Bush Failing to Admit Iraq's Worsening Situation
/President George W. Bush description of recent events in Iraq is "bland to the point of dishonesty," the Washington Post charged, in a blistering editorial accusing the president of failing to admit the worsening situation in Iraq. "His description of Iraq is bland to the point of dishonesty," the leading daily wrote, noting that Bush said Friday that, "despite ongoing acts of violence," Iraq has a strong prime minister, a national council and that it will hold elections in January. "Not only has Mr. Bush not said how, or whether, he intends to respond to the worsening situation -- he doesn't really admit it exists," the Post said. This duck-and-cover strategy may have its political advantages, but it is also deeply irresponsible and potentially dangerous. As conservative Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) put it last week, "the worst thing we can do is hold ourselves hostage to some grand illusion that we're winning. Right now, we are not winning. Things are getting worse." [more ] and [WP article ] A classified National Intelligence Estimate prepared for President Bush in late July spells out a dark assessment of prospects for Iraq... The estimate outlines three possibilities for Iraq through the end of 2005, with the worst case being developments that could lead to civil war, the officials said. The most favorable outcome described is an Iraq whose stability would remain tenuous in political, economic and security terms."[more ] Compare that to the following:
- "[Iraq is] on the path to lasting democracy and liberty" -- George W. Bush, 8/5/04 [more ]
- "Iraq is continuing to move forward to build a free and peaceful future." -- Scott McClellan, 8/6/04 [more ]
- "We're making progress on the ground [in Iraq]" -- George W. Bush, 8/23/04 [more ]
- "We're moving in the right direction [in Iraq]." -- Vice President Cheney, 8/24/04 [more ]
- "We continue to make progress as we help the Iraqi people move forward to a brighter future." -- Scott McClellan, 9/9/04 [more
- "They're working at making a success out of that country...And I think they've got a darned good crack at making it." -- Donald Rumsfeld, 9/14/04 [more ]
- "The President talks often about the progress we've made in places like...Iraq." -- Scott McClellan, 9/15/04 [more ]