Christopher Dorner, Counter-Racism Code
/Victim of White Supremacy Blog
But beyond these concurrent events, nothing about this story supports Justice. Nothing about this incident helps to eliminate Racism. Nothing about what’s been reported will improve the lives of black people. To the contrary, this could possibly make things worse – already has for a few. I’ll outline a few key aspects of what has been reported thus far that violate major counter-racist objectives and bare the fingerprints and worldview of Racists/White people.
Whites derive an abundance of pleasure insulting black people. It boosts their morale to see us “chimpout,” become irrational, raging lunatics on their cue. Like Pavlov’s obedient pups, Whites provide us with auditory stimulus: NIGGER; we respond according to our training. Allen Iverson and countless others have had life changing altercations responding to the grade school insults of Racists. It never benefits black people to allow Whites to provoke us to substitute rage (even when justified) for reason. Mr. Dorner’s alleged manifesto describes him choking a White police officer for saying Nigger. Only Racists would appreciate this response. It eternally benefits Whites when we fail to remain codified, professional soldiers who understand and expect trifling, Racist behavior from any and all White people. Codified, professional warriors do not respond to name calling from their adversary. Successful combatants consistently respond to their enemies in the best manner possible. White people consciously and or subconsciously think of all black people as Niggers. Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr. – founder of the White Privilege Conference – has produced children with more then one White Woman, and even he publicly acknowledges this fact. Our enemies openly identifying themselves as such should never offend us.
Under the System of Racism (White Supremacy), all non-white people are being violently harmed. Any Victim of Racism can respond with counter-violence to White individuals they suspect of being Racist. But under no circumstances should ANY other non-white person be harmed during the use of counter-violence. Non-white people are terrorised; it makes no sense and is intolerable to add additional injury to an already battered people. The initial two victims Mr. Dorner is suspected of killing were non-white. The photographs of the slain engaged couple illustrate the extraordinary incorrectness of this act. It is total insanity for a non-white person to respond to Whites practicing Racism by murdering innocent non-white people. It’s as sensible as a slave of Thomas Jefferson attacking his Racist owner by decapitating Sally Hemings. Any act that is supposed to be against Racism cannot produce the same result as Racism. The essence of any counter-racist act should be affirming, saving and improving the lives of melanated people. Any act that violates this essential counter-racist code, should be forcefully rejected. [MORE]