Affirmative Auction Demockery: Elites Void Primary [s]Election and Impose Kamala Onto Dumbocratic Voters, as The Golden Retriever Replaces Corpse Biden in Last Minute SNigger Rebate, Bait and Switch


Democratic primary voters cast millions of votes for Joe Biden as their choice. Getting rid of CORPSE JOE effectively nullifies the will of those voters—an outcome that no one can seriously regard as democratic.

There is also something unworthy of democracy in the argument that is being put forward for pushing President Biden out of the race. The Democrats who want him to leave have all said something like this: Biden has been a great president and had a very successful administration, but he needs to get out now because he is about to be beaten in a landslide. This claim is so ridiculous as to amount to a fraud on the public. The American voters who turn the outcomes of national elections are pragmatists. If they thought the present administration were a success, Biden would be cruising to victory now. Such voters would think: “He may be a bit diminished, but he must know how to manage his team, because the country is doing so well.”

The truth is, Biden was doing poorly even before the June debate precisely because many Americans are not satisfied with the results of his administration. What the Democrats are now attempting, then, is a last-minute switch to evade responsibility for the administration that they elected and supported for the last three and a half years. They are trying to hang on to power by a desperate trickery that insults the voters’ intelligence and tries to deprive them of their right to hold this administration to account electorally. “[MORE]

According to FUNKTIONARY:

golden retrievers – a dysphemism describing a variation of the old “Step-N-Fetchit” racist caricature to be revived (in the very near future) in a labor context vis-à-vis Afrikan-Americans and other majorities (so-called minorities).

Affirmative auction – $N1gg3rs on the block doing the moneywalk—Negroes up for sale—totally Souled-Out of their minds. Your brain must be clean because it has been truly whitewashed. “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” ~Martin L. King, Jr. (See: Black Conservative, Coin-Operated & Sambo)

demockery – a spectacle of the true nature of democracy. What each political party (the jackass and the elephant) wants is not justice but its own idea of what is just (for themselves and their special interests). “We the people have no say, our duty is to obey and pay for lavish lifestyle of our betters, politicos, bankers and men of letters who talk down to us as though to fools, the working stiff, taxable mules. With intent to confuse the dumbed-down herd, economics, science presented by some nerd, with confident arrogance, talk not plain, why attempt with animals to explain the higher thoughts of lofty mind to junk-gene people left behind. For government you’ll fight, be taxed, labour, next election you’re supplied (again) with another savior.” ~ Alan Watt. (See: Government, Justice, Predictive Programming, Equality, Elections, Voting, Politics, Holodeck Court, Ideology, Collective Delusions, Taxtortion, Slavery, Political Money, Freedom, Control & Violence)

Elections – the tricks of the Elect; the advanced auction of stolen goods. 2) rituals where periodically citizen-subjects are called upon to “participate” in the staged-hoax ratification of one group of state managers or another, which provides the comforting illusion of “democracy” where none exists. 3) Dumbocracy in action; stage prop to enable the puppeteer and his puppeticians to pull the strings of you and me. 4) show and shell games. 5) the orchestration and preservation of the illusion of choice and open competition. Elections merely determine how you will get screwed, i.e., either with a Democratic Phillips or with a Republican Flathead. Stop repeat offenders—don’t re-elect them! . . .You are electing those who have been selected for you far in advance and without your input. You choose but they cannot lose when you have no say in who is chosen to come out to play their prime-time gameshow called electoral politics where you “get in” to win, not win to get in (office). Elections are always an attempt to stymie cognitive dissidents’ (the unlearner and the natural man) and the working poor’s struggles, to silence legitimate outrage at psychological, social, judicial, and economic oppression and demands of self-determination. Those that “get in” long before they are chosen by the Elect (the ruling elite) are groomed and tested for their loyalty to the dominant minority ruling class over the interests of the individual or the commoners as we are referred to when in a more jovial mood. Money only makes you eligible, power determines if you’re suited to do their bidding and act as a distraction (sideshow) away from the shadow or parallel government where the Agenda of the Pathocracy gets executed while the Punch and Judy show of sham participatory democracy (three-ring media circus) plays out as a daily dose of entertainment for the clueless, conditioned and apathetic masses (the voting public, i.e. citizens of the United States). [MORE]