Advocates Condemn SNigger Steve Harvey for saying ‘Blacks Should Expect Nothing for Their Vote.’ But They Already Don't. "Black Politics" is Now Meaningless. It Means, ‘Not Republican,’ What else?

Apparently Black people and others are supposed to be so terrified of Donald Trump that they should expect nothing for their vote – just defeating him in and of itself will benefit Black people, anything else is just extra. Dumbocrats are fucking clowns. But Black people are clowning themselves, complicit in their own condition for uncritically believing whatever elite white liberals tell them to believe. Dr. Amos Wilson explained, ‘People who are dominated by another people through ideas cannot possibly have any meaningful political philosophy, real leaders or any non-superficial culture. The only philosphy or theory such a dominated people could have would be one that enables the other group to dominate.’

Digressing to momentarily indulge white liberals in their Trump fear obsession, how exactly can the executive “destroy a democracy?” Lathered up liberals literally claim this would happen under another Trump presidency. Yet how is this so? (assuming arguendo there is a “democracy” in the first place and that it is a good thing) There is no special executive power that allows the president to shut down courts or the Congress. There is no Constitutional reset button a president can hit to close state governments. In other words such fears are irrational and factually unsupported. Much of their whining about Trump amounts to grievances and constant name calling. Additionally, through its “single source propaganda” elite white liberals and their media dogmatically claim Trump is racist. Yet what do elite white liberals mean when they say something is racist or racism? They certainly don’t mean racism white supremacy. Remarkably, elite racist suspect liberals have tricked Black people into believing the system of racism white supremacy is a system of bigotry or unchecked mean words, name calling and disrespect. That is, to elite white liberals racism isn’t actual harmful and conspiratorial team conduct to dominate Black people: (firing and not-hiring Blacks, forcing them into Mcjobs or transient inadequate housing, evicting Blacks, making them homeless, denying bank and mortgage loans, denying proper health care, causing poverty, inadequate public assistance, welfare dependency, mass surveilling of blacks, mass stopping, searching, arresting and prosecuting Blacks, mass incarceration of Blacks, failing to protect Black people in unsafe neighborhoods, preventing law abiding blacks from defending themselves, providing black children miseducation/servant education, failing to educate them, misrule of the administration of justice, frivolous government services etc, and all the many other problems caused by the system of racism white supremacy and authority), rather, racism according to elite white liberals, is merely speaking bad words, expressing hate, being rude and articulating bad thoughts about Blacks. They have weaponized the terms “racist” and “racism” for their own political purposes. As a result, deceived, gullible Blacks seek to elect friendly looking, polite masters who are politically correct to “do the right thing.” With such a profound misunderstanding about racism, sleeping Toms enthusiastically seek to solve the wrong “problems” or perhaps the majority (like Steve Harvey) perceive their domination by whites in all areas of people activity as the normal state of play for an inherently inferior people (Black believers in racism white supremacy).

The above is in no way intended as an endorsement of the Republican party. Republicans who are racist are indeed also enemies of Black people. But Blacks are their own enemy if they uncritically believe that Democrats don’t also function as a “white party” and racist liberals aren’t presently strangling them to death while making it appear like they are dying from natural causes. BW is also not saying both sides are the same so nothing matters- that is bullshit too (yes anarchists, prison conditions matter). For instance, in NYC, DC, Chicago, LA, Detroit, Baltimore and many, many other places where the majority of Black people live, is it white MAGA republicans or elite white liberals who are cramming them into reprehensible jails, failing to teach their children how to read and count, failing to protect them in dangerous cities, searching their MF clothes and their cars as they go about their business, overcharging them with crimes, evicting them into the street in mass numbers and preventing them from defending themselves, etc? Like a salmon and a bear, elite white liberals aren’t the allies of Blacks.


BARK AND CLAP BLACK POLITRICKS. Black people, once envied and imitated by people seeking freedom throughout the world are now demobilized and have no effective political organizations, no real leaders and “black politics” is literally void of any actual substance. “Blackness” and “black politics” has come to mean ‘not Republican’ and not much else. Black politics has gone from being aggressively results oriented and highly organized to being tame activity channelled into voting for the Democratic Party and its grimacing white liberal and black borg candidates. In their relations with Democrats Black voters (sleeping toms) function like trained seals or dogs that “bark and clap” at election time and then shut-up afterwards. Norman Kelly called this phenomenon “bark and clap politics.” [MORE]

Dumbocrats in turn have no messaging or organizing aimed at black people. Norman Kelly explained Democrats essentially offer no substantial policy initiatives that benefit African-Americans and “No real agenda drives politics beyond having the Democratic candidate show up.” ‘Democrats don’t stand for anything in regard to Blacks (except, of course, for their right to vote for democrats); black people are voting against republicans but not for Democrats.’ Similarly, Robert Smith observed ‘that what is striking about any so-called ‘black agenda’ from Democrats is that its not really black. That is, relatively few items are race specific.’ Kelley also explained, ‘Democrats offer only boilerplate liberalism and no legislative initiative. And why would they need one? Democrats know they will suffer no sanctions from disgruntled and politically emasculated blacks.’

Dumbocrats push so-called ‘climate change,’ on demand aborticide, genderplex confusion and sex politics, forced experimental and deadly “vaccines” and their irrational Donald Trump obsession onto Black people, as if this ad-hoc collection of issues will solve the myriad of problems plaguing Black people and their communities. Elite whites and their McNegro media probots are quick to remind anyone that “Black voters are not a monolith, and their attitudes differ based on upbringing, geography and other factors.” Such an overstatement purposefully misses the point. Black people are not white people – and white liberals are not subjected to the system of racism white supremacy. White liberals’ menu of political concerns and grievances have little to do with the realities of daily life that Black people face. [MORE] Democrats have no messaging or explanation to account for the existence of racism white supremacy. To the contrary, racist suspect liberals have deceived Black people into believing the system of racism white supremacy is a system of bigotry, unchecked mean words, name calling and disrespect. As if slavery or jim crow were primarily about hatred and bad words as opposed to total domination and vast unequal power and control in a white over Black political system. [MORE]