Clinton Plays the Hillbilly Card

hrckfc.jpgThe NY Post states: Hillary Rodham Clinton played the race card yesterday as she dismissed Barack Obama as a candidate who will have a hard time winning support from "white Americans." It was the most starkly racial comment Clinton has made in the campaign, and drew quick condemnation from some Democrats. "I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on," she told USA Today in an interview published yesterday. She referred to an Associated Press story on Indiana and North Carolina exit polls "that found how Sen. Obama's support among working, hardworking Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me." She added, "There's a pattern emerging here." The Rev. Al Sharpton told NY1 there's no scenario where Clinton can become the nominee without the "total destruction" of the party, adding, "It's over . . . Come sing another day, but this show is over, Sen. Clinton." [MORE] and [MORE]

Eugene Robinson from the Wash. Post said: Here's what she's really saying to party leaders: There's no way that white people are going to vote for the black guy. Come November, you'll be sorry. How silly of me. I thought the Democratic Party believed in a colorblind America."

Uneducated White Folks does not necessarily equal "hardworking, working class people"
The media keeps regurgitating Clinton's spin that working class, "hardworking people" are voting for her. Get it straight- uneducated white people like her. Believe it or not they are actually millions of hardworking, working class Americans who are Black or Latino. In fact the largest union in the country, S.E.I.U., which has nearly 2 million members, is 40% Black and Latino. SEIU endorsed Obama. [MORE] The U.F.C.W. with 1.4 million members also endorsed Obama. [HERE]