The Powerless Speak Out, Respond to Call for Law and Order [the Same Law & Order that Hides the Everyday War Against Blacks & Latinos]
/From [HERE] Thousands of people flooded city streets from Los Angeles to New York late Monday in passionate — but initially peaceful — protest of a mostly white grand jury's decision not to indict a white police officer who killed an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri. People have every right to be angry at this racist bullshit masquerading as "justice" perpetuated by white people. For the time being the protestors have suspended their belief in this racist system. Our belief in this system is its power! When coercion fails force will be used. [MORE] But what will go on after people calm down?
For the most part protestors struck out at property and not at each other or at cops. However, an officer with the University City Police Department was shot Monday night. That shooting happened after 11:00 p.m. near the intersection of Canton and Lamb. The officer was taken to a nearby St. Louis hospital. Their condition was not known. It's not known if the shooting was connected to protests in Ferguson.
For a time Monday night, protesters blocked Interstate-44 through St. Louis until police were able to herd them back and allow traffic to get through again. But that wasn’t the only thing rioters stopped. Air traffic was delayed for some, other flights were diverted and not allowed to land at Lambert Field. [MORE]
A Walgreens (above) in Ferguson, Missouri, was reportedly set on fire after protests erupted on Monday night. Interstate 44 was also reportedly shut down, a McDonald’s was looted, a Little Caesars was set on fire, and a Dollar Tree store was looted. Photos uploaded to Twitter showed the store on fire with smoke pouring out of it. [MORE]
Protestor tells Black Android, "Fuck CNN."
Anonymous protester approached provocative Fox News reporter Steve Harrigan, yelled "Fuck you and fuck Fox News" then disabled the live TV camera. [MORE]
We already know the Republicans are the White Party. But Non-whites, especially Black folks should witness that all the players indirectly involved in this racist episode were white Democrats: Governor Jay Nixon, U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill, State Attorney General Chris Koster, St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay and Prosecutor Robert McCulloch. Also 27 of the city's 28 Aldermen are Democrats. At the federal level, in Missouri's 1st congressional district, a Republican has not represented a significant portion of St. Louis in the U.S. House since 1953. [MORE] These folks plus a Black President and Attorney General have not helped Black people solve its problem of racism/white supremacy, which is the cause of police brutality, the unequal administration of "justice" and so many other things plaguing non-white communities. It is time to do something else about our powerless reality and begin asking questions such as how can we get some power to solve our problems? How can we neutralize white power? How do we stop white people from practicing racism? What kind of consciousness is needed for the task? How do we begin to confront the system of white supremacy/racism?