The "Dorner" Rule: Killing Cops, Other Victims of White Supremacy and Other Unintelligent Reactions to Racism/White Supremacy
/The Dorner Rule: Expect racism from white people everyday. If they are not racist to you then be pleasantly surprised. Having such an expectation will enable you to have an intelligent reaction to racism (play defense) and to constructively solve problems (end racism - survival without justice is meaningless). This reaction is not shock, outrage, crying, begging, or violent. Such reactions cause stress, anger, misery, strokes, incarceration, or death. At this point in history it is unintelligent to expect anything else from white people. [MORE] We have been had! The door is closed shut but you keep looking at it and trying to open it. White people provocatively ask, "why can't you open the door? What's wrong nigger?" It is insane to continue pulling at the door. This is the life of "Dorner", he expected white supremacists/racists to be humane. Stop, get another plan.
The company, 4chan has created a new video game, "Chris Dorner's Last Stand" [for real]
As explained by Cress Welsing, people of color have something highly visible that whites can never have or produce - skin color (melanin). Many whites dislike this difference and feel inferior in the presence of non-whites.[more] White people are also outnumbered, genetic recessive (90% of the world is non-white and the white population is declining) and fearful of losing control. Such facts have remained static. White people are playing a survival game with non-white people, engaging in behaviors—in economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and more—in order for them to survive on the planet, by any means necessary. Created for their survival, the operating system of white supremacy controls everything non-white people have or need. How will you react to it?
Nelly Fuller and Frances Cress Welsing have explained that racism also contains the seeds and origin of counter-racism, the behavior dynamic of liberation for the non-white victims of white supremacy. Counter-racism should not be confused with anti-racism, which is a blind reaction to stress, anger and fear caused by racism.
Christopher Dorner (or the Dorner character portrayed in the media - based on the lack of evidence at this time the real culprit is unknown) had a blind reaction to racism. Killing a white cop and a non-white couple did not solve any problems or help to produce justice for non-white people. To the extent that there are racist police officers in every police department he probably made things worse.
Other unintelligent reactions (non-constructive practices that have not lead to justice) to white supremacy/racism are 'practices of complaining, moaning, crying, groaning, begging, protesting, marches/parades, clapping hands and singing "We shall Overcome" when confronted with the death-causing, life-stultifying problems posed by white supremacy.' [more] None of these activities solve problems. Thus far, all persons who have attempted to establish justice and or to elimnate racism have failed. Non-white people must dissect and analyze white supremacy/racism to its core. Perhaps with this knowledge, Non-white people can take the necessary steps to eliminate the problem.' [MORE]