Do Dolly Want a Cracker? Anything that Challenges the Autofficial Version of Events is a Conspiracy to the Wall Street Journal, who Probotically Parrot Whatever Government or Police Say as Truth

Today the Wall Street Journal explained to their elite, rich readership that “years of public tumult and low public trust have left many in the US questioning the official version of events.” Rest assured none of their journalists (aka “Yes Men” and “Yes Women”) would ever dare do such a thing as to challenge the competency or motives of authorities. Facts tending to show that Secret Service and police were knowledgeable of the Trump shooter’s presence surely must be false if the authorities said so. Questions about whether a second or third shooter were involved are apparently unreasonable to the elites in the Dependent Media who are engaged in the business of reality concealment.

Besides, who needs first hand witness accounts, corroboration of details and independent expert evaluation of facts when journalists can just parrot summarized hearsay information recited by cops from unstated, unknown and thus invisible sources of information who cannot be publicly evaluated (demeanor, tone of voice, appearance, etc) for their credibility. Similarly, also in regard to false flag operations, who needs to see a contested trial to determine the facts when the media can present mere allegations, emotional accounts and then a gift wrapped plea agreement accepted by the court or a default judgment as a substitute account for reality?


Great Fraud – the Social Lie, i.e. to know that the official version of anything is most likely false and that all authority is based on canorous fraud—camouflaged in symbolaeography. (See: Fraud, Symbolaeography, Law & Real Tax)

phallacies – prevailing assumptions. 2) statist and authoritarian dribble. 3) the official legend. 4) the autofficial version.

journalism – the sciolistic and scribblative writing profession of scripturient cynics, critics or otherwise otiose ‘yes-men’. “Please forgive us our press passes as we forgive those who press pass against us.” ~The Book of Negroes 6:9. Journalists, historically speaking, have been the bagmen for the authoritative regimes in power and serve mostly as their lap-dogs.

Sojournalists – those who become acutely aware of the social funktion of their profession and with a raised consciousness on one hand and a pen in another, dearly depart from recreating and regurgitating (soft-spinning) the unnecessary illusions of our day-today lives into a totally opposite direction of exposing those very same illusions and the sources from which they are projected. Sojournalists have come to overstand that without meaningful lives, moral, ethical, ontological or existential purpose is not just invalid, but also meaningless. (See: NEWS, Corporate State, MEDIA & Have-Nots)

Dependent Media – Establishment (dependent) media is both unwilling and incapable of reporting events truthfully, accurately, or without extreme bias. News coverage is just that—covering-up-(masking) and distorting the events and those wielding the power behind the events (those reported and deliberately unreported). News coverage has simply become “disinfotainment” with the sole purpose of perception and knowledge containment as well as reality concealment. You report in the interests of those who paying you to do so. (See: MEDIA, NBC & NEWS)

Probot – a propagandizing programmed robot. A representative from an organization, agency or institution, especially the Internal Revenue Service, Pentagon, State Department, or Blight House, whose assignment is to make prepared statements and answer “cooked” (prepared) questions at news conferences, briefings and the like. A probot is a proxymoron who conveys programmed disinformation in computerized language and bureaucratese jargon. A probot is one who disseminates lies, distortions and convenient mass truths composed by a superior overruling elite. (See: Proxymoron)

Social reality – perception and worldview created, constituted, propagandized, recognized, manipulated and celebrated by, with and through mass media. What we take as (or for) truth is fragmentary and subject to shatter (if not scatter) because reality is uncontrollably an “iffy” matter. With uncertainty as one of the foundational features of reality, coupled with our experienceextending imaginations and expectation-adjusting minds impinging on our fantasies, the social realities we collectively construct in each other’s heads (conscious and subconscious) are like constantly-shifting kaleidoscopic view that if taken seriously, would call into question or call us to ask the question, “how much make-believe are you led to believe is necessary to fantisize your reality?” (See: Perception, Observation, Quantum Reality & Worldview)