-Atlantic slave trade that even brought their sorry-ass selves to shore. $niggers are traitors and pawns of the downpressors. Watch the company you keep! $niggers like famed Civil Rights era photographer Ernest Withers, an FBI informant, who “shot” (photographed) Dr. Martin Luther King before providing the FBI with critical details about where King was staying and information on his meeting with black militants on April 3, 1968—the day before they (FBI government operatives, informants, Memphis police, and/or their unsuspecting patsy) shot him dead in Memphis. Withers provided the information that “no one but the perpetrator could have known” conclusive evidence that the government was behind and the “front” for the assassination. Don’t cross-over unless you are ready to bend-over! $niggers get stitches—and word is bond(age). We need a “$nigger Hall of Shame” established for traitors to freedom, self-determination, and justice and then include the informant who will run and snitch to the master downpressors even about this initiative as well. Never forget, every brother ain’t a brother—some of them are paid undercover. “Whoever thought that hip-hop would be down and in bed with the feds? Hoover Music!” ~Public Enemy. He ain’t heavy—he’s a $nigger! (See: Straw Boss, Sambo, Black Flask Brigade, FBI, FOIA, Coin-Operated, SNAGs, Infiltraitor, Hoover Music, Snitchcraft & Criss-Crossover)

SNAGs – $nitch-ass Negroes Aiding Governments. 2) COINTEL-BROs. 3) Smile Negro And Grin—while I put it in. SNAGs are coin-operated piece-activist sniggering infiltraitors from the native Black American community. SNAGs are on the stroll, exacting Black life as the toll, while klandestinely on the rogue “government” payroll. Dumb-ditty dumb where the hell do these sorry-ass sellout Negroes come from? When you see them, go and give them some—or at least a piece of your mind. It’s easy to heckle and hyde, but why do we seem to always let self-hating sucker-perpetrating Negroes electric slide? SNAGs are Negroes who run from the fabric, the very essence of their Afrikan heritage struggle, culture and consciousness, and run to support the psychopathological dominant minority elite European global racist-supremacist mindset and Agenda along with its narcissistic projections and population control objectives (genocide and eugenics). [MORE]

Halfrocentric – a brother who is Afrocentric in fashion and rhetoric but not in action and consciousness. He reads, and can even quote, Ellison’s “Invisible Man” but will show up at a Republican $1,000 plate benefit for the already well-to-do.