Christ Consciousness as Defined in FUNKTIONARY

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According to "FUNKTIONARY:

Christ Consciousness – the dawning or realization of nonduality (anciently known as Heruhood from whence the original concept came) embracing complete unity of Intelligence with feeling-realization; the unification of life-affirming living waters “thought-deeds” infused with the wisdom of dynamic conscious change (raised up from the level mythic consciousness). Realization of Christ consciousness or the Kingdom of Heaven happens inwardly by the complete renewing of our minds (Rom. 12:2) so that we can authentically say, “We have the mind of Christ” (1 Cor. 2:16). Christ consciousness is not elimination of sin, evil, egotism and other illusions of neurotic separateness—but transformation of it through incorporating and transcending it through the very overstanding of its nature and reversing its narrowing of reality with respect to the relative manifestation. Christ consciousness is deeper and larger than mere freedom from ego. It is more universal than the religion that lays claim to the name. Christ consciousness is ascendant awareness, enlightenment—anointed Consciousness per se. Christ consciousness transcends both religion and the personalities within or without all traditions that over the eons of time have so attained—with the Biblio-archetype Jesus acting as the prototype for ordinary man’s potential to realize its innate Divinity found within. “Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these...” ~John 14:12. There are various levels of Christ consciousness; however, once one is anointed in it, there is no way of seeing things the same. “Hearing,” as a spiritual idea, refers to both the act of having something sacred revealed to you as well as the act of responding receptively to the reality-based living truth that has been heard or through grace, conferred upon you. A good exposure to this realization can be found in the book “Christ Consciousness: Emergence of the Pure Self Within,” by Norman Paulson. The Funktionary is concerned with the development of human consciousness and serves as a map to the Kingdom of Heaven (nondual consciousness) on Earth—here and now, close “at hand.” (Mark 1:15). When it all comes down, will we all fall down—safe and sound—six underground to the groundswell of Being? Meanwhile, overground 1 AM, watch this space—Christ, I’m falling into heaven with grace. We should “seek first” the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt: 6:33), that is, the realization of the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt. 16:28). The single most important teaching is that “The Kingdom of God is within” (Luke 17:21). We can find it or “see” it only by going deep within ourselves. The inner Kingdom of Heaven (attributed to the lore of “Jesus”) would come into existence for all of us right here on this Earth—not after death, but in this life. Once Christ consciousness is realized “all else will be added.” We have the power to realize the inner spiritual experience of that Kingdom come. As the story goes, Jesus wept over Jerusalem because the leaders of his own religion had not overstood or accepted the message about the straight, narrow and true path to the inner Kingdom of Heaven (Luke 13:34). The Kingdom of Heaven that Christ embodies so well is the vision of this world that sees no separation (duality) between God and humans. Christ consciousness then, is seeing that we all are united in the God that everyone else thought they should worship. “The Father and I are one.” (John 14:9). “Jesus” is wondering why any worship of any deity is warranted when the Kingdom of Heaven (within) is at hand. Why worship Jesus when you always-already are the Christ? “Do you not know that you are gods? (John 10:34-35). When we overstand that where we see Christ (the descriptor for awakened consciousness) in the Bible it means Consciousness, then we will have a deeper grasp of the essential meaning sealed in the title, to wit: “All things were created through Consciousness and in Consciousness.” ~Colossians 1:16. All things have the Buddha-nature. My being is participation with Being itself. “Without Consciousness was not anything made...all things are made through Consciousness.” ~John 1:34. We are transformed by consciousness in consciousness. There is no separation (duality) between divine and human, nor is there any separation between human beings. In the inner Kingdom of Heaven, all humans are one. Christ Consciousness is the inner realization of our oneness, our non-separation (nonduality or union) from God and each other. The unfathomable nature of Christ Consciousness is alluded to in Luke 10:22 and as well as the infinite nature of God-Consciousness is found in Luke 9:58. Christ consciousness is an indelible and irreversible change in one’s everyday consciousness from which there is no possibility of return (to a narrowing of reality) as confirmed in Luke 9:62. In this life you have to give birth to Christ Consciousness—the child of promise. Christ Consciousness is an unshared space within one’s Essence. It has no forms; it does not come and go—as only forms come and go. Your own Heart-Center is its temple. Who or what makes this discovery? Realization of Christ Consciousness is unaffected by the incessant grind of the body-mind. Notions of the mind arise and dissolve naturally within the space of the Unique Self. Simply put, the Kingdom of Heaven is nondual consciousness—the highest level of human consciousness aligned with the Divine. (See: Grace, Gnosis, Kingdom of Heaven, Faith, Blynd, God-Self-Divine, Realization, Enlightenment, Alightenment, Spiritual Maturity, Gnostic Faith, Buddha-Christ, Third-Door, Template of Oneness, I AM, Deep Awake, Duality, Nonduality, True Self, Spiritual Maturity, Upper Room, Single Eye, Pineal Gland & Awakening)