Dinosaur Rush Limbaugh: The Amnesty Trap and "Old, White Men"


RUSH: See, there you go, and the Republican Party believes this. This Al Cardenas, the head of the American Conservative Union, said the party is too old, too white, too male. Three million Republicans didn't vote. And if they had, these numbers on single women and Hispanics would not have mattered because Romney would have won. But the theme is that the Republicans are too exclusive.

Look, I don't want to bore you. We mentioned this in the first hour and a half of this program. I'm just telling you this is where they are. This is what the Republican Party is listening to. They listen to people like Stephanopoulos and this conservative guy, Al Cardenas. Too old, too white, too male. Lost single women, Hispanics. Again, I'm just gonna ask the question: The Hispanic voters, why do they vote Democrat? And it isn't immigration policy.

It is not immigration policy. That's not why Hispanics vote for Democrats. Republicans, to get the 75% of Hispanics that vote for Democrats, are gonna have to become members of the welfare state. And then they're gonna have to compete for the welfare state vote better at it than the Democrats do. Or they're gonna have to embark on an outreach program to explain to 'em why the welfare state's not in anybody's best interest, and try to talk 'em out of it.

But that's why 75% of Hispanics vote Democrat. And this is academic, scholarly research produced yesterday by Heather Mac Donald. I'm not making it up. She's the scholar on this stuff. Seventy-five percent vote Democrat because they believe in the big expansion of government, social safety net, and progressive taxation. It had nothing to do with immigration policy. Single women vote for the Democrat Party because the Democrat Party is their husband.