No Meaningful Right to be Heard or Seen at Dumbocrat Convention: Israel Protestors Get Silenced by FreeDumb Lovers Barking and Clapping for Order, Obedience, Conformity and Genocide [Totalitarianism]

There is a Never a Meaningful Right to be Heard in the Presence of FreeDumb. According to FUNKTIONARY

PropaGandhi – passive social non-resistance propaganda. 2) obedience-based servitude to the enforcers of granfalloons uncommonly known as Corporate States and any other group-entities. Mahatma Gandhi mostly walked barefoot which produced calluses on his feet. He also had a very weird diet sprinkled with bouts of fasting which made him rather frail and suffer intermittently from halitosis—this made him… “A super callused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.” (See: Poser, Class, Mass, Racism White Supremacy, Gun Control & Caste)

totalitarian Patriotism – terrified silence created through the suppression of principled cognitive dissent under the First Amendment and the Declaration of Independence. 2) allowing the officers of so-called “government” to become free from the limits of law. “Criticism of the federal government’s anti-terrorism policies is nothing less than treason.” ~US Attorney General “Jailin’” John Ashcroft, December 6, 2001 remarks at Senate Judiciary Committee. “Either you’re with me or you’re with the terrorists.” ~Curious George Custard Dubya Bush. “If you say the government is in a conspiracy to take your freedom away, you’re wrong…There’s nothing patriotic about hating you’re government or pretending you can hate your government but love your country.” ~Bill ‘$lick-Willy-Style’ Clinton, (husband of future president Hillary Rob’em Clinton), statements made during 1995 Commencement Address delivered shortly after the inside-job Oklahoma City Bombing. These statements are the language of totalitarianism. Totalitarian Patriotism is a goose step in the wrong direction. The plot thickens as it sickens! (See: American Protective League, Fascism & Cooperative Federalism)

freedumb – the state of unrecognized psychological captivity (brain hemispheric hostage) that sheeple remain in because they don’t speak the language of reality nor constantly edit truth from perfecting heart to perfecting power—and when truth is spoken around them, refrain from being open, or impervious to it thus being forever chained to its distortions and limitations. 2) the mindset that proposes “since we are liberated, we are also free.” 3) the mindset that operates upon the notion that you can have individuality without accountability or responsibility. 4) the pretense that reality is truth and viceversa. People cherish unwarranted assumptions and relish their freedumb because they have been socialized into selfcensorship along with misidentification with the ego-mind—the absence of knowledge of Self. (See: Phfreedom, Truth, Unfreedom, Dumbelievers, Self, Belief Systems, Objective Truth, Individuality, Objective Reality, True Self & Reality)

Placebo Syndrome – mindless obedience, commercialism, sinsationalism and servitude to the disco-sadistic purveyors of the spanktronic Death-Force, e.g., CrimethInc., Religious Dogma, and the Corporate State (creating and operating within the zone of zero-funkativity—a metaphor for life-negating impulses, memes and actions). 2) the faceless dull sameness generated by belief, conformity, belonging and fear. The Placebo Syndrome allows / affords one theopportunity to feel the hypocrisy of being someone other than yourself, living another’s script not your own. (See: Sir Nose D’Voidoffunk)