Racist Suspect: Rabbi Gary Moskowitz
Offending Conduct: Rabbi Gary Moskowitz, willfully and deliberately demonstrated a willingness to participate in action and speech to establish, maintain, expand, and/or refine the practice of White Supremacy (Racism) in the areas of Media and Politics by referring to Black people as animals on CNN. In the context of discussing the so-called "knockout game" as "racial violence" of Blacks against whites, the black-belt rabbi, instructed Jewish people how to defend themselves from perpetrators he compared to animals. He participated in the racist deception by perpetuating the racial narrative promoted on CNN. [MORE]
“The issue is … they’re not just attacking Jews theologically. What they’re doing is, they’re attacking weaker people. It’s very much like the animal kingdom,” he said. “They’re attacking weaker people. So they attack elderly women, they attack children. And Jewish people, unfortunately, especially in the Orthodox community are considered weak.”
Throughout the segment, CNN aired video of a black man attacking a white victim on a loop. The Atlantic Wire’s Philip Bump notes that the segment included a demonstration with CNN anchor Don Lemon throwing a fake punch at Moskowitz.
"Nothing stirs up white racial anxiety like a black-against-white race war. Never mind the fact that there isn’t one. According to conservative media, there is a growing but underreported black-versus-white race war in America. There’s no data, of course, just some strung together anecdotes... The manufactured race war in general conveniently feed a larger conservative narrative —reminding white America of how dangerous and scary black men are and how white people, especially white men, are the real victims." [MORE] and [MORE]