Harvard Professor says racism is to blame for the slow response to the Ebola outbreak

From [HERE] Why has the global response to the Ebola outbreak been so slow? “I think it’s racism,” says Dr. Joia Mukherjee.

“I think it’s easy for the world — the powerful world [10% or less is white], who are largely non-African, non-people of color — to ignore the suffering of poor, black people," says Mukherjee, a professor at Harvard Medical School and chief medical officer at the Boston-based non-profit Partners in Health.

Race isn't the only reason she believes it's easy to dismiss the issues. "I think it’s also classism," she says. "These are not countries that contribute massively to the global economy, so it’s easy to just otherize this problem."

For Mukherjee, the notion that "it’s not going to impact us" is short-sighted, both from a health standpoint and a moral one.

"First of all, it may very well impact us if we don’t get it under control," she points out. "But, perhaps more importantly, from a humanity perspective — not a humanitarian, but humanity perspective — we’re one humanity. And the suffering of people in Liberia or Sierra Leone is no different than suffering where I live in terms of impact on a mother, a father, on brothers and sisters.”

Along with a small team of doctors and operations staff, Mukherjee will depart for Liberia on Monday. She and a team from Partners in Health will begin laying the groundwork for an ambitious, multi-year project aimed at stopping the Ebola outbreak in the region.

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[$7.33 an hour] The danger of being pushed off public assistance [experiments in white supremacy]

Patricia Brown wipes her brow while checking for job related emails on the tablet she holds in her hand. Beside her is a pile of clean laundry that she will fold. Brown had just returned by bus from the Center for Workforce Innovation in Richmond.

From [HERE] The federal government established a 60-month lifetime limit on cash public assistance in 1996 as part of welfare reform. In the early years, when the economy boomed, the welfare rolls plummeted nationally. They have continued a steady decline since. In Virginia, the TANF roll has fallen 61 percent. It is now at its lowest point, even after a rise during the Great Recession.

Most — about 67 percent – enrolled in the commonwealth’s welfare-t0-work program did, indeed, find work, though no one is tracking how many have remained employed. This is generally true elsewhere  in the country and, in that sense – healthy, unmarried mothers find work — welfare reform has been a success. This is not the same thing as saying these mothers – and some fathers – have left poverty. The average hourly wage of those who went immediately from welfare to work over roughly the past two decades in Virginia? $7.33 an hour. [MORE]

So Called War on "ISIS" is a "Sure bet Payday" for Defense Industry

From [HERE] It’s far too soon to tell how the American escalation in the sprawling, complex mess unfolding in Iraq and Syria will play out. But this much is clear: As the white elite's military machine hums into a higher gear, it will produce some winners in the defense industry.

New fights mean new stuff, after all. And following the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan—and the belt-tightening at the Pentagon imposed by steep budget cuts—military suppliers are lining up to meet a suddenly restored need for their wares. Presenting his vision for expanding the confrontation with the terrorist group ISIS in a speech to the nation on Wednesday night, President Obama outlined a program of intensified airstrikes designed to keep American troops away from the danger on the ground. So defense analysts are pointing to a pair of sure-bet paydays from the new campaign: for those making and maintaining the aircraft, manned and unmanned, that will swarm the skies over the region, and for those producing the missiles and munitions that will arm them.

“The drone builders are going to have a field day,” says Dov Zakheim, who served as Pentagon Comptroller during the George W. Bush administration. That could mean a tidy profit for privately held General Atomics, maker of the Predator drone, the granddaddy in the category and still widely in use, as well as the second-generation Reaper, designed to carry 3,000 pounds worth of bombs. And to help survey vast expanses of desert, the military will rely on the Global Hawk, made by Northrop Grumman NOC 0.53% to hover at altitudes as high as 50,000 feet for up to four days at a time. Those vehicles will likely be making use of the Gorgon Stare. This sensor, developed by privately held Sierra Nevada, is capable of scoping a 4-kilometer diameter by filming with nine cameras. [MORE]

Whose economy are you talking about? Economist Predicts Poverty Rate Increase

From [HEREJared Bernstein, who is a senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in Washington and a former chief economist to Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., predicts that the poverty rate has increased. He wrote the following: 

On Tuesday, the Census Bureau will tell us whether the share of population that’s officially in poverty went up, down or stayed the same in 2013. There’s tons of other data in the release, like the change in the real income for the median household and information on health insurance coverage.

Because the data is a year old, financial markets ignore it. But political markets pay a lot of attention, as do policy analysts and advocates who work on poverty and middle-class economics. And, of course, these being the early days of the Affordable Care Act, the health coverage data will doubtless also get a close look. My own interest is that of the policy wonk who focuses on the nexus between the overall, or macro, economy and living standards of middle- and low-income families.

It’s an important set of numbers. Although one must always be careful not to read too much into one year’s data, 2013 represents the fourth full year of an economic recovery that officially began in the second half of 2009. Yet this recovery has been uniquely unforthcoming for the poor, the unemployed and even many people in the middle class.

Poverty, as officially measured, has held steady at about 15 percent of the population since 2010, and unfortunately, I expect it to do so again this year. I expect the real median household income to do a little better, up by maybe 1 percent.

Why, if I’m right, should the poor and middle class have gained so little by Year 4 of the recovery? That relates to the answer I tend to give when someone asks me how the economy is doing: Whose economy are you talking about?

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Latino unemployment rate allegedly declines [from 7.9 to 7.8] But Millions More Not in Labor Force, Says Report

From [HERE] The U.S. Latino unemployment rate has declined based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics' August report, but the number of people employed and not in the labor force depicts a different picture.

According to the August report, 7.5 percent of Latinos are unemployed, or 1.9 million people. In comparison to July's report, 7.8 percent of Latinos were unemployed. According to the National Council of La Raza, "unemployed" refers to individuals who are available to work, have made an effort to find a job or are expected for a call back from a layoff but are not working.

Among Latinos over the age of 16, 23.5 million are working or temporarily absent from their jobs. The total sum of Latinos unemployed and employed, or part in the civilian labor force, is 25.4 million. However, 13.1 million Latinos are categorized as "neither employed or unemployed."

"The latest report from the U.S. Department of Labor shows lower-than-average employment growth in August compared to the last 12 months, but better outcomes for Latino workers who benefitted from job growth in key industries," noted NCLR's "Monthly Latino Employment Report."

The Latino unemployment rate decline has been attributed to job growth in job sectors with relatively high Latino participation. Industries such as administrative and waste services, which gained 23,000 overall employees including other ethnicities, food services and restaurants with 22,000 hires and construction adding 20,000 workers.

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The American fear-mongering machine is about to scare us back into war again

From [HERE] Thanks to a say-anything media, hawkish politicians and an Orwellian administration, a war-weary public is terrified. Are there any red lines anymore – or just launch buttons?

Did you know that the US government’s counterterrorism chief Matthew Olson said last week that “there’s no credible information” that the Islamic State (Isis) is planning an attack on America and that there’s “no indication at this point of a cell of foreign fighters operating in the United States”? Or that, as the Associated Press reported, “The FBI and Homeland Security Department say there are no specific or credible terror threats to the US homeland from the Islamic State militant group”?

Probably not, because as the nation barrels towards yet another war in the Middle East and President Obama prepares to address that nation on the “offensive phase” of his military plan Wednesday night, mainstream media pundits and the usual uber-hawk politicians are busy trying to out-hyperbole each other over the threat Isis poses to Americans. In the process, they’re all but ignoring any evidence to the contrary and the potential hole of blood and treasure into which they’re ready to drive this country all over again.

Facts or consequences have never gotten in the way of Congress’ lust for war before – this political body was, after all, George W Bush’s chief enabler in Iraq the last time around – and this time it’s no different. Sen James Inhofe (R-OK) recently said Isis militants are “rapidly developing a method of blowing up a major US city and people just can’t believe that’s happening.” (Maybe because there’s no proof that they are?) Sen Bill Nelson (D-FL) said, “It ought to be pretty clear when they … say they’re going to fly the black flag of ISIS over the White House that Isis is a clear and present danger.” (Again, who cares if they’re not?)

The White House declared on Tuesday night that it needn’t bother to ask Congress for war powers, and Congress is more than happy to relieve itself of the responsibility of asking for them – or, you know, voting. Members of both parties have actually been telling the president to ignore the legislative branch entirely – as well as his constitutional and legal requirements. It seems so long ago now that presidential candidate Obama said, “The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”

“What if it comes over and you can’t pass it?” asked Sen Lindsay Graham, as though he wouldn’t want democracy getting in the way of a nice war. The aforementioned Sen Nelson said he thinks the president should go ahead and strike Isis all he wants, but added that “there are some legal scholars who think otherwise, so let’s just put it to rest”. Those pesky legal scholars with their “laws” and that “Constitution” of theirs, always slowing things down.

Meanwhile, the media has been busy arguing whether Obama is talking “tough” enough, how closely Isis resembles the Nazis, and how much military strength the US is going to unleash to “destroy” Isis – never pausing to question whether that’s prudent or even possible (or maybe that it’s exactly what Isis wants).

Wisconsin has the largest gap between the well-being of white and black children in the country

From [HERE] Milwaukee community leaders have been speaking out about racial disparities and the struggles of hard-working, well-meaning African-American families to get ahead for decades. Now, a new report from the Wisconsin Council on Children & Families confirms that Wisconsin has the largest gap between the well-being of white and black children in the country.

While the well-being of white children in Wisconsin ranks tenth nationally, the well-being of Latino children ranks seventeenth, Asian children are thirty-seventh, African American children rank a horrendous 46th – a full thirty places lower than white children. This disparity is by far the worst in the country.

The WCCF report, Race for Results: Wisconsin’s Need to Reduce Racial Disparities, highlights disturbing realities that are hurting Wisconsin’s children. The report contains rankings in numerous categories of well-being, including high school graduation, family and community income, math and reading proficiency, and family education. In addition to rankings, the report also highlights some key facts:

• Eighty percent of black children live in households below 200% of the poverty level, compared to thirty percent of Wisconsin’s white children.

• White adults in Wisconsin, age 25 to 29, are three times as likely to have an associate’s degree or higher, compared to their African-American or Latino peers.

• White children are nearly six times more likely to be proficient in eighth grade math than black children.

The Biggest Robbers in America are McJob Employers

From [HERE] The amount of money employers had to pay because they were found guilty of wage theft is nearly three times greater than all the money stolen in robberies, according to a new report from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI).

EPI gathered figures of money recovered for victims of wage theft — which occurs when an employer has workers perform tasks off the clock or pay for their own uniforms, violating labor laws — from the Department of Labor, state labor departments, state attorneys general, and research firms. In 2012, $933 million was paid in back wages for wage theft violations, although that figure is an under-count because there were six state departments of labor and five attorneys general the organization couldn’t contact.

Compare that to the less than $350 million stolen in all robberies, including from banks, residences, stores, and on the street in 2012. That’s not just the figure for those that were solved, but for any robbery simply reported to the police.

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Zimmerman Crime Spree Continues [a black man could never get away this]: No Charges for Felony Threats


From [HERE] George Zimmerman threatened to kill a driver during a road rage incident in Lake Mary and later showed up at the man's workplace, according to police.

The road rage incident happened Tuesday, Lake Mary police told Local 6, but the other driver declined to press charges, so Zimmerman was not arrested.

35-year-old Matthew Apperson  called police after a truck pulled up next to him and the driver yelled, "Why are you pointing a finger at me?" Apperson pulled into the Circle K at 4410 W. Lake Mary Blvd. to call 911, according to police, who added that driver followed him into the parking lot but took off before police arrived.

Police spokeswoman Bianca Gillett said the man recognized the truck driver as Zimmerman. The man said Zimmerman, who was carrying a gun, asked, "Do you know who I am?" before saying, "I'll (f***ing) kill you." Two days later, Apperson said he saw Zimmerman in his truck outside his workplace. He called police but declined to press charges. [MORE]

Declined to press charges? Citizens don't charge people with crimes or "press charges" - and neither do police offiers. Prosecutors paper cases or "press charges" - no one else. Prosecutors have the discretion to charge people or not to charge them. They also have the power to decide what to charge and what kinds of plea offers to make. So once again, prosecutors declined to charge Zimmerman with an offense. Here for instance he could have been charged with misdemeanor or felony threats. For example, take a look at the D.C. Jury Instruction for felony threats. The penalty is not more than 20 years in jail [intended for non-whites]. 


The elements of threats, each of which the government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt, are that: 

 1.       [Name of defendant] [spoke words heard by] [wrote words in [a letter] [an email] received by] [otherwise communicated to] [name of recipient] [name of target] [another person]; 

2.       The [words [name of defendant] spoke/wrote] [symbol [name of defendant] used] would cause a person reasonably to believe that [[s/he] [name of target] would be [kidnapped] [seriously 3  harmed]] [[his/her property] [name of target's property] would be damaged] [if [name of event] occurred]; and 

3.       [Name of defendant] intended [name of recipient] [name of target] to believe that [[s/he] [name of target] would be [kidnapped] [seriously harmed]] [[his/her property] [name of target's property] would be damaged] [if [name of event] occurred]. 4  The government is not required to prove that [name of defendant] intended to carry out the threat.  

[It is not necessary that the intended victim actually heard the words, or learned about them.] 

In considering whether the government has proved beyond a reasonable doubt that [name of defendant] threatened [name of target], you should consider all the evidence, including the circumstances under which the words were spoken/written; facial expression, body language, tone and inflection, punctuation, and other ways of giving words meaning; and the nature of the relationship between the parties.

Marcus Brown: The permanent penitentiary

Daily Iowan

The penitentiary system is one that no longer serves its primary function. The focus has shifted from rehabilitating offenders with the idea that they may transition back into society. Instead, it has become a place to store those who have broken their social contract. Upon completion of their sentences, many members of the incarcerated community quickly find there is no longer a place in society for them. Any sentence becomes a life sentence when one considers the stigma that follows a convicted felon for the rest of her or his life.

With the goal of opening up a dialogue between the incarcerated and the rest of the Iowa community, the first Incarcerated in Iowa symposium was held this past weekend. Various projects were presented, ranging from ways to promote literacy and scholarship in the prisons to reducing the overall increase in the prison population. While I think this is great start in terms of what can be done for those in the system, there is something else that takes priority. The idea of giving skills to prisoners to use in the outside world is the equivalent of putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, because for the large majority, they will never be allowed a platform to use such skills.

More needs to be done for those members of the incarcerated population who, upon completion of their sentence, find difficulty in picking up where they left off. According to statistics from the Federal Bureau of Prisons, more than 50 percent of inmates serve 10 years or fewer, which means eventually they will return to society and be expected to carry on with their lives. When a prospective employer asks if they have a prior criminal conviction, their fate is basically sealed.

Lack of opportunities and social stigma perpetuate a cycle that results in inmates frequently being re-incarcerated. The most recent study from the Bureau of Justice Statistics states, “three out of four former prisoners in 30 states were arrested within five years of their release.” If there aren’t any incentives to stay out of prison, how can one expect to reduce the prison population?

We cannot deal with unruly citizens by simply locking them up and throwing away the key. It cannot be definitively said that every person released from prison will become a productive member of society, but uncertainty is not grounds for denying him or her the opportunity. One poor decision should not mark people as guilty for the rest of their lives. If given the opportunity, we all have the potential to prove we can be more than our past choices.  

[Guilty Until Proven Innocent] NYC to Award $41 Million to the Central Park 5: Black & Latino Teens Rounded Up, Incarcerated in Beating & Rape of White Female Jogger

In 1989, five black and Latino teenagers were apprehended and convicted for the vicious sexual assault of a 29-year-old white jogger in Central Park.The arrest and trials were a racial circus. They were then freed years later after a serial rapist stepped up to confess he’d committed the crime alone, raising the question of how the justice system could have failed these youths so badly. Complete documentary above. 

From [HERE] A $41 million settlement for five men whose convictions in the 1989 beating and rape of a female jogger in Central Park were later overturned was made final on Friday, with the deal including unusual language that sought to absolve New York City from blame.

The agreement, which awards the five black and Hispanic plaintiffs about $1 million for each year of their imprisonment, includes no admission of wrongdoing from the city; in fact, the city explicitly asserts that prosecutors and police detectives did nothing wrong at the time. Four of the men — Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam and Raymond Santana Jr. — spent about seven years in prison; each will receive $7.125 million under terms of the deal. The fifth man, Kharey Wise, who served about 13 years, will receive $12.25 million.

“The City of New York has denied and continues to deny that it and the individually named defendants have committed any violations of law or engaged in any wrongful acts concerning or related to any allegations that were or could have been alleged,” the settlement states.

The city’s corporation counsel, Zachary W. Carter, later amplified the city’s stance, saying that the agreement “should not be construed as an acknowledgment that the convictions of these five plaintiffs were the result of law enforcement misconduct.”

“On the contrary,” he continued, “our review of the record suggests that both the investigating detectives and the assistant district attorneys involved in the case acted reasonably, given the circumstances with which they were confronted.”

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Another Black Man Put to Death in the Deathbelt: Texas executes Willie Trottie

Texas is one of the states in the"Death Belt" - the southern states that together account for over 90% of all executions carried out since 1976. These states overlap considerably with the southern states that had the highest incidence of extra-legal violence and killings during the Jim Crow era. [MORE] and [MORE]

From [HERE] Texas has executed Willie Trottie after the US supreme courts rejected last-minute appeals against the convicted double murderer being put to death by lethal injection.

The death sentence against Trottie, who shot dead his former common-law wife and her brother more than two decades ago in Houston, was carried out on Wednesday evening. He had contended he had poor legal help at his trial and questioned the potency of the execution drug.

Trottie repeatedly expressed love to witnesses – both people he selected and relatives of his victims, Barbara and Titus Canada – and several times asked for forgiveness as he was about to be executed. “I love you all,” he said. “I’m going home, going to be with the Lord … Find it in your hearts to forgive me. I’m sorry.”

Trottie, 45, was pronounced dead at 6.35pm, 22 minutes after the injection began. His was the eighth lethal injection this year in Texas and the first in the nation’s most active death penalty state since recent executions went awry in Oklahoma and Arizona. Unlike those states, where a drug combination is used for capital punishment, Texas uses a single lethal dose of pentobarbital.

He became the second death row inmate executed in the US on Wednesday. Earl Ringo Jr received a lethal injection just after midnight in Missouri for a 1998 robbery and double murder.

And Another thing about Ray Rice: 'the Stereotype of Black Male Criminality reassures White People of their vaunted self-worth, their assumed innately superior moral standing and their self-congratulatory self-constraint'

[white people seem to hate Stephen A. Smith. Here he is deeply attached]

In the eyes of White America, an exaggeratedly large segment of Black America is criminally suspect. This is especially true relative to the Black American male. In the fevered mind of White America he is cosmieally guilty. His guilt is existential. For him to be alive is to be suspected, to be stereotypically accused, convicted and condemned for criminal conspiracy and intent. On the streets, in the subways, elevators, parks, in the "wrong" neighborhood, from late childhood to late adulthood, he is feared, suspiciously scrutinized, cautiously approached or warily avoided.

To be a sensitive Black male, no matter how innocent, law-abiding, all-American, patriotic, altruistic, and loving, is to see the dilated pupils of fear in White women's and old men's eyes, to witness the defensive clutching at pocketbooks, to see yourself reflected in the mirrors of the other's eyes as a mugger, thief, and rapist. To be a perceptive Black male is to look out at an accusa­tive world and feel oneself the object of a suspicious ocular examination by trigger-happy policemen, to have your papers checked by security personnel while your White counterpart passes the checkpoint without question. To be a Black male is to have your integrity chronically under question, to always have to somehow verbally or nonverbally, communicate convincing reasons for being where you are if you are not in your "place." Only the carefully presented facade, the meticulous expression of nonaggressive, nonassertive body language, the representation of a carefully managed nonthreatening persona, or old age; only standardized, "non-Black" dress, standardized English, averted eyes intently focused on the leading newspaper, magazine, or book can alleviate to some tolerable degree the fears and suspicions / of others. But this diminution of fear and suspiciousness in others bought at the too-high price of self-annihilation, is always tentative, delicate, and is easily rent by the smallest misstep or the tiniest deviation.

Given the historical and contemporary virulence of White racism in America and the injustice toward Blacks that such racism engenders, the number of arrests, incarcerations, and in many instances, convictions of Black males should be viewed with a jaundiced eye. The willingness of White Americans to heavily tax themselves in order to finance accelerated and increased prison construction, rapidly expanding police forces and so-called criminal justice system personnel, burgeoning private police and security establishments; their willingness to finance the incarcera­tion of a Black male prisoner upwards of $30,000 to $40,000 per year, in sharp contrast to their unwillingness to tax themselves to provide for the appropriate funding of the education of Black children and to commit themselves to the ending of racist employment practices; to provide adequate housing medical care, food and clothing; clearly implies that alleged Black male criminality plays a very important role in defining the collective White American ego and personality. 

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ISIS: Made in the U.S.A.? [Obama reserves right to bomb n***** in Syria]

“I have a picture here where (Sen.) John McCain is actually meeting with ISIS, talking about what wonderful people they are,” Mr. Papantonio said on the Thom Hartman television program Sept. 5. [MORE]

From [HERE] Promising that he’s not leading this country into a new Iraq war, President Barack Obama set the stage for a new U.S. “game plan” for an offensive against the Islamic State (ISIS) rebellion in Iraq and Syria. [More on reserving the right to bomb n**** HERE

Efforts to build an international coalition against the extremists made progress during and after the President’s NATO summit in Wales, which ended Sept. 7. “I just want the American people to understand the nature of the threat and how we’re going to deal with it and to have confidence that we’ll be able to deal with it,” Mr. Obama told NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sept. 7. “The next phase is now to start going on some offense.”

The President, who was pilloried by Republicans in Congress for saying in August that he did not have a strategy to contend with the rapid takeover of land—often employing brutal tactics including mass executions and beheadings—said he would seek congressional support before announcing his strategy to the public.

Ironically, Mr. Obama’s most outspoken critics—Republican Senators John McCain (Ariz.) and Lindsey Graham (S.C.)—were instrumental in laying the rebel movement’s foundation, according to attorney Mike Papantonio and others. Mr. Papantonio is a host on “Ring of Fire Radio,” and Internet broadcast heard Saturday evenings on the Progressive Voices Channel on “Tune In.”

But the corporate-owned U.S. media ignores that the U.S. and others, such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia, have been arming, funding and training members of ISIS since 2007.

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Appeals Court says it is "Mere Speculation" that Expired Execution Drugs Might Cause Torturous Pain - Black Man Set for Execution Tonight

From [HERE] The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on Tuesday denied [PDF] a Texas Black death row inmate's challenge to the drugs that would be used in his lethal injection. Convicted killer Willie Trottie alleged in his appeal that the drugs to be used in his execution might be expired, which could result in torturous pain, in violation of the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments [LII backgrounder]. The court found that the question of the drugs' effectiveness amounted to mere speculation and affirmed the district court's denial of a preliminary injunction. Trottie is scheduled for execution Wednesday evening.

The controversy surrounding the contents of lethal injection drugs and execution protocol in the US has been a mainstream issue in politics and in courts around the US in 2014. Last week, the governor of Oklahoma announced a series of new protocols [JURIST report] that are expected to take effect for state executions following the botched execution of Clayton Lockett, a Black Man. In May the Oklahoma Criminal Court of Appeals approved [JURIST report] a six-month stay of the execution for a current death row inmate while an investigation is conducted into issues with Lockett's execution. [MORE]

White People hold 90% of the national wealth ['What kind of culture must we construct to neutralize White Supremacy?']

Blacks Function as Servant/Consumers in White over Black System. From [HERE] The Federal Reserve released the 2013 Survey of Consumer Finances yesterday. The overall wealth distribution picture is grim and getting worse. The top 10% of families own 75.3% of the nation's wealth. The bottom half of families own 1.1% of it. The families squished in between those two groups own 24.6% of the national wealth.

The present wealth distribution is more unequal than it was in 2010, the last year this survey was conducted. Specifically, the top 10% increased their share of the national wealth by 0.8 percentage points between 2010 and 2013. The bottom half and middle 40% saw their share of the national wealth fall by 0.1 and 0.7 percentage points respectively.

The overall distribution of wealth is troubling. So is the racial wealth distribution. The median white family has a net worth of $134k. The median hispanic family has a net worth of $14k. The median black family has a net worth of $11k.

Whites hold an extremely disproportionate amount of the national wealth. Whites are also the largest racial group. Consequently, whites own almost all of the wealth in the nation.

White families hold 90% of the national wealth. Hispanic families hold 2.3% of the national wealth. Black families hold 2.6% of the national wealth. The remaining 5.1% of the national wealth is held by others (natives, Asians, Pacific Islanders, multi-racials, etc.). With few exceptions, whites own America. [MORE]

Not all, but most white people are racist/white supremacist. Racists control everything in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war) - 24/7 worldwide. 

Neely Fuller explains that "in a socio-material system dominated by White Supremacists, all major decisions involving non-white people are made by White Supremacists." "Whatever a Black person gets, and/or is allowed to keep, is the result of decisions made by White Supremacists. This is the functional meaning of White Supremacy (Racism) that many people — particularly non-white people — prefer not to acknowledge." [MORE]

Black people should stop pretending they have power they do not have -  like they are in charge of this or that. It is not true. Understanding this reality may be a path to actually do something about our zero status. Belief that we have some illusional power is actually submission to and/or cooperation with white supremacy. [MORE]

According to Amos Wilson, 'our salvation requires that we perceive White supremacy as the major social, political, economic, and spiritual problem to be resolved by Afrikan peoples, and that we ask and answer definitively the questions: What kind of culture must we construct in order to overthrow White Supremacy? What kinds of social identities, relations, arrangements, alignments, institutions, values, etc., when actualized, will allow us to attain and protect our liberty?; enhance our quality of life? What kinds of socialization practices must we institute in order to empower ourselves to become the kinds of people we must become if we are to secure our rights to be free?" [MORE]

Rutgers Study Finds that Racism Causes Obesity

From [HERE] A study by Rutgers University – Newark claims that minorities are obese because racial microaggressions cause them to eat fast food and avoid exercise.

“When you are exposed to negative stereotypes, you may gravitate more toward unhealthy foods as opposed to healthy foods,” said Luis Rivera, the experimental social psychologist who conducted the study.

“You may have a less positive attitude toward watching your carbs or cutting back on fast food, and toward working out and exercising,” he explained.

Rivera said Hispanics who believed negative stereotypes about themselves were three times more likely to be overweight or obese — evidence that the obesity comes from believing the stereotypes.

He said that these stereotypes were spread not only through the mass media, but also subconsciously through seemingly harmless social interactions, including so-called microaggressions.

“There are more subtle ways in conversations and interactions with others,” he said. “Although people don’t say explicitly ‘you are A, you are B,’ there are ways in which those messages are communicated,. It could be teachers. It could be your parents. It could be your friends.”

Rivera’s study appears in this summer’s edition of the Journal of Social Issues.

Missouri Executes Black Man who Killed 2 White People on 4th of July [Most Death Row Defendants are Executed for Killing White People]

Since 1977, the overwhelming majority of death row defendants (77%) have been executed for killing white victims, even though Blacks make up about half of all homicide victims. [MORE] Lyncing functioned as a powerful incentive for blacks to "learn their place" in the racial hiearchy. [MORE]

From [HERE] A Black inmate in Missouri has been put to death for killing two white people during a restaurant robbery in 1998. Forty-year-old Earl Ringo Jr. was executed Wednesday, the eighth person put to death in Missouri this year and the 10th since November.

The Department of Corrections said he was executed at 12:22 a.m. local time by lethal injection. 

Ringo and an accomplice killed delivery driver Dennis Poyser and manager trainee JoAnna Baysinger at a Ruby Tuesday restaurant in the early hours of July 4, 1998. Both were shot to death at point-blank range.

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