Growing evidence suggests that George W. Bush abruptly
left his Texas Air National Guard unit in 1972 for substantive reasons
pertaining to his inability to continue piloting a fighter jet. A
months-long investigation, which includes examination of hundreds of
government-released documents, interviews with former Guard members and
officials, military experts and Bush associates, points toward the
conclusion that Bush's personal behavior was causing alarm among his
superior officers and would ultimately lead to his fleeing the state to
avoid a physical exam he might have had difficulty passing. His failure
to complete a physical exam became the official reason for his
subsequent suspension from flying status. This central issue is
whether Bush did or did not complete his duty. [more ]
Can someone please explain to me how the Bush
campaign can tell within 24 hours that a scan of a fax of a Xerox of a
document that restates known facts about W's National Guard service is
a forgery, but the same people couldn't determine for several months
that the Niger "yellowcake" letters were obvious fakes? Are we
supposed to hold 60 Minutes II to a higher standard than the State of
the Union address? Are the pundits that are screaming that Dan Rather
has lost credibility willing to apply the same standards to Bush? [more ]
Media has paid more attention to CBS Forgery issue than to the Forged Documents used by Bush to go to War with Iraq [more]