Ambassador Joseph Wilson Accuses RNC of Conducting New Smear Attack

A year ago Wilson revealed the Bush administration was fabricating intelligence that Iraq sought to purchase uranium from Niger. Since then his wife was outted as a CIA agent and now Republicans say a new Senate intelligence committee report contradicts some of Wilson's statements. Wilson accuses the GOP of trying to divert attention from the federal inquiry into the outing of his wife. [more]

Wilson raised the possibility that Bush, Cheney and Rove are illegally interfering with a criminal investigation.
Now the same people who are involved in this campaign, the RNC -- The RNC I remind you is headed by the President, the Vice-President and with which Karl Rove has an intimate relationship. These are the same people who have been called to testify before the special counsel and/or the grand jury. Indeed, when the President testified, when the President spoke with the special counsel, he was accompanied by a criminal defense attorney. Now I ask you, does this campaign against me not at least give the appearance of being interference in an ongoing criminal investigation by people who may well be the subjects and targets of this investigation? [more]