Louisiana teens getting driver's license also register for selective service

There may be no "plans" for a national military draft, but that hasn't kept Louisiana from registering teenagers too young to serve in case conditions change.  During the recently concluded presidential campaigns, the major candidates repeatedly said they had no plans to resume compulsory military service. Their promises were not reassuring, however, to Larry Chevalier of Glenmora who was alarmed when his 16-year-old son Nathan had to register with the Selective Service System in order to get a driver's license.  Selective Service is the agency charged with collecting names and information about all 18-year-old American and immigrant men for possible conscription.  "I just can't believe it. That amazes me," Chevalier said.  What "amazed" Chevalier was that his son would not be eligible to serve in the military for another two years.  And neither he nor his son knew before going to the Office of Motor Vehicles that Natan would be required to pre-register for the draft in order to get his first driver's license, he said.  After questioning the early registration, Chevalier researched the issue and learned the Legislature passed Act 373 in the 2003 session dictating that all males aged 15 up to 18 seeking a first-time driver's license or an OMV identification card must register with Selective Service. [more]