Only about Oil? Photos depict U.S. Marines [all White] burning bodies of Iraqis [all non-white], posing for pictures with skeletons
/Posing for Genocide: Released photo shows a white Marine squatting next to a skull to pose for the camera. His U.S. military uniform is clear, on his face he wears a wide grin and he is pointing his gun at the skeleton. In their relations with non-whites, by and large, whites function as psychopaths. [MORE]
From [HERE] Two pictures show a Marine pouring gasoline on the enemy remains, another two images show the Iraqi soldiers going up in flames while a fifth picture captures the charred bodies --Pentagon launches 'probe.' Shocking images depicting U.S. soldiers burning the bodies of what appear to be Iraqi insurgents, have emerged today. The explosive photographs, reportedly taken in Fallujah in 2004, have already sparked a Marine Corps investigation. Two pictures show a Marine pouring what looks like gasoline on the remains of enemy soldiers and another two images appear to show the remains go up in flames. Two more capture the horrifically charred bodies.