Racist Cop Reminds White Lady of Whitenology: "We Only Kill Black People" [Racism = A System of Survival]
/"But You're Not Black. Remember We Only Kill Black People. We Only Kill Black People Right? In All the Videos You've Seen, Have You Seen Any White People Get Killed? From [HERE] Exclusive dash-cam video obtained by Channel 2 Action News caught an officer’s interaction with a woman who said she was afraid to move her hands during a traffic stop.
Cobb County police Chief Mike Register told Channel 2 Investigative Reporter Mark Winne that after Channel 2 Action News submitted an open-records request, he and his command staff looked at the video.
“Remember, we only kill black people. We only kill black people, right?” the Cobb County police officer can be heard saying on the video. [MORE]

White plus Black equals Colored.
White plus Brown equals Colored.
White plus Yellow equals Colored
Racism = A System of Survival
According to Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, racism is a system of white behavior and survival: "I say that this [genetic annihilation] is the fundamental motivation of people who classify themselves as White, whether it is conscious and/or subconsciously determined. In other words: what the White Collective is doing on the planet is engaging in behaviors—in economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and more—in order for them to survive on the planet, by any means necessary.
They worked out a system for White survival, which entails dominating all of the Black, Brown, Red and Yellow people on the planet. So racism is a behavioral system for the survival of White people.
I would advise Black people and other people of color that since the practice of racism is the practice of White genetic survival, that the expectation that people who classify themselves as White can change this behavior is a high level expectation. [MORE]