Top PA School Officials Text: "All Black Children should have Nigger as their Last name"
Pretending to Provide Education. In a transcript of text messages Coatesville Area School Superintendent Richard Como and Director of Athletics and Activities Jim Donato said that 'all Black children's last names should be nigger.'
Non-white parents probably had no idea what they were working with when they dealt with these two racist suspects. However, in a white supremacy system it is intelligent to expect racism from all the white people you encounter. It is difficult to determine who is a racist, and who is not, because it is impossible to monitor (or judge) all the individual actions and words of any white person at all times. [MORE] and [more]
Racists are masters of deceit. White supremacy/racism has nothing to do with membership in some clown organization such as the KKK. White supremacy is the promotion of falsehood and non-justice based on factors associated with the "color" and/or "non-color" of people. See Anon on the "types of white people."

From [HERE] Two former high-ranking white officials in one Pennsylvania school district are facing a criminal investigation over shocking racist and sexists text messages that were found on their work cell phones, authorities confirmed on Sunday. In a statement to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Chester County District Attorney Thomas Hogan said that his office launched the probe after it received a transcript of the texts from district personnel.
An investigation by the Daily Local News found that the cell phone accounts were linked to Coatesville Area School Superintendent Richard Como and former Director of Athletics and Activities Jim Donato. Both men had unexpectedly resigned during the first week of school in late August.

In a transcript of the text messages obtained by Daily Local News, one of the men suggests that all African-Americans should have Nigger for their last name.
“All should have whatever first names they want… then last name is N*GGER!” he wrote. “Leroy N*gger, Preacher N*gger, Night train n*gger, clarence n*gger, Latoya n*gger, Thelma n*gger and so on.”
“Hahahahahahahahhahahahaha could have a whole homeromms of N*gger!” another message said. “Hahahahahahaha! Will N*gger report to office, pardon the interruption but will N*gger report to nurses office. N*gger to lunch now!”
"Me no like [N-word] SNAKE LYING MOTHER F-," said one text about Tiger Woods, who was playing that day in the U.S. Open.

One message complained that there was “no f*cking way that ape banged that white piece? WTF is going on with these white pieces taking n*gger cock! Me no understand!”
The men also apparently used their work phones to have a long, racist and sexist conversation about the Miss USA pageant.
“OMg! N*gger OUT!” one man wrote when as an African-American contestant was voted off. “WTF SKINNY B*TCH. Give good head! Trumped!” [MORE]
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Anon - "In the absence of white supremacy, niggers would not exist." [MORE]
1. "Nigger" is NOT a racial identity.
2. ALL non-white people are niggers - by default - in a system of white supremacy.
3."Nigger" is NOT a personality defect.
4."Nigger" is a political term that defines a social, economic, and political REALITY.
5. A nigger cannot decide who is a nigger and who is not.
6. All black people are niggers but all niggers are not black people.
7. All non-white people are niggers (in a system of white supremacy).
8. There is no place on earth called "Nigger Land," therefore niggers are NOT born (niggers), they are CREATED.
9. White people cannot be niggers in a system of white supremacy.
10. There is NO racial slur for whites that is the social, economic, or political equivalent of "nigger" in a white supremacist system.
11. There is no such thing as "acting like a nigger."
12. Being a nigger has nothing to do with being ignorant, backward, country, poor, or uneducated. Those qualities are found in every ethnic group.
13. No amount of education, professional achievements, or fancy table manners will transform a nigger into a white person in a system of white supremacy.
14. Nigger is not a lifestyle or behavior, it's a condition. Accusing someone of acting like a "nigger" is like saying, "Stop acting poor!" If you're poor, you act poor. In other words, your behavior reflects your conditions NOT your race.
15. If we eliminated poverty and white supremacy, there would be no poor folks or niggers.
16. "Nigger" should never be a term of endearment. This is like greeting a friend who just lost his job by saying, "How you doing, you 'out of work person'?"
17. In the absence of white supremacy, niggers would not exist.
18. In the absence of white supremacy, there would be no need for niggers.
19. A moral and just society is "nigger-proof." (because there would be no need to invent niggers).
Once we understand what a "nigger" is, we will understand that a made-up word DOES NOT DEFINE WHO WE ARE; it defines WHAT IS BEING DONE TO US.
Once we understand what the word "nigger" means, we will stop being afraid of a word we did not create. Once we understand that "nigger" does not define (or limit) our humanity, we will stop being ashamed of a word that says more about the creator than it does about us. Then, we will have the time and energy to turn our collective focus to eliminating the conditions that have created "niggers" all over the world. [MORE]