CDC Forced to Admit It Doesn’t Collect Data on Natural Immunity to COVID

From [HERE] The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, said it has no record of an individual previously infected with COVID becoming reinfected and transmitting the virus to others.

The FOIA request, submitted Sept. 2 by attorney Aaron Siri of the Siri & Glimstad law firm on behalf of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), sought the following information:

“Documents reflecting any documented case of an individual who: (1) never received a COVID vaccine; (2) was infected with COVID once, recovered, and then later became infected again; and (3) transmitted SARS-CoV-2 to another person when reinfected.”

The CDC responded Nov. 5, stating:

“A search of our records failed to reveal any documents pertaining to your request. The CDC Emergency Operations Center (EOC) conveyed that this information is not collected.”

According to Siri, the revelation that the CDC does not collect data on people who have acquired natural immunity to the virus raises questions about vaccine mandates, specifically how the the government, or employers can mandate vaccines for people who may not need them and who could be at a greater-than-average risk of experiencing an adverse reaction to the shots.

In a blog post, Siri wrote:

“… yet the CDC is actively crushing the rights of millions of naturally immune individuals in this country if they do not get the vaccine on the assumption they can transmit the virus. But despite clear proof the vaccinated spread the virus, the CDC lifts restrictions on the vaccinated?! That is dystopian.”

Siri added:

“Every single peer reviewed study has found that the naturally immune have far greater than 99% protection from having COVID, and this immunity does not wane. In contrast, the COVID vaccine provides, at best, 95% protection and this immunity wanes rapidly. I am no mathematician, but a constant 99% seems preferable to a 95% that quickly drops.”

The response from the CDC came as part of a broader exchange between the agency and Siri’s law firm, dating back to this past summer, in which ICAN and Siri’s law firm submitted a citizen’s petition to the CDC calling for restrictions on those individuals with natural immunity to be lifted.

The COVID Tyranny Requires Accomplices [It is Blind Obedience to Corporate Elites, Their Authorities, Media and Doctors] Only Widespread Disobedience Can Stop the Slow Motion Extermination of People

According to FUNKTIONARY:

tyranny - the miscarriage of self-government. 2) the absence of ethical anarchy. In our system, tyranny must have an accomplice. The perpetrator by intent must be accommodated by the perpetrator by consent. The former initiates, the latter accommodates. Of all tyrannies, the greatest is the tyranny of the ego-mind. "If the government is allowed to place a tax on what is a natural right it can raise that tax to the point where that right has been effectively destroyed. That is tyranny."" Butcher's Union Company v. Crescent City. "No man, no group, and no nation has the right to any man's individual freedom. No matter how pure the motive, how great the emergency, how high the principle, such action is nothing but tyranny. It is never justified." -John W. Parsons. [MORE]

disobedience - thinking for oneself - deciding for oneself what to do and what not to do. 2) the refusal of services of those in power- to deny their alleged authority over you. The Beast allows you to be disobedient or ignorant but not both. Disobedience is the only crime - all others are offshoots. (See: Prometheus, Rights, Thinking, Though & Rebel).

By Peter Koenig. From [Global Research] There is so much scientific communication published on the non-mainstream media, pointing repeatedly and again and again to the absolute lack of justification for vaccinating children, for vaccinating adults, there is simply no justification for vaccination. Period. And this especially not with an experimental mRNA-genome altering injection – there is no justification for the entire criminal Covid hoax, period.

Covid’s mortality rate is about 0.07%, or less. Anything else is a lie.

The very Dr. Anthony Fauci said so in a peer-reviewed paper, New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), “Navigating the Uncharted”, March 2020.

Yet the steamroller bulldozes on, rolling over all the scientific evidence, and since the steamroller pays and corrupts the media, the media keep lying and corrupting people, and the governments keep corrupting, threatening, blackmailing, coercing certain vulnerable scientists into continuing with the lie despite their better knowledge.

Deceit-propaganda has no end with a narrative that is a total lie. The steamroller consists of the governments and their corrupted media, the entire UN system, in particular WHO and this powerful elitist cult, whose members are not be named, but are generally known.

This is all fact.

Repeating the “non-justification” over and over again — that it is unconstitutional, that it is illegal, that it is criminal, that it is against human rights, that it is not justified by any science that holds its ground – is useless. As only the converted will listen. While the steamroller doesn’t listen, rolls on, rolls over everything, over any opposing opinion, doesn’t even seek dialogue. The steamroller is right – by sheer crushing any opposition, and forcing them into tyranny.

Some may spread the truth. But we see what damage has already been done in the course of less than 2 years — millions, perhaps tens of millions have died — not from Covid, but from the poison that is called Covid vaccine. Yet, the steamroller ignores all that… never mentions this fact, just forces more and more people into getting the poison jab. And it rolls on over all the evidence, lying to you, to us, that’s what the very governments, elected and paid for by us, the people, are doing – all of them, all 193 UN member countries.

The few honest and transparent ones (most of them in Africa, one in Haiti), they were punished by death, through poison, by strangulation, by guns — they are to be deterrents for others, who may possibly want to follow in their footsteps and defy the Big Crime UN Agenda 2030.

This has to be said.

This has to be known by the people.

It’s not just a question of vaccination or not vaccination.

YOU must understand what is behind the false vaccination, to understand that it is much more than believing the governments nice-talk of protecting your health – all these governments have sold themselves to the devil, to hell, to say it bluntly, because they all know the true agenda behind this UN Agenda 2030, that started with the midnight gong of entering 1 January 2020 – not by accident. The vaxx agenda is a question of life and death.

No pandemic starts at once worldwide…. except when it had been prepared by a long hand before, through several publicly known events, but not disseminated by the bought mainstream media, such as the 2010 Rockefeller Report, Event 201 of 18 October, 2019 in NYC sponsored by the Gates Foundation, by Rockefeller funded Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and by – who else – the all-commanding NGO – the World Economic Forum, the WEF.

Believe it or not, the WEF is an NGO of the elite, of the richest of the rich, of the Wall Street heads, Corporate Heads, Hollywood Heads – and some other heads. Yes, the WEF is an NGO that orders the UN to behave and to tell lies they (the WEF) want them (Guterres and his UN clan) to tell the world, and to repeat the lies over and over again.

And the real agenda is:

1) Massive population reduction – as part of the Gates, Rockefeller, Kissinger, et al eugenist agenda. That’s their number one goal. That’s why you are not getting a true vaccine, but a killer vaccine, it undermines your immune system, it results in mortality and morbidity. Deaths and injuries may occur within 2 to 3 years, so that strong believers in the vaccine, and deniers of the truth, will never accuse the vaccine, or the vaccine manufacturers, or WHO, of your or your relative’s death – that’s part of the plan, because the consequences of the “vaxx” are multiple but some of their main characteristics are:

i) the substances in the injection attack the human reproductive systems, male and female, often by cancer, miscarriages and more;

ii) they cause blood clots – that lodge mainly in the lungs, impairing your breathing capacity, but they can and often do migrate to the heart, causing heart strokes, or heart embolies, or heart attacks, or they move to the brain, where they may cause a brain stroke, or death;

iii) they may attack — and often do — your immune system through the overproduction of Spike proteins created by the “vaccine”, so you may fall for any infectious disease, that otherwise you would have resisted by your natural immune system.

2) They convert your body through the graphene oxide in the injection into a magnetic field that will respond to 5G and soon 6G ultra-microwaves’ commands, converting your brain into a computer and converting you, Humans, into robots or Transhumans, that can be surveyed and controlled by every step “it” takes – no longer you but the transhuman. If not behaving according to orders, it, the transhuman, may also be extinguished, by remote-control.

Sounds too fantastic to be true? Read Klaus Schwab’s book, “Covid-19: The Great Reset“, and watch his 2016 interview (less than 2 min) with the Swiss French TV (see also first segment in video below), where he intimates and predicts that by about 2025 humans will be chipped, so they can receive commands from 5G / 6G waves, and, he literally adds, will become Transhumans.

3) The fabricated Covid crisis is bankrupting as many small and medium and even large enterprises as possible around the globe, creating untold unemployment and misery and leaving a stock of bankrupted assets to be transferred for a penny on the dollar – or less – to the top elite, to those who are engineering the biblical crime we are experiencing since almost two years.

This is not conspiracy, these are facts, facts which we, the People, still may stop if we wake up NOW and act in solidarity.

Getting back to the beginning, where the point is made, that it is no good to keep endlessly repeating the illegality of the “Covid measures”, the unconstitutionality of the Covid passes, or the Green Passes, or the vaxx-passes, or all that is stored in the infamous QR-code, for now on your cell phone, soon to be implanted under your skin, already predicted in 2016, by Klaus Schwab.

Repeating what those of us, who do not follow the mainstream have captured long ago, is no good, unless you also explain the whole story, namely that Covid and the vaxx hoax around it, is but an instrument for a much larger agenda, of which the number one goal is massive population reduction, and you may be part of it. Knowing what the eugenists real goal is, you might faint. Let it suffice to say that their objective is reducing the world population by considerably more than half. And that beginning by the rich western world, where most unrenewable resources are used, where most capital can be stolen and transferred to the top elitist cult-clan, so that you, surviving citizen, may be happy with a basic income, that allows you to survive.

Or, as Klaus Schwab says: “You will own nothing and be Happy.”

Unless you are aware of this entire background, not only of the unconstitutionality of the fake and deadly “vaccine”, you will just roll over in your comfort zone, letting it happen, being tyrannized, without noticing – and at the end, when it is too late, you will wake up and say “nobody told me” — exactly. Doesn’t that sound familiar?  As familiar as to almost believe that Hitler’s Nazi Germany and the ensuing WWII was just a trial run for what is unfolding in front of our eyes – as UN Agenda 2030.

Be aware. We can stop it. If we want to. We are many. They are few.

We still have 9 years to go. But once you have been jabbed – you have lost a fair amount of your capacity to resist, of your autonomy, as you may die, or become incapacitated. So, don’t get vaxxed, don’t accept tyranny, don’t accept a discriminating vaxx- certificate. Say NO – to the covid crime being committed by “our” authorities upon us, the People.

And talk to the police, the military. They should also know. Because in the end, they are sitting in the same boat as we, the People, especially since their constitutional role is defending the people, not the tyrants at the head of governments. Talk to them. Peacefully – with reason. As they are also being lied to.

Stop it NOW.

Died From or Died With COVID? Should Govts be Counting Murder, Suicide and Fatal Accidents as COVID Deaths? Investigation Reveals Purposeful Miscounts to Support a Posture Already Taken [Depopulation]

From [HERE] In this short news report from Full Measure, Sharyl Attkisson interviews the coroner from Grand County, Colorado, where a murder-suicide during Thanksgiving 2020 were recorded as two COVID-19 deaths. While outlandish, it has appeared from other reports around the country1 and statements from the Colorado governor, this practice is not uncommon.2

In the early months of 2020, many in the mainstream news media laughingly called concerns that there were more deaths reported from COVID-19 than could be attributed

to the disease a “death toll conspiracy.”3 Rolling Stone reported this was led by conservative Republicans and “anti-vaxxers” who believe the numbers were inflated.4

Yet, it was only several short months later that data confirmed what many already knew: The number of people who died “from” COVID-19 we're not the same as those who died “with” COVID-19. The differentiation is not subtle. In the rst case, individuals died from the disease.

However, in the second case, an individual may have tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 28 days but died from other health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes or end stage cancer.

Inaccurate and high false positive rates from PCR tests likely contributed to the number of individuals who died “with” COVID-19. PCR tests use something called “cycle thresholds” to look for positive cases. The higher the threshold, the greater the risk a healthy person is labeled as a COVID-19 “case.”5 In reality, PCR testing is not a proper diagnostic tool.6 Yet, it has supported the promoted narrative that the U.S. is suffering from a rising number of deaths.

Inflated COVID Death Numbers Recorded in Multiple Counties

In July 2021, Santa Clara and Alameda counties in California did an analysis of the number of people who died from COVID-19. Santa Clara found a significant discrepancy.7 The data did not change. The number of actual deaths did not change. But the authorities found 22% of the deaths recorded from COVID-19 could not be attributed to the virus.

The new numbers were generated by counting only those people whose cause of death was ‘from’ the virus. They left off the people who had tested positive at the time of death, but whose cause of death was not the result of an infection from SARS-CoV-2. In the month before, Alameda County recounted their deaths and registered a drop of roughly 25%.8

Dr. Monica Gandy is an infectious disease expert at the University of California San Francisco. She believes that it's important to have an accurate accounting of the cause of death. She spoke with a reporter from CBS KPIX San Francisco and rather optimistically believed the CDC “may soon ask all counties to do the same as Alameda and Santa Clara Counties and that the nation could also see a drop in its COVID-19 death toll.”9

In the Full Measure video above, Attkisson recounts the story from 2020 of the two deaths from gunshot wounds in Grand County, Colorado, that were recorded as COVID- 19 deaths.

The video also reveals that what was happening in Grand County was happening across the state. Dr. James Caruso, chief medical examiner and coroner for Denver, recounted hearing similar stories from coroners in rural counties where it was easier to quickly assess whether a death was from COVID. He told Attkisson:10

“I was told by some of my fellow coroners in the more rural counties in Colorado that it was happening to them, that they knew of issues where they had signed out a death certificate with perhaps trauma involved. And they were being advised that it was being counted as a COVID-related death.”

Caruso believes that early in the process at the local level, death certificates are probably completed accurately. But then, potentially at the state or federal level, there is a possibility that agencies are cross-referencing COVID tests against death certificates. Anyone who had tested positive is listed as a COVID-related death, regardless of how they died.

When Attkisson checked the tally of deaths in Grand County in July 2021, she found The New York Times had over reported the deaths, including the two gunshot wounds, one who had died outside of the county and two people who were recorded as dead but were alive.11

Merrit Linke is the chair of the Grand County Board of Commissioners. He and the other commissioners drafted and signed a letter that was sent to the governor of Colorado.

Essentially, the letter said, “Hey, these numbers are not correct. It's not right. We should report these correctly, and please x this."12

The response was appalling. Brenda Bock is the corner for Grand County, and she also signed the letter with the commissioners. She recounted her conversation with the governor of Colorado to Attkisson, saying, “He told me he didn't believe it was right, but he wasn't going to have them remove it from the count because all the other states were doing it that way so we were going to also.”13

Financial Incentives Likely Contributed to inflated Numbers

The reason other states were over reporting COVID deaths, and maybe the reason the governor of Colorado wanted to continue, were the financial incentives offered to hospitals. As early as April 2020, some health authorities were suspicious that the COVID-19 death counts were padded.

However, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the chief medical adviser to the president, brushed off those questions, even after the CDC numbers were called into question later in the year.14 A host of mainstream media also reported these suspicions were a conspiracy theory.15,16

Yet, in June 2020, nurse Erin Olszewski gave rst-hand testimony, sharing how nancial incentives were at the heart of diagnosis and mistreatment at a public hospital in Queens, New York.17 Olszewski was interviewed by The Press and the Public Project as part of the series “Perspectives on the Pandemic.” Olszewski has a long history of honorable service in the army.

She was deployed during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. “Part of her duties involved overseeing aid disbursement and improvements to hospital facilities. While in the country she received the Army Commendation Medal for meritorious service and was wounded in combat.”18 She retired in 2012 to work as a civilian nurse and continued work as a medical freedom and informed consent advocate.

According to Olszewski, patients who tested negative were routinely listed as positive and quickly placed on ventilators, a largely inappropriate treatment that ended up killing nearly all of them. By August 2020,19 then-CDC director Dr. Robert Redeld admitted financial policies may have artificially inflated hospitalization rates and death toll statistics.

In response to a question before a House panel committee asked by Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, R-Mo., about potential “perverse incentives” that hospitals might have to alter death certificates, Redeld said:20

“I think you’re correct in that we’ve seen this in other disease processes, too. Really, in the HIV epidemic, somebody may have a heart attack but also have HIV — the hospital would prefer the [classifcation] for HIV because there’s greater reimbursement.”

The Washington Examiner21 also reported that in August 2020 more than 3,000 people were removed from the death count in Texas after it was revealed they did not test positive but were only considered a probable case.

CDC Now Counting Vaccination Deaths as Unvaccinated Illness

The issue of inaccurately counting COVID-related deaths is continuing. Based on statements made by Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it appears the CDC is manipulating statistics to create a false and inaccurate impression.

In a July 16, 2021, White House Press briefing, she claimed “over 97% of people who are entering the hospital right now are unvaccinated.”22 Just a few weeks later, she inadvertently revealed how the CDC came by that statistic.23

The CDC took hospitalization and mortality data from January through June 2021 to come to this conclusion. However, during this time frame, most of the people in the U.S. were not vaccinated,24 so the majority of people in the hospital or who had died would not have received the vaccine.

The newest way that the CDC is playing with statistics is to count anyone who has died within the rst 14 days post-injection as unvaccinated.25 This not only articially inates the unvaccinated death toll, but also articially deates the number of people who die as a result of the genetic therapy shot.

The vast majority of deaths from the COVID jabs are happening within the rst 2 weeks.26 These deaths are now being recorded as an unvaccinated death from COVID, rather than being counted as a death related to a breakthrough infection or vaccine injury.

This may be related to the fact that public health agencies were fully aware of the expected side effects from the shot and that they may have determined these were acceptable losses. According to Slide 16 in an October 22, 2020, presentation to the FDA by the director of Biostatistics and Epidemiology on some of the expected effects included:27

As you’ll note, many of these effects from the shot are reported in growing numbers to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).28 Additionally, the FDA added a warning to the Pzer and Moderna shots about the risk of heart inammation and myocarditis.29

Just days before, the CDC announced the benets of the shot outweigh the risk of a “likely association” between the shots and myocarditis in otherwise healthy young people.30 In June 2021, CNN31 reported the CDC had received 1,226 preliminary reports of children with myocarditis or pericarditis through VAERS.

Interestingly, the CDC found these numbers enough to issue a warning but have completely ignored the number who have died from the shots. By October 22, 2021, VAERS had recorded 10,956 cases of “rare”32 myocarditis and 17,619 deaths from the shot.33

AMA Teaches Doctors the Power of Misinformation

Before turning to your health care professional for accurate information, it's important to note that the American Medical Association is strongly advising doctors to follow the company line. And the company line is full of “language swaps,” samples of acceptable social media posts and information on how to deect or redirect questions to push AMA acceptable content.34

Deception has been the name of the game since long before the vaccine was released. As the push toward the “Great Reset” continues on multiple fronts, it is imperative that the medical establishment remain on board with the same rhetoric and unsubstantiated messages to drive fear and impair American’s critical decision making.

The language swaps and sample social media posts take advantage of a powerful tool – words. Language is a powerful way to shape reality,35,36,37 because it shapes how we think about what we’re experiencing. As noted by storyteller and lmmaker Jason Silva:38

“The use of language, the words you use to describe reality, can in fact engender reality, can disclose reality. Words are generative... We create and perceive our reality through language. We think reality into existence through linguistic construction in real-time.”

For example, “lockdown” sounds like involuntary imprisonment imposed by a totalitarian regime, which is what it is, whereas “stay-at-home order” sounds far less draconian. After all, “home” is typically associated with comfort and safety. The AMA goes on to provide instructions on how to block, deect and stall in the face of tough questions where an honest answer might break the ocial narrative.

I encourage you to read through Page 8 of the guide and pay attention to how these psychological tricks are used when listening to interviews or reading the news.

The AMA’s guidance isn’t all bad. Some of its advice makes perfect sense. But the inclusion of language swaps that result in false statements being made, and tools for steering, blocking, deecting, redirecting and stalling to avoid direct answers do nothing but erode credibility and thus trust in the medical community.

After having gathered data during the pandemic for roughly 19 months (March 2020 to October 2021) it is imperative that the American people begin to question the number of reported “cases” and deaths in a country where medical care is reportedly better and more advanced than many other countries.

In other words, why does the U.S. lead the world in number of deaths from an infection? 39 Might it be for the same reason that Australia is in a tyrannical lockdown when their infection rate is .6% and just 1% of those infected have died? Could there be a different agenda than what you’ve been led to believe?

Sources and References

1, 7, 8, 9 KPIX, July 2, 2021
2 Bitchute, September 23, 2021, Minute 3:40 & 6:00
3 Forbes, July 21, 2020
4 Rolling Stone, April 16, 2020 headline
5 Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine, 2021;25(3)
6 Bulgarian Pathology Association, July 1, 2020
10 Bitchute, September 23, 2021, Minute 3:40
11 Bitchute, September 23, 2021, Min 9:20
12 Bitchute, September 23, 2021, Min 3:20
13 Bitchute, September 23, 2021, Min 6:00
14 CNBC, September 1, 2020
15 KHN, November 2, 2020
16 NBC, September 29, 2020
17, 18 YouTube, June 9, 2020
19, 20 Washington Examiner, August 1, 2020
21 Washington Examiner, July 16, 2020, para 1, 2
22 Press Brieng July 16, 2021 75% down the page 23 Fox News, Min 00:38

24 USA Facts, U.S. Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker
25 CDC, October 15, 2021, top bullets
26 Twitter, Diagnosis Foundation
27 Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, Slide 16 28, 33 OpenVAERS

29 CNN, June 26, 2021
30, 32 CNN, June 23, 2021
31 CNN, June 23, 2021, para 2
34 AMA COVID-19 Guide
35 Critical Theory, August 14, 2013
36 Fast Company, June 28, 2018
37 Argos Multilingual, How Language Shapes our Perception of Reality 38 Does Language Construct Reality? para 1
39 Wor
dometer, Coronavirus, Table 1

Why are more people dying above what is normally observed, even after accounting for COVID-infection deaths? Doctor says Vaccines are Directly and Indirectly Killing People

by Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn from [HERE] During the pandemic, many deaths have occurred in the U.S., approaching 2 million Americans. But ponder this: Have large numbers of excess deaths over pre-pandemic years resulted from something other than COVID infections?

There have been increasing articles and studies about excess deaths during the pandemic. Too many of these seem aimed at getting attention rather than being accurate and balanced.

The concept of excess deaths is simple: Deaths above what was normally observed before the pandemic. But why are more people dying even after accounting for COVID-infection deaths? Getting to the correct answer is the goal of this article.

The core issue in seeking truth is how to evaluate excess deaths during the pandemic and then explain them. If there really are non-infection excess deaths, then the goal is to rise above often bad and uncertain data from government agencies to correctly figure out whether something especially concerning is happening – perhaps something governments do not want to acknowledge and deal with, as we shall see.

Classification of deaths

To get to the truth about excess deaths it is important to make a critical distinction by defining two classes of deaths.

Class 1: First, direct pandemic effects, which are twofold.

Most attention is needed to assess the magnitude of deaths from COVID infection. These include breakthrough cases that are COVID infections despite full vaccination.

The other direct impact is deaths from COVID vaccines.

Class 2: The second class is very different. They are indirect health impacts resulting from things other than direct medical actions aimed at addressing COVID.

These are the many collateral deaths resulting from severe contagion controls used by federal and state governments, especially lockdowns, stay at home mandates, limited hospital and physician access, school closings, job losses, travel restrictions and widespread impacts on personal and medical freedom.

These many indirect impacts cause large numbers of deaths across the entire population. They are the collateral damage caused by pandemic government authoritarian actions, but not infections nor COVID vaccines. They are done, supposedly, in the name of public health.

The government does not collect comprehensive data on these indirect deaths. Be clear about this category of deaths. They are caused by all the public health systems used to address the pandemic.

To be clear, deaths directly associated with COVID infections cover a range of situations. Government agencies report COVID-related deaths. That word "related" is very important, because proving causality has been contentious. Most physicians see causality when deaths occur soon after COVID symptoms or a positive test result.

There are reasons why there are legitimate concerns and criticisms of official COVID death data. It comes down to what criteria are used to declare a death as either caused by COVID or just, in some way, related to the infection.

U.S. federal and state agencies have, for the most part, been very liberal in declaring deaths as COVID ones. This has resulted from both financial incentives, political motivations (maintaining public fear and acceptance of authoritarian government actions) and procedural government guidance.

In the latter category are guidelines from CDC for death certificates issued in March 2020 that replaced a practice used for the previous 17 years. This change allowed physicians, medical examiners and coroners to place less importance on all kinds of health problems contributing to a death and, if there was any evidence of COVID virus infection from testing (before or after death) or symptoms, to declare a death as a COVID one.

In other words, many people, especially the elderly, could have died with COVID but not fromCOVID. They may have died from their underlying medical problems and weakened immune system more than effects directly associated with COVID infection. Some die because they have been given the very expensive approved drug remdesivir that causes acute liver and kidney problems and has a death rate of over 25%. Yet their deaths go into the COVID death column.

On the other side, is the view that some people have died from COVID infection, but their deaths have not been officially declared as a COVID death. Most likely these have been people who have died at home without medical attention. It is difficult to believe that the numbers of deaths in this class could account for a large excess death figure. Why? Because people who die from COVID infection almost always experience severe symptoms as they move from stage one viral replication to stages two and three when vital organs are attacked, especially breathing problems. These typically cause them to seek medical attention, usually hospitalization where so many COVID deaths occur.

Not to be dismissed is the reality that many COVID deaths have preempted a number of normally occurring deaths, such as from the seasonal flu and many types of accidents in a more mobile population. The latter are subsumed in the COVID death data. They do not explain excess deaths. If anything, they reduce non-infection excess deaths.

Taking all this into consideration means that COVID death totals are most likely to overstate the lethality of COVID. In fact, as I have discussed elsewhere, COVID lethality for the whole population was initially overstated by Fauci to justify extreme government actions and mass vaccination. He started the pandemic by wrongly saying that the China virus was so much more deadly than the seasonal flu. Only the elderly had a high risk of death (and younger people with serious underlying medical problems) that warranted focused government attention, initially by using safe and effective generics, namely ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and later vaccines.

In seeking truth about excess deaths, it is most important to recognize the countless and not quantitatively reported indirect impacts of the pandemic on health and deaths of very large numbers of people who were not actually at significant risk from COVID infection.

Deaths have resulted, for example, from people not getting normal pre-pandemic health care from treatment to prevention and suffering from extreme mental stress (often pushing addiction and suicide) caused by abnormal living and negative economic conditions. Unlike direct pandemic deaths, there is hardly any useful tabulation of indirect pandemic death impacts by government agencies. In the name of public health government agencies have harmfully impacted the lives of nearly all Americans.

There is need for caution when seeing numerical excess deaths beyond official COVID deaths, in coming up with explanations that involve controversial causes. The big example is blaming what seems as major excess deaths on COVID vaccines, especially if the many indirect pandemic causes of death are not addressed, mainly because data are not readily available.

Also note that breakthrough COVID infections in fully vaccinated people that sometimes cause death are appropriately categorized as direct COVID deaths.

As I have discussed, declining vaccine effectiveness (especially for variants) make the fully vaccinated vulnerable to dying from COVID infection. But it would be wrong to say that these deaths are different than COVID ones. And wrong to place these deaths in a category of vaccine deaths. Moreover, as I have analyzed, breakthrough deaths in the U.S. most likely account for tens of thousands of deaths, much smaller than true excess deaths – though their numbers are likely to increase in coming months and years as mass vaccination continues.

For example, recently this was reported: "Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield said that more than 40% of people who have died from Wuhan coronavirus in the state of Maryland over the last 6-8 weeks were fully vaccinated." And government data revealed that in September, 70% of COVID-19 deaths both in Sweden and the U.K. were "fully vaccinated" individuals.

To recap, it is important to focus on the many causes of vaccine induced deaths and collateral deaths that do not result from the viral infection. Make no mistake, there are now widely recognized medical explanations of vaccine induced deaths, including a broad array of serious blood problems this author has reviewed. Data on vaccine deaths will be examined below.

Indirect health impacts

A March 2021 study examined how the pandemic caused non-infection health impacts and made it clear that they cannot be ignored:

"The COVID-19 pandemic and global efforts to contain its spread, such as stay-at-home orders and transportation shutdowns, have created new barriers to accessing healthcare, resulting in changes in service delivery and utilization globally.

"One hundred and seventy studies were included in the final analysis. Nearly half (46.5%) of them included studies focused on cardiovascular health outcomes. The main methodologies used were observational analytic and surveys. Data were drawn from individual health facilities, multicentre networks, regional registries, and national health information systems. Most studies were conducted in high-income countries with only 35.4% of studies representing low- and middle-income countries.

"Healthcare utilization for non-COVID-19 conditions has decreased almost universally, across both high- and lower-income countries. The pandemic's impact on non-COVID-19 health outcomes, particularly for chronic diseases, may take years to fully manifest and should be a topic."

A November 2020 article, "Death by Lockdown," "forecasted more than 100,000 excess deaths due to drug overdoses, suicide, alcoholism, homicide, and untreated depression – all a result not of the virus but of policies of mandatory human separation, economic downturn, business and school closures, closed medical services, and general depression that comes with a loss of freedom and choice." What was recognized is "that as bad as a virus is, policies that wreck normal social functioning will cause massive and completely unnecessary suffering and death."

A new article from the New York Post made these wise observations:

"Instead of keeping calm and carrying on, the American elite flouted the norms of governance, journalism, academic freedom – and, worst of all, science. They misled the public about the origins of the virus and the true risk it posed. Ignoring their own carefully prepared plans for a pandemic, they claimed unprecedented powers to impose untested strategies, with terrible collateral damage. We still have no convincing evidence that the lockdowns saved lives, but lots of evidence that they have already cost lives and will prove deadlier in the long run than the virus itself. A few scientists and public-health experts objected, noting that an extended lockdown was a novel strategy of unknown effectiveness. In April 2020, John Ioannidis, Jay Bhattacharya and other colleagues reported that the fatality rate among the ­infected was considerably lower than the assumptions used to justify lockdowns."

The TB case has been one of worst collateral health impacts of the pandemic. This was documented in a detailed story. "Tuberculosis killed roughly 1.5 million people in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, up from 1.4 million in 2019. And researchers say COVID is to blame." And there is every indication that it has gotten much worse worldwide.

"The COVID-19 pandemic has reversed years of progress and efforts in the fight against tuberculosis," said Dr. Tereza Kasaeva, head of WHO's global TB program. Kasaeva said that COVID lockdowns, limited access to health care and patients' concerns about visiting medical clinics made TB far more deadly during the pandemic.

Justin Hart of Rational Ground noted in October 2021 that, "It's estimated that 50% of regular child immunizations were missed in the spring of 2020. You can do some actual math, and I feel confident in saying that more children will die from missed vaccines in a year's time than died of COVID-19." This is just another example of a collateral impact of the pandemic.

The conclusion is that when examining excess deaths, it is important to recognize indirect deaths resulting from pandemic control actions by governments.

The Economist article

Here are highlights from a discussion of a widely addressed article titled "The pandemic's true death toll."

This conclusion was the attention grabber: "Fifteen million more people have died during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to historical norms, according to a recent October report by the Economist. This figure is more than three times the reported COVID-19 deaths, which stands at 4.6 million people." In other words, about 10 million excess deaths over direct COVID infection deaths.

"And what about people who died of preventable causes during the pandemic because hospitals full of COVID-19 patients could not treat them? If such cases count, they must be offset by deaths that did not occur but would have in normal times, such as those caused by flu or air pollution." These ideas fall into the class of indirect COVID impacts.

The Economist had to invoke indirect pandemic impacts in addition to vaccine induced deaths. When speaking of many millions of excess deaths globally, the only rational explanation are the widespread indirect pandemic impacts that have devastated the entire global population. This means that it has not been the virus that has killed most people, but rather government actions. It is quite plausible that for every COVID death two more people have died from the indirect impacts of pandemic management.

Here are the data reported for North America: 675,000 COVID deaths and 843,000 excess deaths (middle uncertainty). That is a very large number of excess deaths that could only be explained by health impacts of government actions. For the U.S. it was reported that the cumulative COVID-19 infection deaths have reached close to 650,000, and excess deaths are 820,000, presumably indirect deaths. Updating, for the current U.S. number of 730,000 infection deaths, that implies 921,000 indirect collateral deaths.

Important NIH and other results

Here is an important observation from a recent report from the NIH: "Roughly 2.9 million people died in the United States between March 1, 2020, and December 31, 2020. Compared with the same period in 2019, there were 477,200 excess deaths, with 74% of them due to COVID-19." That amounts to 343,584 COVID deaths during the first year of the pandemic; it is consistent with the over 730,000 COVID deaths reported since 2020.

For 2020, when COVID began ravaging the country, compared to pre-pandemic 2019, that leaves 133,616 deaths to be explained. The answer cannot be deaths associated with COVID vaccines for this pre-vaccination period. That is the key point – pre-vaccination, which means that the plausible explanation for the significant excess deaths of 133,616 are the many negative health impacts causing deaths from the expanding government pandemic control actions in 2020. These included many lockdowns, stay at home mandates, disruptions in health care and loss of jobs. In other words, collateral deaths.

In agreement with this statement was the finding in a medical journal article titled "Excess Deaths From COVID-19 and Other Causes in the US, March 1, 2020, to January 2, 2021." It said deaths attributed to COVID-19 accounted for 72.4% of U.S. excess deaths, leaving 27.6% explained most likely from collateral deaths.

A June 2021 Scientific American article said 18% of excess deaths across the U.S. last year (2020) were not assigned to COVID. Thus, 78% was related to COVID infections. Reported was that Andrew Stokes, Boston University, and his colleagues calculated excess deaths for each of more than 3,100 U.S. counties. To do so, they compared provisional 2020 mortality data from the National Center for Health Statistics with predicted death rates based on previous years. The researchers then compared the proportion of excess deaths attributed to COVID on death certificates with those assigned to other causes. Their data showed that 18% of excess deaths across the U.S. in 2020 were not assigned to COVID. That infers about 77,000 indirect deaths, reasonably explained by collateral deaths.

A journal article published in April 2021 reported: "Between March 1, 2020, and January 2, 2021, the U.S. experienced 2,801,439 deaths, 22.9% more than expected, representing 522 368 excess deaths. … Deaths attributed to COVID-19 accounted for 72.4% of U.S. excess deaths." That leaves 27.6% or a little over 144,000 non-COVID infection deaths. Detailed data were given on specific non-COVID deaths, including: heart disease, Alzheimer disease/dementia and diabetes.

A September 2021 article titled "Impact of COVID-19 on excess mortality, life expectancy, and years of life lost in the United States" found that for 2020: There were 375,235 excess deaths, with 83% attributable to direct, and 17% attributable to indirect effects of COVID-19. So, about 64,000 deaths were collateral deaths.

A new report, "Collateral Damage from COVID" said: "In the first year of the U.S. COVID pandemic (the 52 weeks ended February 27, 2021) there were 665,000 excess deaths (deaths above the normal seasonal death rate) reported by the CDC. The official COVID death toll for that span was 514,000 (77%). Shockingly, this means that non-COVID deaths caused by the pandemic and possibly by our policy choices, are likely to total at least this 151,000 difference." The latter would logically be collateral deaths.

And this is how that 151,000 difference was explained: "Excess deaths due to unnatural causes surged by an estimated 82,000 above the normal levels, from March 2020 through August 2021. Unnatural causes are dominated by homicides, suicides, overdoses, and accidents. And, excess deaths due to the Big Four natural causes (heart and lung disease, cancer, and stroke) soared by over 86,000 over those same 18 months, mostly during 2020. These two categories alone total 168,000 excess deaths." Clearly, many deaths were caused by government pandemic controls that made lives extremely difficult and stressful.

On this point, the report noted: "The death toll from unnatural causes has risen sharply and is not likely to fall as quickly. Research shows that collateral effects on health, direct and indirect, following unemployment and other economic disruption remain elevated for several years. The same seems likely to be true for overdoses and homicides, due to lingering mental health effects, though perhaps not for accidental deaths."

In contrast to the above, it was reported in October 2020 that a report by CDC said that overall, an estimated 299,028 excess deaths occurred from late January through Oct. 3, 2020, with 198,081 of them (66%) caused by COVID-19. But that left nearly three months in later 2020 unaccounted for, when COVID infections probably mounted. So, some 100,947 (or 134,596 for 12 months) excess deaths not related to COVID infection is mostly in agreement with the above figures. These CDC numbers are the least credible.

Thus, despite data variations, most of these reports were fairly consistent in attributing 72 to 83% of U.S. excess deaths over pre-pandemic years to COVID infection deaths, leaving a fairly broad range of about 64,000 to 151,000 excess deaths to non-infection causes. These would be the collateral impacts of pandemic control actions by federal and state governments, but are much lower than what The Economist estimated; but these are not systematically measured by the government.

The average of the above reports is 25.3% for non-infection deaths and for these an average of 117,745 such collateral deaths annually, and before vaccine deaths would be a significant fact.

Dr. Joseph Mercola's views

Receiving major attention on alternative news sites in October 2021 are the views of Dr. Joseph Mercola that will now be summarized. He has been a strong proponent for explaining non-infection deaths on the basis of COVID vaccines.

"The number of Americans who have died between January 2021 and August 2021 is 16% higher than 2018, the pre-COVID year with the highest all-cause mortality, and 18% higher than the average death rate between 2015 and 2019. Adjusted for population growth of about 0.6% annually, the mortality rate in 2021 is 16% above the average and 14% above the 2018 rate."

Mercola asked the key question: "Did COVID-19 raise the death toll despite mass vaccination, or are people dying at increased rates because of it?"

"The death toll from the jabs is estimated to be between 200 and 500 deaths per million doses administered. With 4 billion doses having been administered around the world, that means 800,000 to 2 million so-called 'COVID-19 deaths' may in fact be vaccine-induced deaths." This range is a high fraction of about 5 million total global COVID infection deaths. In the U.S., 414 million doses have been given; using the above range that yields a range of 82,800 to 207,000 vaccine deaths on top of the 730,000 infection deaths given by CDC.

[To be clear, vaccine-induced deaths are definitely real and significant. The issue is their magnitude. Nor is it fair to argue that vaccine induced deaths are to some degree hidden within COVID death data. And clearly it is unreasonable to argue that high COVID deaths after mass vaccination, which has been widely observed, should be counted as vaccine deaths.]

The key question is whether the high level of U.S. vaccine deaths is compatible with what the public is seeing.

Mercola also references the following:

"According to this whistleblower, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) under-reports deaths caused by the COVID shots by a conservative factor of five or more. She claims the number of Americans killed by the shots was at least 45,000 as of July 9, 2021. At that time, VAERS reported 9,048 deaths following COVID injection. That number is now 16,310 (as of October 1, 20218). Using an under-reporting factor of five, that gives us an estimated vaccine death toll of 81,550." That is at the low end of the range calculated above.

Another source is also used by Mercola:

"Steve Kirsch, executive director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, has come up with even more drastic numbers. In the video 'Vaccine Secrets: COVID Crisis,' he argues that VAERS can be used to determine causality, and shows how the VAERS data indicate more than 212,000 Americans have already been killed by the COVID shots." That is at the high end of the range calculated above.

To recap, Mercola's reporting provided different sources to support the range of 82,800 to 207,000 for vaccine deaths to date.

Rose and Crawford study

The September 2021 study "Government's Own Data Reveals that at Least 150,000 Probably DEAD in U.S. Following COVID-19 Vaccines," by Jessica Rose and Mathew Crawford, is the most detailed and impressive effort to determine vaccine deaths. It has been criticized by FDA: "Although under reporting is a limitation in VAERS, with regard to COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring, there currently is not evidence to suggest it would underestimate the amount of COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths to such a large degree." This author disagrees with FDA. Here is the official view of CDC: "'Underreporting' is one of the main limitations of passive surveillance systems, including VAERS. The term, underreporting refers to the fact that VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events." As you will see below, the 150,000 figure for vaccine deaths is a low, conservative estimate.

This is the summary of its findings: "Analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database can be used to estimate the number of excess deaths caused by the COVID vaccines. A simple analysis shows that it is likely that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the current COVID vaccines as of Aug 28, 2021." This is close to the high end of the range given above.

The study is both long and complex. Here are some highlights.

On the problem of underreporting of vaccine deaths: "In our informal physician surveys we saw a bias to under-report serious adverse events in order to make the vaccines look as safe as possible to the American public since most physicians believe they are hurting society if they do anything to create vaccine hesitancy. Secondly, we'd estimate that at least 95% of physicians have completely bought into the "safe and effective" narrative and thus any event that they observe they deem as simply anecdotal and don't bother to report it since it couldn't have been caused by such a safe vaccine that appeared to do so well in the Phase 3 trials."

On the search for quantifying underreporting in the CDC VEARS system: "The point of this paper is not to find the exact number of deaths, but merely to find the most credible estimate for deaths. We think that anaphylaxis is an excellent proxy for a serious adverse event that, like a death, should always be reported so we think 41X is the most accurate number." That means multiplying CDC numbers by 41.

To get estimates of vaccine deaths: "There are three ways to estimate the number of excess deaths caused by the vaccine. Using these three methods we can estimate the low and high likely bounds for the number of excess deaths caused by the vaccine:

1. Subtract the average number of background deaths in previous years: estimate is 252,109;
2. Use 86% based on the analysis in the Mclachlan study; estimate is 252,073;
3. Use 40% based on the estimate of Dr. Peter Schirmacher one of the world's top pathologists; estimate is 175,865."

This was the explanation for looking at other studies: "In order to validate that our estimates are reasonable (or simply that the evidence was more likely consistent with the hypothesis that the vaccine does more harm than good), we looked at four different quantitative methods from very small to very large and summarized their estimates:"

Excess Case Fatality Rate analysis done in Europe: 72,000-180,000
Excess death analysis for 23 nations: 147,960
Small island study: 171,000
Analysis of Norway deaths: 150,000

"In summary, the qualitative and quantitative confirmation techniques we used were all independent of each other and of our main method, yet all were consistent with the hypothesis that the vaccines cause large numbers of serious adverse events and excess deaths and are inconsistent with the null hypothesis that the vaccines have no effect on mortality and have a safety profile comparable to that of other vaccines."

"We were not able to find a single piece of evidence that supported the FDA and CDC position that all the excess deaths were simply over-reporting of natural cause deaths."

In wrapping up a very complex analysis this was said:

"In 1976, they halted the H1N1 vaccine after 500 GBS cases and 32 people died. However, there is no stopping mortality condition for these [COVID] vaccines. We are likely at 150,000 deaths and counting and nobody in the mainstream medical establishment, mainstream media, or Congress is raising any concerns. No member of the medical community is calling for any stopping condition nor autopsies. We find this troubling."

Here is the most important reason for respecting this study. As you can see the final estimate of 150,000 vaccine deaths is lower than other figures in various studies but consistent with the range from Mercola's reporting. Overall, this figure of 150,000 vaccine deaths is conservative.

Here are more concluding insights that the public should greatly think through, especially when deciding whether or not to get a vaccine shot, initial or booster:

"In short, say our vaccine reduces the risk of dying from COVID by 2X. But it came at a cost, e.g., increasing your risk of dying from a heart attack by 4X. And let's say both events are equally likely (which they aren't). Then you've made a bad decision … you're more likely to die if you took the vaccine.

"When you combine (1) the negative efficacy of the vaccine with (2) the negative all-cause mortality benefit, it's impossible to justify vaccination. Either alone is sufficient to kill the benefit; both of them together makes things even more difficult for recommending vaccination.

"The bottom line is clear: If you got the vaccine, you were simply more likely to die. The younger you are, the greater the disparity."

As more Americans succumb to pressure, propaganda and mandates, it is very likely that the figure of 150,000 vaccine deaths will become an underestimate of the lethality of COVID vaccines.

Lastly, it is relevant to note what the eminent medical researcher Dr. Judy Mikovits has said. Her medical science credentials are impeccable, including a long stint at the National Cancer Institute. Her views may seem extreme to some people, but they are based on a deep scientific understanding and are consistent with the highly frightening forecasts of other scientists and physicians.

She said: "I just can't even imagine a recipe for anything other than what I would consider mass murder on a scale where 50 million people will die in America from the vaccine." Time will tell whether this dire prediction will materialize as more people get the shot. The shot that kills.

Israel deaths

Since the start of the third booster shot on July 30, the COVID death rate in Israel has been reported to have jumped from about .15 to 3.5 per million in early September. Is it possible that a similar negative impact will happen in the U.S.?

In an August 2021 paper entitled "Young adult mortality in Israel during the COVID-19 crisis,"noted Israeli researcher Dr. Steve Ohana examined a surge in Israeli youth deaths, which he says are unexplained by anything other than a surge in vaccinations for the age group 20-49." Specifically, he noted that, "the surge in mortality coincided with the rollout of the Israeli vaccination campaign for the 20 s to 49-year-olds, which reached more than 75% of individuals in this age group." Dr. Ohana concluded that his findings should "urgently prompt a pause in the vaccination campaign, until the reasons of the youth excess mortality observed in mass vaccination countries are clarified."

Finally, here is perhaps the most interesting development in Israel recently reported. "There are a million people that are currently about to surrender their freedoms instead of getting a booster." This means that 1 million people in the most vaccinated country on the planet were letting their Green Pass expire." This would greatly curtail their freedom to access many places.

report from Israel examined excess deaths for one period and reported the following: "According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), during January-February 2021, in the midst of the vaccination operation, there was a 22% increase in overall mortality in Israel compared to the bi-monthly average mortality in the previous (pre-vaccination) year. In fact, the period of January-February 2021 is the deadliest one in the last decade, with the highest overall mortality rates, when compared to the corresponding months over the last 10 years. The report highlights that younger people between the ages of 20-29 appear to be the demographic that saw the most dramatic increase in mortality following the rollout of the Pfizer vaccine. In this group, during the same vaccination period, January-February 2021, there has been a 32% increase in overall mortality compared to the bi-monthly average mortality in 2020."

As the U.S. pushes booster shots for everyone, including young people, there may be lessons to learn from Israel.


It is challenging to reconcile the average of 117,745 excess deaths beyond infection deaths given above with the conservative figure of 150,000 vaccine deaths. Add in the indirect, even higher collateral deaths across society broadly, probably what The Economist found, namely for the current U.S. 730,000 infection deaths and some 921,000 indirect collateral deaths. The latter seems reasonable when you consider that most of the population, several hundred million people, had their lives devastated by government pandemic controls. In other words, a collateral death rate of around .5%.

As to the latter, though taken in the name of public health, most government actions have had no basis in medical science. Considering all the deaths, pandemic management has been a colossal failure with the highest level of COVID infection deaths globally in the U.S.

Adding up the infection, vaccine and collateral deaths gets to a total approaching 2 million pandemic deaths. And note that breakthrough infections of the fully vaccinated are escalating, as vaccines lose effectiveness, and are at least 10,000 to 20,000.

Public health officials failed to promote early wide use of generics and foolishly pushed mass vaccination that has not proven effective. The former could have prevented over 600,000 infection deaths.

Perhaps the greatest tragedy is that public health officials have stubbornly refused to admit their mistakes.

The government has made no attempt to systematically account for the non-infection indirect collateral pandemic deaths. And surely more and more Americans are dying from the onerous pandemic controls – now emphasizing vaccine mandates – that are destroying and disrupting the lives of millions of people. Especially in view of the above estimates for vaccine deaths.

Finally, and most importantly, nearly all of the excess deaths approaching 2 million Americans could have been prevented by better government policies:

1. COVID infection deaths could have been prevented by promoting wide use of a number of protocols to cure and prevent infection by using generic medicines and other proven drugs. And also by aggressive programs to address obesity, diabetes and various causes of weakened immune systems.

2. Vaccine deaths could have been prevented by focusing on about 5% of the population at significant risk from fatal COVID but not the entire population, meaning no vaccine mandates.

3. Not using invasive contagion controls, namely lockdowns, that have disrupted and destroyed lives and caused huge numbers of collateral deaths.

Vaccine Injured Speak Out at US Senate Panel on COVID Vaccine Injuries and Deaths while Dependent Media Continues to Make [us] Believe Vax is Safe and it Stops the Spread and Transmission of COVID


From [HERE] U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) on Tuesday held a discussion with a panel of experts, including clinicians, scientists, lawyers and patient advocates, and with people injured by COVID vaccines, who gave powerful testimonies about their experiences.

Johnson and the expert panel discussed the importance of early treatment for COVID, healthcare freedom and natural immunity, the impacts of mandates on the American workforce and the economy, COVID vaccine safety concerns and the lack of transparency from federal health agencies in response to his COVID oversight requests.

None of the major mainstream media outlets picked up the event, but Children’s Health Defensehosted Johnson’s live panel discussion on CHD.TV.

Cody Flint [57.20], a 33-year-old airline pilot from Cleveland, Mississippi, was among those who spoke out about their injuries. Flint was healthy and had no underlying health conditions prior to receiving Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.

Within 30 minutes of getting his first dose on Feb. 1, Flint developed a severe stabbing headache that later became a burning sensation in the back of his neck.

Two days later, he got into his airplane to do a job and quickly realized something wasn’t right.

Flint explained:

“I was starting to develop tunnel vision and my headache was getting worse. Approximately two hours into my flying I pulled my airplane up to turn around and felt an extreme burst of pressure in my ears. Instantly I was nearly blacked out, dizzy, disoriented, nauseous and shaking uncontrollably. By the grace of God I was able to land my plane without incident, though I do not remember doing this.

“My initial diagnosis of vertigo and a severe panic attack — although I’ve never had a history of either of these — was later replaced with left and right perilymphatic fistula, eustachian tube dysfunction and elevated intracranial pressure due to brain swelling. My condition continued to decline and my doctors told me only an adverse reaction to the Pfizer vaccination or major head trauma could have caused this much spontaneous damage.”

Flint underwent numerous spinal taps and two surgeries to address the fistulas and intracranial pressure. He said he has more questions than answers, does not know if he will ever be able to fly a plane again, lost a year of his life and part of his children’s lives.

“This vaccine has taken my career from me, and the future I have worked so hard to build,” Flint said. “I used all my savings just to pay medical bills just to be able to survive. My family is on the verge of losing everything we have.”

Flint, who is pro-science and pro-vaccine, said the main issue rests squarely on the fact that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and NIH (National Institutes of Health) refuse to acknowledge that real lives are being absolutely destroyed by this vaccine.

“The federal government has yet to help a single one of the vaccine-injured,” Flint said. “It was my understanding the federal government accepted the responsibility of helping people injured by vaccines, considering they gave pharmaceutical companies fully legal immunity from people like me.”

Flint said it is time for the government to stop silencing vaccine injuries like his, and it is unconscionable for these agencies not to help.

​​Lt. Col. Theresa Long [101:00], a U.S. Army surgeon, said she believes the COVID vaccine is a greater threat to a soldier’s health and military readiness than the virus itself.

“Over 200,000 service members have rejected the vaccine yet the military is pressing forward without regard to the damage to the morale and readiness to process these soldiers out,” Long said. “We have never lost 200,000 soldiers on the battlefield in a few months. Taking soldiers out of uniform has the same impact on readiness as losing them on the battlefield.”

Long explained she tried to get senior leadership within the military to inform military members of the risks of vaccines, as required by informed consent.

Tech Philanthropist says Governments and Dependent Media Are Lying About COVID Vax Safety; "Vaccines" are Killing 15 People for Every 1 life They Save

From [HERE] According to Steve Kirsch, The CDC and the FDA claim that we can safely ignore the huge spike in event rates reported to the VAERS system this year (this is the official adverse event reporting system relied on by the FDA and CDC to spot safety signals). In their view, there is “nothing to see” in the death chart below. They claim that the propensity to report (PTR) is much higher this year and that all the events (with the exception of a few) are all simply reporting background events that were not caused by the Covid-19 vaccines. 

There’s just one tiny little problem with that explanation: there is a CDC paper that proves that they are lying. Big time.

I will show below that even if we believed everything they said, it can’t explain all the deaths and severe adverse events. The data simply doesn’t fit their hypothesis. At all.

The reality is the vaccines are extremely dangerous, they kill more than they save for every age range (it’s worse the younger you are), and they should be halted immediately, not green lighted like the FDA committee just did. All vaccine mandates should be rescinded.

The CDC paper

In a nutshell, there is a paper written by five CDC authors, The reporting sensitivity of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for anaphylaxis and for Guillain-Barré syndrome, that was published a year ago in the peer-reviewed scientific literature.

The paper claims that serious adverse events in the past have been under-reported by at most a factor of 8.3 (known as the under-reporting factor (URF)).

This means that in the best possible scenario, where there is full reporting (i.e., where the URF=1 and the PTR, defined as the avg URF/current URF, is 8.3), a reporting rate of serious adverse events that is 8.3X higher than the previous reporting rate for that symptom could be safely ignored as simply due to a higher propensity to report the naturally occurring rate of background events.

While theoretically you could have a URF of <1, this is unlikely since the HHS verifies all records before they are put in the database and eliminates duplicates. There are mistakes that happen but they are minor, e..g, we know of 2 gamed records out of the 1.6M VAERS reports. So the minimum URF would be 1 and it would be nearly impossible to achieve from a practical standpoint.

Here’s the problem. This year, with the COVID vaccines, there are a huge number of serious adverse events that are reported at a rate that is more than 8.3X higher than previous years. In fact, nearly every serious event I investigated was elevated from previous years by significantly more than this. I documented this in an important video on VAERS serious adverse event reports that I hope everyone will watch. 

Unfortunately, none of the people at the FDA, CDC, or on their respective outside committees has ever watched that video. If they did, they would immediately realize the enormous mistakes that have been made and I’m sure take corrective action. 

But cognitive dissonance prevents them from watching the video. I think the only way to force them to watch the video would be to physically strap them in a chair and put clamps on their eyes as was done in the movie “A Clockwork Orange.”

How do you explain the rates of pulmonary embolism?

The most stunning serious adverse event I found was pulmonary embolism (PE). 

As I show in the video, the average annual number of reports of PE per year in VAERS for all vaccines was 1.4. So we’d expect to see at most 11.6 PE events this year according to the belief system of the FDA and CDC. Well, one tiny little problem: with the COVID vaccines, there were 1,131 reports, nearly a 100-fold increase over the “best case” scenario. Please watch the video on VAERS serious adverse event reports to see this for yourself. 

Also, for those suffering from “cognitive dissonance syndrome” (this is a common affliction of people who think the vaccines are safe), the increase in reports isn’t due to increased rates of vaccination either as we explain in this paper which shows historical vaccination rates among various age groups. 

In other words, even if you totally buy the bullshit argument of the FDA and CDC (which they never justified with analysis or data) that the URF=1 this year, it still means that 99% of the reports of pulmonary embolism (PE) are unexplainable. They must be caused by “something” and that something has to be very big and it has to be correlated with the administration of the vaccine because the PE reporting rate was correlated with the vaccine administration.

If these PE events weren’t caused by the vaccine, then what caused them? 

Nobody can explain that. Nobody even attempts to explain it. Nobody even wants to talk about it.

But since the mainstream media and fact checkers are completely tone deaf to safety reports, they never ask the question. They never will. It would explode the whole false narrative. 

We kill 15 people to maybe save 1. Are we nuts?

Furthermore, if we use the same methodology as used by the CDC in their paper to determine the actual underreporting factor for this year, but we use a much more accurate reference, we find that the best estimate for the minimum URF is 41. For less serious events you’d use a higher number since healthcare workers and consumers are far less likely to report less serious events. So using 41 is always “safe” in that it will not overestimate any event.

This means that we’ve killed well over 150,000 Americans so far, and all of those deaths had to be caused by the vaccine because there is simply no other explanation that fits all the facts. See this paper for the details. The paper also details 7 other ways that the number was validated and none of those methods used the VAERS data at all. This makes it impossible for anyone to credibly attack the analysis. Nobody wants to debate us on this.

And Pfizer’s own Phase 3 study showed that we save only 1 COVID death for every 22,000 people we vaccinate (you have to see Table S4 in the supplement to learn that 2 people died from COVID who were unvaccinated and 1 person died from COVID who got the vaccine, so a net savings of 1 life).

We have fully vaccinated almost 220M Americans which means we may save an estimated 10,000 lives from COVID per the Pfizer study which is the most definitive data we have (since “real scientists” ONLY trust the data in the double-blind randomized controlled trials). 

Yet the VAERS data shows we killed over 150,000 Americans from the vaccine to achieve that goal. 

In other words, we killed 15 people for every COVID life we might save.

But it’s worse than that because the Pfizer study was done pre-Delta. The Pfizer vaccine was developed for Alpha variant and is less effective against Delta. So our numbers are even more extreme.

This means of course that the FDA, CDC, and their outside committees are all incompetent in their ability to spot safety signals. They couldn’t even spot the death safety signal. It also means that the vaccine mandates are immoral and unethical.

Inconvenient truth: vaccine-induced myocarditis is neither rare or mild

When we apply the proper URF to the myocarditis data, we find that myocarditis goes from a “rare” event to a common event.

Using data from the CDC and applying the correct URF, for 16 year-old boys, the rate of myocarditis is 1 in 317 as we can see from this slide from our All you need to know deck. That’s not rare. That’s a train wreck. [MORE]

Floyd Mayweather (whose success doesn't depend upon elite whites) Stands w/Kyrie Irving Over his Vaccine Refusal while Showcase Blacks Pretend Healthy Athletes are Dangerous and Parrot Their Masters

From [theFinalCall] Kyrie Irving and all NBA players have it better than most Americans when it comes to understanding the deadly impact of the COVID-19 “vaccine.” Every night they play before massive crowds cheering their every move. Brother Kyrie plays for the Brooklyn Nets at the 17,000-seat Barclays Center arena. 

Every game, whether home or away, he can look around and see the appalling number of people killed by the COVID-19 “vaccine.” It is a gruesome sight. This is the number of people who were, for the most part, living normal lives. Then came the virus and with it the deadly vaccine and takeover of the minds of the people by the most relentless, suffocating, corporate media campaign in U.S. history.

According to the CDC’s own calculations, at least 17,128 Americans have been killed by the “jab” that Fauci and his depopulation plotters have deployed and forced into 190 million arms.

The NBA is filled with Black men in exemplary physical condition. They have reached that level of athletic proficiency by supporting their God-given talent with diligent and disciplined self-care for their overall health. They are acutely aware of the effects of the government poison. Beyond the homicides, 26,200 Americans have been permanently injured; 84,000 hospitalized; 92,000 have required urgent care after receiving the shots. That stunning number of reported deaths and injuries represents just one percent of the actual number—most deaths and injuries from the COVID killshot are unreported.

“DOLLY WANT A CRACKER?” MASTER SAID SO, MASTER SAID SO. guess what? FUCK A SNAG - $nitch-ass Negro Aiding Government. 2) COINTEL-BROs. 3) Smile Negro And Grin - while I put it in. 'SNAGs are coin-operated, sniggering negroes on the stroll who support the psychopathological dominant minority elite European global racist-supremacist mindset and Agenda along with its narcissistic projections and population control objectives (genocide and eugenics). [MORE] (pictured Above; SNAGS on ESPN perform for their masters in The Spectacle. THEY ARE all THE OPPOSITE OF SELF-MADE, UNDEFEATED BOXING LEGEND FLOYD MAYWEATHER. Fuck all pictured above IN ESPN’S SNIGGER SHOWCASE, PROMOTING BLACK MEDIOCRITY ON BEHALF OF RWS AND OBEDIENCE TO AUTHORITY)

Furthermore, FUCK A COIN OPERATED SAMBO ROLEBOT (Showcase Black) . According to FUNKTIONARY

Sambo - a self-loathing Negro lacking self-knowledge. "A willing slave gets upset if you refuse to acknowledge his or her master. Usually when people say 'act responsibly,' what they mean is: 'cowtow to the conforming lies we call truths.'" -George Battailles. The old saying still holds true: "The value of a dollar, will never, ever drop as low as the standards of some miseducated self-hating Negroes to obtain it." (See: Sniggers, Mentacide, Self-Hate & Slavery)

shenanigger - a Negro (neo-lawn-jockey) who carries out Step-n-Fetchit type activities/actions (shenanigans) for the dominant immoral majority (the psychopathic white power semi-organism), i.e., the Rhodes, Rothschild, Anglo Saxon Zionist power clique, unknowlingly at the expense of him/herself and knowlingly at the expense (sell-out/buy-out) of his people and culture. (See: McNegro, Coin-Operated, The Moteasuh Tribe, Sambo & SNigger).  

Players know they are part of the notorious NBA plantation system that cares only for the profits owners can wring out of Black bodies. Commissioner Adam Silver, who has no perceptible athletic talent and no medical education at all, has determined that on his plantation “it’s perfectly appropriate that…cities have passed laws that require people who both work and visit arenas to be vaccinated. That seems to be a responsible public health decision.”

Black players have balked at taking medical advice from the profit-driven administrator, and several powerful NBA athletes have refused to become public guinea pigs for him and the team owners. The Lakers’ Kent Bazemore was clear about how he Eats to Live: “I do everything I can to strengthen my immune system, with hours upon hours of cooking, preparing my meals at home, really being conscious of what I put in my body and taking care of my health.” 

He continued, “My family has a history of heart disease and all these different things, and I’m trying to turn that around for my lineage. So, I’m taking it upon myself to do everything I can to keep my immune system strong and live a healthy and long life.” Bazemore ultimately took the lethal shot but “seemed to imply that signing with the team was contingent on his agreement to be vaccinated.”

A powerful few say they will not be forced to take the injections nor bullied into disclosing their vaccination status, a stance that puts these superstars in the company of the highly educated. According to a Carnegie Mellon study of vaccine attitudes, the highest “vaccine hesitancy” was “among those with a PhD.” It is the most intelligent of players who are refusing to risk their lives to enrich Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson and further the Depopulation Agenda. For that they face threats of suspensions, terminations, fines, and media harassment.

Golden State Warriors star Andrew Wiggins applied to the NBA for a religious exemption from taking the 17,000-death shot and was summarily denied in a rude public statement designed by Silver to send a chill through any other players who might also seek exemptions: “The NBA has reviewed and denied Andrew Wiggins’ request for religious exemption. Wiggins will not be able to play in Warriors home games until he fulfills the city’s vaccination requirements.” 

Silver added, “Unvaccinated players who do not comply with local vaccination mandates will not be paid for the games they miss.” Silver chose to scoff at Wiggins’s commitment to his religious principles, offering a vivid reminder of the righteous stand boxer Muhammad Ali against the satanic killers of his day. Wiggins adheres to what God has mandated: fighting disease through fresh air, sunlight, and nutritious foods—all of which boost immunity to a virus with a near 100% survival rate.

Wiggins also said no one in his family is vaccinated. “It’s not really something we believe in as a family. I’m 26. I have two kids. I want more kids. I’m trying to do something that will generate as much money as I can for my kids and my future kids, trying to make generational wealth.

This is a significant observation on the part of a young man in his twenties. But it is no coincidence that Andrew Wiggins is a conscious man driven by a set of spiritual principles and dietary laws. He is the son of Chicago Bulls’ Mitchell Wiggins, whose teammate Darius Muhammad brought to the Final Call Building along with other members of the Bulls back in the early 1980s to hear the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

After he succumbed to pressure and took the injection, a rueful Wiggins no doubt expressed the feelings of many fellow athletes: “I feel like the only options [were] to get vaccinated or not play in the NBA. Hopefully, it works out in the long run and in 10 years I’m still healthy….[G]etting vaccinated, that’s going to be something that stays in my mind for a long time. It’s not something I wanted to do, but kind of forced to. I guess you don’t own your body. That’s what it comes down to. If you want to work in society today, then I guess they made the rules of what goes in your body and what you do. Hopefully, there’s a lot of people out there that are stronger than me and keep fighting, stand for what they believe, and hopefully, it works out for them.”

Teammate Draymond Green addressed the pressure being applied to these multi-million-dollar athletes: “I think there is something to be said for people’s concern about something that’s being pressed so hard. Like, why are you pressing this so hard? Like, so much, just pressing and pressing and pressing. I think you have to honor people’s feelings and their own personal beliefs—and I think that’s been lost when it comes to vaccinated and non-vaccinated. 

And it kinda sucks that that’s been lost, because you’re essentially not giving anyone…you say we live in the land of the free? Well you’re not giving anyone freedom because you’re making people do something, essentially. Without necessarily making them, you’re making them do something. And that goes against everything that America stands for, or ‘supposedly’ stands for.” [MORE]

Expert Asks FDA, “How many have to die before you pull the plug?” FDA Panel Recommends Pfizer Injection for Young Kids Despite Evidence Vax is Unnecessary and Risk of Injury is Greater than COVID Risk

PROTECTING KIDS AGAINST WHAT? From [CHD] and [MORE] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) advisory committee today endorsed Pfizer’s COVID vaccine for children ages 5 to 11, despite strong objections raised during the meeting by multiple scientists and physicians.

The vote passed with 17 supporting it and one abstention.

Before the shots can be rolled out, the FDA will have to formally authorize the vaccine, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) must also weigh in with its own recommendations — but the Biden administration’s announcement last week that it has already ordered 68 million doses of the pediatric vaccine suggests Pfizer’s request will sail through.

During today’s meeting, the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Committee (VRBPAC) heard evidence from Pfizer and regulators, and listened to concerns from numerous experts.

According to the FDA website, as of Oct. 25, the agency had received 139,470 comments from the public prior to today’s meeting — a number federal officials described as strikingly high.

As he opened the meeting, Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), said, “I want to acknowledge the fact that there are strong feelings that have clearly been expressed by members of the public both for and against” authorization.

Marks stressed the only question before the experts was whether shots should be allowed, not whether to mandate them, the New York Times reported.

The dose for younger children would be one-third the strength given to people 12 and older, with two shots given three weeks apart.

Based on CDC data presented during the meeting, among children 5 to <12 years of age, there have been approximately 1.8 million confirmed and reported COVID cases since the beginning of the pandemic, and only 143 COVID-related deaths in the U.S. through Oct. 14.

In this same age group, there were 8,622 COVID-related hospitalizations through Sept 18.

“This translates to cumulative incidence rates of approximately 6,000 and 30 per 100,000 for confirmed COVID cases and COVID-related hospitalizations, respectively, among children 5 to <12 years of age,” Pfizer’s application said.

Children with underlying medical conditions, such as asthma, diabetes and obesity, made up two-thirds of severe COVID cases.

Pfizer provided safety data on two study cohorts of children ages 5 to 11, both of roughly equal size. The first group was followed only for about two months, the second for only two-and-a-half weeks.

The two-month cohort included 2,268 children ages 5 to 11. Of the 2,268 children, 1,518 received the vaccine and 750 received a placebo. Each received two shots spaced three weeks apart.

Pfizer’s study found its vaccine was about 91% effective against symptomatic COVID in children, based on 16 cases of COVID in the placebo group and three cases in the vaccinated group over the brief follow-up period.

Most side effects occurred within a couple of days and included pain at the injection site, fatigue, headache, muscle pains and chills, Pfizer said.

According to Pfizer, the number of participants in the current clinical development program was “too small to detect any potential risks of myocarditis associated with vaccination.”

Long-term safety of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine “to evaluate long-term sequelae of post-vaccination myocarditis/pericarditis” in participants 5 to <12 years of age will not be studied until after the vaccine is authorized for children,” Pfizer’s application noted.

Pfizer data insufficient, kids’ risk of vaccine injury greater than COVID risk, experts say

Experts raised concerns over the lack of safety and efficacy data presented by Pfizer for use of its COVID vaccine in younger children, and they pointed to increasing safety signals based on reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

They also questioned the need to vaccinate children — whose risk of dying from COVID is “almost nil” — at all.

According to Dr. Meryl Nass, member of the Children’s Health Defense Scientific Advisory Panel, Pfizer once again did not use all of the children who participated in the trial in their safety study.

“Three thousand children received Pfizer’s COVID vaccine, but only 750 children were selectively included in the company’s safety analysis,” Nass said. “Studies in the 5-11 age group are essentially the same as the 12-15 group — in other words, equally brief and unsatisfying, with inadequate safety data and efficacy data, with no strong support for why this type of immuno-bridging analysis is sufficient.”

Nass said, “All serious adverse events were considered unrelated to the vaccine.”

During the meeting and in its FDA application, Pfizer argued children should be vaccinated to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission, yet the company did not assess asymptomatic transmission.

Dr. Ofer Levy, a VRBPAC member, asked for evidence that Pfizer’s vaccine prevents transmission.

Dr. William Gruber, senior vice president of Pfizer Vaccine Clinical Research and Development, said they did not assess whether the vaccine prevents transmission, but said there is evidence the vaccine prevents transmission in adults.

When questioned further, Gruber was unable to cite specific evidence to back his assertion.

Steve Kirsch, founder of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, asked the panel how they could do a risk-benefit analysis with Pfizer’s COVID vaccine if they did not know the CDC’s VAERS under-reporting factor (URF).

Kirsch asked:

“How can you do a risk-benefit of analysis of COVID vaccines if you don’t know the URF? This is extremely, extremely important. You have been assuming it has been one. It is not one. Using a URF of 41, which is calculated using CDC methodology, we find over 300,000 excess deaths in VAERS. If the vaccine didn’t kill these people, what did?”

“How many Americans have to die before you pull the plug?” Kirsch asked.

Kirsch also questioned the panel on why Maddie de Garay’s severe adverse reaction to the Pfizer vaccine, which left her paralyzed, was not reported by the company to the FDA.

Dr. Jessica Rose, viral immunologist and biologist, told the panel EUA of biological agents requires the existence of an emergency and the nonexistence of alternate treatment.

“There is no emergency and COVID-19 is exceedingly treatable,” Rose said.

In a peer-reviewed study co-authored by Rose, myocarditis rates were significantly higher in people 13 to 23 years old within eight weeks of the COVID vaccine rollout.

In 12- to15-year-olds, Rose said, reported cases of myocarditis were 19 times higher than background rates.

“In an act of censorship, this paper has been temporarily removed and it has now been killed without criticism of the work,” Rose said, noting the timing of the removal was strange.

Rose said tens of thousands of reports have been submitted to VAERS for children ages 0 to 18.

Rose explained:

“In this age group, 60 children have died — 23 of them were less than 2 years old. It is disturbing to note that “product administered to patient of inappropriate age was filed 5,510 times in this age group. Two children were inappropriately injected, presumably by a trained medical professional, and subsequently died.”

Dr. Josh Guetzkow, a senior lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, said expanding the EUA to children is unnecessary, premature and will do more harm than good.

Guetzkow said there is no emergency for children, especially healthy ones whose risk of severe illness and death is “almost nil.”

Guetzkow said kids with pre-existing conditions and prior COVID infections were not included in Pfizer’s study, so including them in the EUA is negligence.

“Pfizer’s trial is woefully underpowered to detect specific safety concerns, such as myocarditis, just like the adolescent study was, and if they weren’t able to detect an unexpected safety concern there, they wouldn’t be able to here,” Guetzkow said.

Guetzkow said:

“In Pfizer’s study, only .5% of controls were dropped due to important protocol violations, versus 3% in the treatment group. The odds of that happening by chance are 1 in 10,000. This deviation is poorly explained with no ITT analysis. The study is not double-blind and may be subject to bias. Most VSD safety monitoring programs have not reported results, why not wait?”

Guetzkow said, “from CDC reports, we can expect that for every 18 child hospitalizations prevented, at least 43 will end up in the hospital for all causes following vaccination,” yet, the “FDA’s risk-benefit analysis only counts myocarditis hospitalization.”

“Why ignore the V-safe data, and shouldn’t FDA verify Pfizer’s efficacy and immunobridging analysis first?” he asked.

Guetzkow said VAERS shows alarming safety signals, which cannot be attributed to increased vaccination, simulated reporting or COVID infections.

“We calculated the ratio of adverse events reported per million Pfizer vaccinations to reports per million flu vaccinations among teenagers to see what to expect in children. Serious events are reported 51% more often for Pfizer, deaths 47 times, life-threatening conditions 49 times,” Guetzkow said.

Guetzkow asked the panel to look at the data on COVID vaccines compared to flu vaccines. Pointing to the data on reproductive organs, Guetzkow asked, “why would we expect children to take these risks to protect adults?”

There are more than 900 types of adverse events reported after Pfizer vaccination that have never been reported after flu vaccines, including 11 cases of multisystem-inflammatory syndrome (MS-C) that occurred without previous history of COVID infection, Guetzkow said.

He added that if the panel was considering authorizing Pfizer’s COVID vaccine to prevent MS-C — as Pfizer’s application suggested as one of the reasons they should — the panel should reconsider.

During another part of the meeting, Julia Barnes-Weise, director of the Global Healthcare Innovation Alliance Accelerator, said pharmaceutical companies have concerns.

“One of them is, especially for a not-yet-approved vaccine, that they could be held liable for any injury that that vaccine seems to have caused,” Barnes-Weise said.

In a preliminary analysis last week, FDA reviewers said protection would “clearly outweigh” the risk of a very rare side effect in almost all scenarios of the pandemic, PBS News Hour reported.

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) said yesterday it would take legal action against the FDA if it granted EUA for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for children 5- to 11- years old.

Robert Kennedy's Organization CHD Threatens to Sue Government for Recklessly Endangering Children if FDA Authorizes Pfizer “Vaccine" for Kids 5 to 11 Years Old

From [HERE] Children’s Health Defense (CHD) today said it will take legal action against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) if the agency grants Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer-BioNTech SARS-CoV-2 vaccine for children aged 5-11.

In a letter signed by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CHD chairman and chief legal counsel, and Dr. Meryl Nass, member of the CHD Scientific Advisory Committee, Kennedy and Nass wrote:

“CHD will seek to hold you accountable for recklessly endangering this population with a product that has little efficacy but which may put them, without warning, at risk of many adverse health consequences, including heart damage, stroke, and other thrombotic events and reproductive harms.”

The letter was addressed to Dr. Arnold Monto, chairman of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), committee members and all FDA staff.

VRBPAC members are set to meet Tuesday to consider and likely vote on whether to grant EUA for the Pfizer vaccine for 5- to 11-year olds.

In May, the FDA authorized Pfizer’s vaccine for 12- to 15-year-oldsModerna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines have not yet been authorized for children under 18.

The letter outlines 12 reasons the FDA should not authorize the pediatric vaccine and provides supporting evidence to back up each argument.

Read the letter:

Dear Chairman Monto, VRBPAC Members and FDA Staff:

We write to you on behalf of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), a non-profit organization devoted to the health of people and the planet. We have actively followed your work to evaluate, authorize and approve vaccines for the American public and particularly children.

We are aware that you are likely to authorize Pfizer’s BioNTech SARS-CoV-2 vaccine for children aged 5-11 at your meeting on Oct. 26. Your authorization thus will expose over 20 million children in the U.S., and millions more around the world, to potential COVID-19 vaccination of an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) product.

We are writing to put you on notice that should you grant EUA status to this pediatric EUA vaccine, CHD is poised to take legal action against you and other Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) voting members as well as the FDA.

CHD will seek to hold you accountable for recklessly endangering this population with a product that has little efficacy but which may put them, without warning, at risk of many adverse health consequences, including heart damage, stroke and other thrombotic events and reproductive harms.

We briefly outline why such authorization would be reckless:

1. The risks demonstrably outweigh the benefits of COVID vaccination for young children.Deaths and hospitalizations are rare and have been inflated inaccurately.

2. Nearly half of all children have natural immunity to COVID, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There is no ethical justification for superfluous vaccination that will put children at elevated risk of vaccine harm.

3. Some children likely will die or be permanently injured from these vaccines based on the authorization for children 12-16.

4. The clinical trials for the pediatric vaccine were too small to detect safety signals for a population in the millions.

5. There are no long-term safety data for COVID vaccination of young children, making this an experiment rather than appropriate medical prevention.

6. Unethical coercive pressure will be applied to children and their parents, as has occurred with older children and adults. To grant authorization is to abet this unethical coercion that violates the Nuremberg Code’s first principle.

7. There is no available care for children injured by COVID shots. The science and medicine have not yet developed, and most families will be unable to cover the costs of potential catastrophic injuries.

8. VRBPAC members should not participate in an exercise disguising a foregone conclusion.The president’s purchase of 65 million pediatric doses, the CDC guidance for COVID vaccine delivery, the American Academy of Pediatrics’s promotion of COVID vaccination for children all call into question whether this committee’s deliberations mean anything.

If the administration is unprepared to wait for your advice, let alone heed it, you should signify your disapproval on behalf of the country the FDA is meant to protect.

9. First, do no harm. You are physicians who owe a duty to patients and medical ethics. If you authorize these shots, given all you know, will you be upholding your oath? If not, is it possible that your acts could later be seen as reason to remove your medical licenses?

10. The liability-free nature of your deliberations may not stand the test of time. In the fullness of time, your decisions may not have the liability protection that they currently enjoy. Under the PREP Act of 2005, all actors advancing an EUA agenda for medical countermeasures enjoy liability protection, absent willful misconduct.

Nonetheless, if at a later point these shots are deemed non-therapeutic gene products that you knowingly and recklessly authorized, and which were then distributed to children as a direct result of your decision, it is possible that liability could later attach.

11. There is no COVID emergency for children of this age.

12. There are safer drugs that could be used prophylactically and therapeutically for COVID in children. There is extensive and compelling medical evidence for this assertion — and the choice to eschew use of these drugs in favor of a demonstrably dangerous vaccine is arbitrary and capricious.

We ask that you carefully consider all the information above before making any recommendation to authorize Pfizer’s vaccine in the 5 through 11 year age group at your meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 26.

Sincerely yours,

Let’s investigate the basis for claims that children aged 5 through 11 need to be vaccinated for COVID.

1. The truth is that children aged 5-11 are at extremely low risk of hospitalization, death, MIS-C or Long COVID.

a. What is the actual risk of hospitalization, death and MIS-C in aged 5 through 11-year-old children? This age group has the lowest rate of severe disease and death than all other age cohorts.

CDC reports 94 COVID-19 deaths with COVID since Jan. 1, 2020, in the 5 through 11 age group. However, CDC designates these as deaths “involving COVID” or “with COVID” rather than due to COVID, according to CDC’s chart below.

b. In the October 2021 Pediatrics, a report by David McCormick et al. showed that of 112 pediatric deaths associated with SARS-CoV-2, 86% had comorbidities, especially obesity, neurologic and developmental conditions. The mean age of decedents was 17.

c. It is impossible to separate deaths with COVID from those due to COVID in the U.S. because the CDC does not distinguish them. But what we do know is that child deaths due to COVID in Germany, according to the BILD newspaper, were 20 in May 2021, in a country with 85 million people.

Pediatric deaths were “under 30” through March 2021, according to the UK government, with 60 million people. [MORE]

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: 'COVID Vaccines are Killing People Not Protecting Them. Governments, Dependent Media and Pharmaceutical Companies are Complicit in Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity'

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi is a Thai-German microbiologist who has been speaking out against the COVID-19 hysteria since the beginning of the crisis. He was a post-doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics in Freiburg and at The Protein Laboratory in Copenhagen. Dr. Bhakdi joined the Institute of Medical Microbiology at Giessen University and named chair of Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz. Dr. Bhakdi has published over three hundred articles in the fields of immunology, bacteriology, virology, and parasitology, for which he has received numerous awards and the Order of Merit of Rhineland-Palatinate. [MORE]

YOU ARE BEING LIED TO BY GOVERNMENTS, CORPORATIONS AND THEIR MEDIA AND YOU ARE BEING EXPERIMENTED ON [but enjoy your illusions]. From [EvidenceNotFear] COVID-19 is a disease defined by symptoms and not a virus. It’s therefore not transmitted nor can you test for it using nasal or throat testing kits. SARS-CoV-2 is the coronavirus that prompted the worldwide pandemic response.

In at least 80% of cases, the virus produces either no symptoms or a mild cold-like illness. For most of the population, the infection fatality rate for COVID-19 is 0.15%-0.2%. This brings it close to seasonal flu which is around 0.1%-0.2%.

The vast majority of us have no risk of dying from COVID-19. Studies show that 99.94% survive COVID-19 and will be resistant for a long time. The QCovid risk calculator from Oxford University can be used to calculate your risk of death or hospitalisation.

The people at risk from COVID-19 are clearly defined and should be protected with targeted measures. Children are not susceptible to it nor do they transmit the virus.

However, COVID-19 can be deadly for older and vulnerable people so it’s important to protect them. This will help eliminate hospital overcrowding. Nevertheless, the average age of someone who dies from COVID-19 is around 82 years. This is higher than the average life expectancy in the UK which is around 81 years.

Lockdowns will prevent population immunity and prolong the problem. Isolating the vulnerable and allowing the remaining population to practice safe distancing has been a historically proven way of dealing with flu-like viruses.

Fear instilled by panic and hysteria in the media is causing more people to die. Many are refusing to seek medical care because they are afraid to leave their homes. Others have not received proper medical care because of new procedures put in place.

There is no strong medical evidence that face masks prevent infection with respiratory viruses, including COVID-19. This is even stated in government guidelines for businesses.

COVID-19 style social distancing has little to do with the historically proven practice of isolating sick people. There is no scientific evidence that these measures prevent the spread of the disease.

Prominent Doctor Says Studies Prove People Have Already Developed Immunity to COVID, Vaccines Have No Benefit and are Dangerous b/c They Cause the Body to Attack Its Own Cells Which Can Cause Death

From [EvidenceNotFear]

Sucharit Bhakdi was born in Washington, DC, and educated at schools in Switzerland, Egypt, and Thailand. He studied medicine at the University of Bonn in Germany, where he received his MD in 1970. He was a post-doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics in Freiburg from 1972 to 1976, and at The Protein Laboratory in Copenhagen from 1976 to 1977. He joined the Institute of Medical Microbiology at Giessen University in 1977 and was appointed associate professor in 1982. He was named chair of Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz in 1990, where he remained until his retirement in 2012. Dr. Bhakdi has published over three hundred articles in the fields of immunology, bacteriology, virology, and parasitology, for which he has received numerous awards and the Order of Merit of Rhineland-Palatinate. Sucharit Bhakdi and his wife, Karina Reiss, live with their three-year-old son, Jonathan Atsadjan, in a small village near the city of Kiel. [MORE]

Children are 16X more likely to Die from Covid if they’ve Been Vaccinated According to UK Health Security Agency Report

From [HERE] The latest report from the UK Health Security Agency shows that the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England’s decision to recommend all children over the age of 12 should be vaccinated against Covid-19 was a huge mistake because the data shows children are 16 times more likely to die with Covid-19 if they have been vaccinated.

Chris Whitty; the CMO for England, overruled the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) on the 13th September 2021 and wrote a letter to the UK Government advising them to offer the Pfizer Covid-19 injection to all children over the age of 12 with immediate effect.

The decision was of course highly controversial due to the following reasons –

  • 86% of children suffered an adverse reaction to the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine in the clinical trial

  • 1 in 9 children suffered a severe adverse reaction leaving them unable to perform daily activities in the Pfizer clinical trial

  • Just 9 deaths associated with Covid-19 have occurred in children since March 2020 up to August 25th 2021

  • The risk of children developing serious illness due to Covid-19 is extremely low

  • The Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine is experimental and still in clinical trials

  • Three Scientific Studies conducted by the UK Government, Oxford University, & CDC, which were published in August have found the Covid-19 Vaccines do not work

  • Public Health England Data shows the majority of Covid-19 Deaths are among the Vaccinated and suggests that the Vaccines worsen disease

  • There have been at least 1.2 million Adverse Reactions to the Covid-19 Vaccines in the UK alone

  • There have been more deaths in 10 months due to the Covid-19 Vaccines than there have been due to all other available Vaccines since the year 2001

  • The risk of children developing Myocarditis (Heart Inflammation) due to the Pfizer vaccine

  • Children have died and are dying due to the Covid-19 Vaccines in the USA

  • The Joint Committee on Vaccination & Immunisation refused to recommend the Pfizer vaccine be offered to children

(A full list of references for the above reasons can be found at the end of this article)

This led to the ‘Covid-19 Assembly’ and lawyer Francis Hoar attempting to put a stop to the experimental vaccination in children in court. However, the Judge has so far refused to halt the roll-out of the Pfizer jab to children despite instructing the UK Government to submit evidence to the court justifying the vaccination of children by October 11th, with ‘Covid-19 Assembly’ having until the 15th October to respond before the court will promptly reconsider the matter. There are still no updates as of yet.

The Judge may yet live to regret his decision not to pause the roll-out of the experimental Covid-19 injection to children because Office for National Statistics data shows that deaths among children are 52% higher than the five-year-average since Chris Whitty overruled the JCVI and instructed children to be vaccinated. This is an extremely concerning figure when up until the point they began to be vaccinated deaths among children were 14% down on the five-year-average.

Contrary to Blight House Propaganda, Harvard Study Finds Covid-19 Surged Most Among Vaxxed Communities

From [HERE] Countries with a higher percentage of fully vaccinated people have higher rates of Covid-19 cases, a study by Harvard researchers claims.

The study, titled, “Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2,947 counties in the United States,” was published late last month at the National Institutes of Health website and the peer-reviewed European Journal of Epidemiology.

On its face, the study purports rises in Covid cases are unrelated to vaccination rates, however, data presented in the study gives the exact opposite impression.

For example, the study claims, “At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days.”

However, it goes on to say, “In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.”

“Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully vaccinated had the highest COVID-19 cases per 1 million people in the last 7 days,” the study authors state.

“The lack of a meaningful association between percentage population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases is further exemplified, for instance, by comparison of Iceland and Portugal,” the study notes, going on to demonstrate a meaningful association.

“Both countries have over 75% of their population fully vaccinated and have more COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than countries such as Vietnam and South Africa that have around 10% of their population fully vaccinated.”

The study goes on to illustrate the correlational relationship between vaccines and Covid rates in US counties. [MORE]

Lethal Injections: CDC Report Reveals 17,000 Deaths from COVID Vaxx Products and 818,044 Adverse Events Following Injections, Including 122,833 serious Injuries from 12/14/20 to 10/15/21

From [HERE] Data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that between Dec. 14, 2020, and Oct. 15, 2021, a total of 818,044 adverse events following COVID vaccines were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

The data included a total of 17,128 reports of deaths — an increase of 362 over the previous week, and a new report of a 12-year-old who died after getting the Pfizer vaccine.

There were 117,399 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 5,434 compared with the previous week.

Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 612,125 adverse events, including 7,848 deaths and 50,225 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and Oct. 15, 2021.

Of the 7,848 U.S. deaths reported as of Oct. 15, 11% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 15% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 28% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

In the U.S., 406.1 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of Oct. 15. This includes: 237 million doses of Pfizer, 154 million doses of Moderna and 15 million doses of Johnson & Johnson (J&J).

The data come directly from reports submitted to VAERS, the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.
Historically, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.

This week’s U.S. data for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

The most recent death involves a 12-year-old girl (VAERS I.D. 1784945) who died from a respiratory tract hemorrhage 22 days after receiving her first dose of Pfizer’s vaccine.

Another recent death includes a 15-year-old male who died six days after receiving his first dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. According to his VAERS report (VAERS I.D. 1764974), the previously healthy teen complained of brief unilateral shoulder pain five days after receiving his COVID vaccine.

The next day he played with two friends at a community pond, swung on a rope swing, flipped into the air, and landed in the water feet first. He surfaced, laughed and told his friends “Wow, that hurt!” He then swam toward shore underwater, as was his usual routine, but did not re-emerge.

An autopsy showed no external indication of a head injury, but there was a small subgaleal hemorrhage — a rare, but lethal bleeding disorder — over the left occiput. In addition, the boy had a mildly elevated cardiac mass, increased left ventricular wall thickness and small foci of myocardial inflammation of the lateral wall of the left ventricle with myocyte necrosis consistent with myocardial infarction.

  • 57 reports of anaphylaxis among 12- to 17-year-olds where the reaction was life-threatening, required treatment or resulted in death — with 96% of cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.

  • 535 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis (heart inflammation) with 527 cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.

  • 119 reports of blood clotting disorders, with all cases attributed to Pfizer.

DeSantis Offers Proposal to Make Businesses Liable for Any Medical Harm that Results from a Mandatory Vaccination while the Dependent Media Ignores and Pretends Vaccines Aren't Harming/Killing People

From [HERE] Florida’s governor has declared war on mandatory COVID-19 vaccination. At a Thursday news conference in Clearwater, Gov. Ron DeSantis laid out a litany of legislative policy priorities that would undermine federal requirements that workers be vaccinated against the coronavirus. Among the laws DeSantis wants to see passed:

▪ A proposal making businesses liable for any medical harm that results from a mandatory vaccination

▪ An addendum to the 2021 law protecting businesses from coronavirus-related liability undoing those protections if businesses mandate vaccination for their employees

▪ A measure allowing parents to collect attorney’s fees if they win a lawsuit against a school district for enacting illegal coronavirus restrictions

▪ A law making it clear that it’s illegal for governments to mandate the vaccine for government employees DeSantis said he’s planning to call a special session in November so the Republican-controlled Legislature can consider these and other measures that he said would protect employees from an overreaching government. “Quite frankly, this would have been something we would have done last legislative session,” DeSantis said. “If I honestly thought this would be something that would get this far, we would have made it a big priority.” The regularly scheduled legislative session starts Jan. 11, 2022.

The governor’s announcement was not a formal list of policy proposals. Instead, surrounded by supporters, Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo and Attorney General Ashley Moody, DeSantis rattled off ideas for new laws. It’s unclear how they’ll fare in the Legislature, but the state’s Republican leadership has rarely strayed far from the governor’s policy agenda in the past. Before DeSantis’ news conference ended, House Speaker Chris Sprowls’ office sent a memo to members saying he did not have details on the governor’s call for a special session. But later Thursday afternoon, Sprowls and Senate President Wilton Simpson, R-Trilby, issued a joint statement in which they offered support for a special session. “In the coming days, we will review the governor’s specific proposals as well as discuss our own ideas for legislative action,” the statement said. “During the upcoming special session, our goal is to make our laws even more clear that Florida stands as refuge for families and businesses who want to live in freedom.” Florida business leaders said they have yet to see the details of the governor’s proposals. [MORE]

Is it Voodoo or a Lack of Dependent Media Propaganda that is Preventing COVID From Spreading in Haiti? Only 649 Total Deaths in a Country of 11 Million People Not Wearing Masks, Less than 1% Vaxed

According to "FUNKTIONARY:

mass media - "Massa' Media. Massa's media plus + Mass Hypnosis = Mindless Masses. 2) The "Mess" Media. 3) wholesale re-tale--retelling the whole tale (propaganda) exactly as you're told, consistently and relentlessly. How can you possibly relate when you are framed by the very debate wherein you are an unwilling spectator? Let's be perfectly cleat on this. There's no counter-option or outlet to vent when you're under the controlled thoughtform of mass-think manufactured consent. "Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one." -A.J. Liebling. (See: Media, T.V., Mass, Alienation, Spectacle Society, NEWS, ABCTV, Propaganda, Legislation & The New God Economy)

Dependent Media - Establishment (dependent) media is both unwilling and incapable of reporting events truthfully, accurately or without extreme bias. News coverage is just that - covering up (masking) and distorting the events and those wielding power behind the events (those reported and deliberately unreported). News coverage has simply become “disinfotaiment” with the sole purpose of perception and knowledge containment as well as reality concealment. You report in the interests of those who are paying you to do so. (see MEDIA, NBC & NEWS).

No Dependent Media in Haiti, No COVID Hoax; Haiti to Send Back Expiring US Moderna Vaccines. From [HERE] Haiti, which has one of the lowest Covid-19 vaccination rates in the Western Hemisphere, will be returning thousands of unused doses donated by the U.S. to keep them from expiring. 

According to the NY Times Haiti, where the August earthquake killed at least 2,200 people, has fully inoculated less than 1 percent of its population. [MORE] In a country of roughly 11 million people, there have been an astoundingly low 649 deaths due to Covid-19 since the pandemic began. In December 2020 there had been a reported 234 deaths. The country has only reported 22,731 cases.

The COVAX Facility, which provides free and subsidized vaccines to the poorest nations, confirmed in an emailed statement Wednesday that the doses returned by Haiti will be redeployed elsewhere to “minimize any potential wastage.”

“Hundreds of thousands” of doses expiring in November will be sent to COVAX with the understanding that Haiti will receive a new batch in the future, Le Nouvelliste newspaper reported, citing health ministry officials. The exact number of vaccines being sent back was not confirmed by the government or the COVAX facility.

The U.S. donated 500,000 doses of the Moderna Inc vaccine to Haiti in July through COVAX -- an abbreviation for COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access. According to Haiti’s health ministry, fewer than 66,800 doses have been administered and only 20,354 people in the Caribbean nation of 11.4 million are fully vaccinated. 

Lots of Problems in Haiti but COVID Isn’t 1 of Them: Doctor says Hospitals are Not Overrun w/COVID Patients in Crowded, Poor, Unvaccinated Country Not Practicing Social Distancing or Wearing Masks

Prior to the earthquake in December 2020 the Miami Herald reported: In Haiti, they are acting like COVID-19 doesn’t exist. Mask-wearing is an exception and not the norm; bands are playing to sold-out crowds; and Kanaval, the three-day pre-Lenten debauchery-encouraging street party is back on for February. . .

Across the border in the neighboring Dominican Republic, with roughly the same population, the pandemic has killed almost ten times the number, 2,364. Jet off to Miami-Dade County, home to one of the larger Haitian communities in the United States, and the death toll is even higher: 4,002 in a population of 2.7 million.

What’s going on? Nobody is sure. “We don’t have a large quantity of people who are in bad shape,” said Dr. Sophia Cherestal Wooley, deputy medical coordinator for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières in Port-au-Prince. “They don’t get sick to the point that they need to be hospitalized and we don’t have the same quantity of people who have died here like in the Dominican Republic.

Shortly after the first imported case of COVID-19 was confirmed in Haiti on March 19, epidemiologists raised alarms. Taking into account Haiti’s weak health system, crowded living conditions and the population’s skepticism about the virus, they feared that the country, which has seen so much tragedy, would be overwhelmed by COVID-19 infections. At best, there would be 2,000 deaths, the models predicted. At worst, around 20,000. Even the Pan American Health Organization, citing a surge of Haitians crossing the border from the Dominican Republic to escape a spike there and the country’s ongoing political and humanitarian crises, voiced concerns about a pending crisis.

But fears that the deadly pandemic could unleash civil unrest and an even deeper humanitarian crisis have so far not proven accurate. “Today Haiti has been mildly affected compared to other countries in the region,” Dr. Sylvain Aldighieri, incident manager at the Pan American Health Organization, said. “But the collateral effects, the socioeconomics, health and nutritional are considerable.” Still, the low number of deaths is especially surprising because of the government’s own chaotic response and lax enforcement of its own rules.

Ministry of Health surveillance data show that Haiti experienced a first peak at the end of May into early June, and hospitalizations, while rising at one point, never reached critical levels. [MORE]

Contrary to Cult Logic that Billionaires and Global Pharmaceutical Corporations are Only Motivated by Good, Pfizer, Moderna are Projected to Rake in Combined $93 Billion in 2022 COVID Vax Sales

From [HERE] Vaccine makers Pfizer and Moderna are projected to generate combined sales of $93.2 billion in 2022 nearly twice the amount they’re expected to rake in this year, said Airfinity, a health data analytics group.

Airfinity put total market sales for COVID vaccines in 2022 at $124 billion, according to the Financial Times.

Pfizer vaccine sales are predicted to reach $54.5 billion in 2022, and Moderna’s will hit $38.7 billion. The estimates blow the earlier figures — $23.6 billion for Pfizer and $20 billion for Moderna — out of the water.

“The numbers are unprecedented,” Rasmus Beck Hansen, CEO of Airfinity, told the Financial Times.

Sales of the mRNA shots will continue to rise in 2022 due to boosters and countries stockpiling to ward off variants, Airfinity said.

Pfizer will generate 64% of its sales, and Moderna 75% of its sales, from high-income countries in 2022, the analysts predicted.

In April, Pfizer predicted 2021 COVID vaccine sales of $26 billion. After second-quarter results were reported, Pfizer upped the figure to $33.5 billion. Bernstein analyst Ronny Gal said the company could ring up an additional $10 billion in vaccine sales in 2021.

Gal wrote:

“The numbers are going to be much higher. The guidance of $33.5B reflects contracts signed to today which reflect total commitment to sell 2.1 million doses (at average price of $15.95). Pfizer notes they expect to manufacture 3 million doses. Presumably much of those will be sold as well, albeit at lower average price as consumption shifts to emerging markets. This is probably another $10 billion.”

“The second quarter was remarkable in a number of ways,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said. “Most visibly, the speed and efficiency of our efforts with BioNTech to help vaccinate the world against COVID-19 have been unprecedented, with now more than a billion doses of BNT162b2 having been delivered globally.”

On a conference call, Bourla said that while “it’s very early to speak” about the company’s sales expectations for next year, he put Pfizer’s 2022 production capacity at 4 billion doses.

According to ActionAid International — a global federation working for a world free of poverty and injustice — Moderna, Pfizer and BioNTech are reaping “astronomical and unconscionable profits” due to their monopolies of mRNA COVID vaccines.

Moderna and BioNTech are reporting 69% profit margins, with Moderna and Pfizer paying little in taxes, the People’s Vaccine Alliance said Sept. 15.

Thanks to patent monopolies for COVID vaccines — development of which was supported by $100 billion in public funding from taxpayers in the U.S., Germany and other countries — the three corporations earned more than $26 billion in revenue in the first half of the year, at least two-thirds of it as pure profit for Moderna and BioNTech.

The Alliance also estimated the three corporations are over-charging, pricing their vaccines by as much as $41 billion above the estimated cost of production.

“Big Pharma’s business model — receive billions in public investments, charge exorbitant prices for life-saving medicines, pay little tax — is gold dust for wealthy investors and corporate executives but devastating for global public health,” said Robbie Silverman, private sector engagement manager for Oxfam.

Silverman said pharmaceutical companies are prioritizing their own profits by enforcing their monopolies and selling their  vaccines to the highest bidder. “Enough is enough — we must start putting people before profits,” Silverman said.

According to an analysis by the People’s Vaccine Alliance, based on work by MRNA scientists at Imperial college, Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech have charged up to 24 times the potential cost of production for their vaccines.

Analysis of production techniques for Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, which were developed only thanks to $8.3 billion of public funding, suggest these same vaccines could be made for as little as $1.20 a dose.