New Details in Eaton County Deputy Accused of Shooting Himself- White Cop said a Black Man Did It

New developments in the case of the Eaton County sheriff's sergeant who prosecutors say made up a story about being shot by a black man, when he really shot himself. The Michigan State Police handed over a report to the Eaton County prosecutor as part of the investigation. Prosecutors aren't sharing the details but state police claim that Jeff Lutz did not use his own gun to shoot himself. Police say they found a 25 caliber gun, and the bullet casing matched those found at a Delta Township shopping center where the incident happened. Investigators aren't saying where that gun came from. You'll remember Lutz originally blamed a black suspect for the shooting, and that's when greater Lansing clergy forum called for Eaton County to investigate racial profiling and hiring practices in the sheriff's department. The head of the forum says they've gotten most of the information they need, but says they still want details about the how the department stops and arrests people of color along the Waverly Road corridor. Melvin T. Jones, greater Lansing clergy forum head: “Residents have been complaining that there are stops taking place that are harassments, more so than stops that are aligned with some sort of criminal behavior.” [MORE]