Doc Blynd Asks: 'Are You Living in Reality (dynamically in real life) or in Truth (static, predictable, certain, artificial life)?' “Cementality" Defined in FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

cementality – the non-intuitive and unwise state of mind and approach to Life wherein one attempts to set one’s position unshakably firm (cemented) as soon as possible into a conviction, and then defends any given position(s) against any reality (changes) to these positions with fanatical vim and fervent vigor. People who live in truth (and not reality) function with a cementality. But, since we live in reality (dynamically in real life) and not in truth (static, predictable, certain, artificial life) we must take and make provisional action decisions for this time, now; keeping an open mind by suspending belief and disbelief. Living in reality allows one’s position(s) to gradually evolve (morph) based on learning (and unlearning) from day-to-day testing, i.e., personal experience, per se—evolving from absolute truth to objective truth to subjective truth to reality-based truth. (See: Absolute Truth, Objective Truth, Subjective Truth, Reality Boxes, Truth-Based Truth, Believing, Academented, Ideology, Spontaneity, I-Concept, Split-Mind, Whole-Mind, Attachment, Consciousness, Neuralasticity, Indoctrination, Cultural Conditioning & Reality-Based Truth)