CA. Debate continues over drivers' licenses for illegal immigrants

Now that state budget issues have been resolved, the controversy over issuing driver's licenses to illegal immigrants is now being debated in the state legislature in Sacramento and all throughout our agriculture-driven Central Valley. "The Immigrant Responsibility and Security Act" or SB 1160, has millions of Californians wondering whether the bill is good for public safety or bad for homeland security. A previous version of the bill was signed by former Gov. Gray Davis, but repealed by current Gov. Schwarzenegger shortly after he took office. At the time, Schwarzenegger stated he would back a revised bill if it addressed his security concerns. According to the newly-proposed bill, applicants would have to present proof of identification, submit fingerprints and undergo state and federal criminal background checks. If possible terrorists were to qualify for driver's licenses, under the proposed law, investigators would have immediate access to their photos and fingerprints.  [more]