Always Comply with a White Maniac Cop? Are You Out of Your Mind Yet?
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Nothing to Lose But Your Head. Many victims of racism preach that you must always comply with cops. This bullshit will get you killed. A black uncle once explained that late one night while drunk driving - slowly driving down the road deep in southern Virginia he was pulled over by a white cop. During the stop he told the cop, "I've been beat by a white cop before but I've never been beat by a faggot cop like yourself." The white cop just laughed, told him to be safe and let him go home.
You never know who are dealing with in the street. If you are indeed dealing with a psychopathic racist cop it would be stupid to expect him to treat you humanely. Robotic compliance with his incriminating questions and orders would be mindless.
Will you comply with a maniac cop while he is beating your woman or mother on the side of the road? Will you robotically comply with them when you have a good reason to believe that you will be killed? What are you living for? Are you a slave in a prison camp? Do you want to go out like a compliant Jew on his way to the oven during Nazi Germany?
If you are looking for some kind of formula for how to deal with racist police you are lazy or confused. The internet is filled with how to do shit like how to bake pecan cookies, fix your hard drive and whatever. Motherfuckers like the mf's that killed Tamir Rice, Phillandro Castro and Alton Sterling are maniacs – or psychopathic race soldiers. There can be no set plans for dealing with a maniac. It is like making a plan to deal with falling out of a tree.
The problem is not compliance. It is robotic, automatic, "always" compliance - having some set pre-made plan or code and script ready to go. Its not that guides or rules are never useful. They may be but there can be no robotic application of them.
During an encounter with a racist cop your thoughts are swinging back & forth like a monkey. "Why the fuck did this cop stop me? this is some bullshit; I did not do anything wrong, I am sick of this shit, Is there anything wrong with my license, my car? What is this fool going to do now? What the fuck! Why am I still waiting? I have rights!" This deep monologue or "thoughting" prevents you from paying attention to the present moment. You are thinking about the past (why you were stopped) or worried about the future (what will happen). You are really not present in this moment with that maniac cop and you are missing what is happening in front of you. You are split - and you are trying to listen to two people at once - the cop and your own stream of thoughts.
In this state of mind you are an enemy to yourself. There is no such thing as just “be calm” or forcing calmness. That is acting. It is only a mask, soon it will wear off and when you speak you reveal what is really going on inside. You are not really conscious in this state of repression, you are also not alive - you are a walking corpse in a very provocative situation. If you have gotten through these encounters doing shit like this without getting arrested or injured - it had nothing to do with your skills. Consider the following rules:
1. If you are dealing with a white officer presume that you are dealing with a racist cop
2. Assert your rights but comply with cop orders
3. Do not incriminate yourself by word or action [do not respond to statements]
4. Do not consent to any searches.
Overstand that life is not concerned with your logic and generalities - it has its own rules and it cannot be scripted. What is true in one circumstance may be false in another. Legal truths give way to reality on the street. (Magic legal phrases and arguments are only enforceable in a courtroom LATER ON– as in the future, perhaps after you are gone). Life is not a video to pause and rewind. Shit happens quick, your valley of decision will be unique. The misapplication of the above rules could get you killed, injured or placed in greater confinement. So how will you know when and what to do?

The only rule for dealing with cops is awareness. You must be consciously present in the moment, completely aware of what is going on internally and externally. You must be able to think clearly, to spontaneously respond like a windshield to what is in front of you based on a clear unfiltered perception of what's really real, right now - plans, a set script of what to say and what to do is bullshit. Constitutional scholars and persons who memorize codes also will miss what is present in the moment inside them and also misperceive cop demeanor, tone of voice, body language, communicated words and environment. In fact, unless you are aware, the more knowledge you carry like that will slow you down.
Anything you do or say while you are unconscious will be stupid. Dr. Blynd offers the following definition in the Funktionary:
unconsciousness: "that which lacks any integration within itself - instability; uncertainty and confusion. 2) the rejected suppressed and uncharted part of the ego. It is the unconscious that goads us to most of our activity. A divided mind, with the an unconscious and a conscious one, can never apperceive things as they are. "Truth is adulterated with falsehood in the same proportion to which one is unconscious" - Osho (See Mind, Truth & Reality Laundering).
If you can be alert, present in the moment when you are dealing with that cop you will be calm. Calmness is a by product of your awareness. This awareness can only be cultivated through meditation. Meditation enables you to be "the center of a cyclone." No matter what chaos is going on externally, you can remain centered. [MORE] Only in a state of mindfulness will you have the wherewithal to correctly apply or evaluate any knowledge. Even still your mindfulness must be strong to deal with racism during a prolonged or intense traffic stop. Otherwise the forms, feelings, perceptions and thoughts that pop up in your mind will take over- making clear thinking or perception of reality impossible.
Meditation is not thinking, concentration or contemplation. Meditation is just silently witnessing what your mind and body is doing, thinking and feeling. Like watching a game on TV, there is nothing to do - just sit and watch your mind and body. Unlike watching a game you must watch without reacting to what you observe; don't judge what you observe, just witness it. Vipassana meditation is such a simple thing that even a small child can do it. Learn about it [HERE]
Quite simply, in a state of awareness you will automatically know what to do and do it spontaneously. Whatever you do will be the right thing to do - as it will be a response not a reaction.
Prior to any traffic stop consciously do the following:
Obey traffic laws
Keep the inside of your car and trunk clean
Organize your car papers in a binder. Keep papers up to date.
Organize your wallet so that you can easily pull your license out
Try not to pull over in a poorly lit area
Turn the lights on inside your car when you pull over and make hands visible
Be prepared to die
Be prepared to defend yourself
1. Meditate on a regular.