Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Racist & Racists

From the "FUNKTIONARY, THE KEY HOLDERS ENPSYCHLOPEDIA." Copyright 2004 Chocolate City Press. Resonated & Orchestrated by Dr. Blynd, Ph.F. [MORE

racist - ahuman wanna-being or a wanna-being ahuman. 2) ahuman, not hue-man, or even human for that matter. A racist regulates the withholding, distribution and redistribution of resources between two or more groups through the actual or threatening use offeree, deceit and/or power. (See: Racism, Yurugu, Fear, Inferiority Complex & Weiteko Disease).

racists - upholders, supporters and perpetrators of the institution of the White Supremacy Dynamic. An often misunderstood term confusing bigotry (personal dislike of a clan of men and women) with that of a system of oppression (structured and perpetuated injustice—racism) by merchants and slavers (Corporate State and their bastard, equally fictitious but deadly offspring, megacorporations). (See: Bigot, Corporate State, Corporations & Person).

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White Professor Reassures White Folks: Don't Worry White People are Still Supreme

White People Could Re-classify Latinos as White to Boost Sagging Population Numbers! (Who decided that you were a Black person or a Latino person? White people did. They created race. Who made up the terms "Hispanic" , "Latino" and "Negro"? The same people who made up the terms Tostitos and Doritos! [MORE]. Racism is a strategic behavioral system created by white people to preserve their genetic survival. The entire world is less than 10% white. White supremacy is carried out through deception & violence.[MORE]) Concerns about the "white establishment" are further disproved when it comes to institutional power. For example, my university is quite diverse, although the majority of our undergraduates are white. But as department chair, I can see that the other 24 department chairs in my college are white, and whites - mostly white males - hold the school's key leadership positions.

In this regard, La Salle is like Penn, Temple, Drexel, Villanova, and every other college in the region. One only need look at the race of this region's university presidents to see which racial group is overrepresented in the upper echelon of academia.

The 112th Congress tells a similar story. The House is 83 percent white, while the Senate is 96 percent white. There are no blacks or American Indians in the Senate. White men hold more than 90 percent of the senior administrative positions in Fortune 100 companies and 95 percent of board positions at Fortune 500 companies. According to Forbes, white men make up 86 percent of the 400 richest people in the United States, although they are about 35 percent of the total population.

By any objective measure, this is still a white country, run by whites. The "white establishment" is not in the minority in terms of population size. It's the largest racial group by far, and the largest voting bloc. And the "white establishment" still has a near-lock on Congress, and runs almost all of our major multinational corporations, educational institutions, and government agencies. It is hard to conclude that this "white establishment" became the minority the day after the election.

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Who decides what “race” a person is? White People Do. The Post-Election Division of Non-Whites is Underway

What Subordinate Non-White Person Category Do you Occupy?  From [HERE] On Saturday’s edition of her show, MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry moderated her panel in a discussion on voting demographics. Last week’s exit polls, she shared, showed that 93 percent of the black vote went to President Barack Obama, as did 71 percent of the Latino vote and 73 of the Asian-American vote.

“Given the increased proportion of the electorate that those groups represent,” said Harris Perry, “[President Obama's] was a coalition that won the election. So we know that these minority groups will only continue to grow until people of color in the United States are the majority. But demographics? Demographics are not electoral destiny.” “I think that the news of the demise of the white man is vastly overstated,” she shared to laughs around the table. “It’s been a weird couple of days.”

“I’ll tell you one thing, though, in the whole thing that did bug me” Giles continued. “The constant talk about the GOP reaching out to Latinos, Latinos, Latinos, Latinos. Nothing mentioned about African Americans. Latinos, Latinos. Like, you know. Why even bother?”

So, the white supremacist post-election goal of division among non-whites is underway. In order to accomplish this goal - deception of the following realities must be accomplished by white racists (Republicans & Democrats) (there is a sucker born every minute, don't be a customer!)

Who decides what “race” a person will be?

The same (white) people who created the concept of race. If the ONLY purpose of “race” is to practice racism, and whites are the only group or “race” (in a white supremacy system) that can practice racism, then it is logical to assume there is only one race: the white race. [MORE

Divide and Conquer

According to Dr. Blynd, race is an artificial "European" invention with real consequences. Race is not real but racism is. Race has been created to be wrongly confused with ethnic identity in order to establish the sense of "otherness" and dehumanization of melanated peoples around the globe. [MORE]  As explained by Neely Fuller Jr., in the above video, maximum confusion among non-white people is a major goal of white supremacy/racism. If you notice there are no "White European Americans" - only white people. 

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Why The Lines Are So Long In Florida And Ohio? White Supremacy/Racism


After Republicans Restrict Early Voting Hours, Floridians Wait More Than 6 Hours To Vote From [HERE] There have been massive lines this weekend in the key swing states of Florida and Ohio, with some voters waiting six hours or more to cast their ballot.

This is not an accident. In Ohio, after attempting to cancel weekend early voting all together, Secretary of State Jon Husted (R) drastically rolled back early voting hours.

In Florida, Gov. Rick Scott (R) reduced the number of early voting days from 14 to 8.

(above Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio [MORE]. Miami Beach, Florida below. What is racism? [MORE]  

Cress Welsing: Racism and the Black Child and Youth Inferiorization

What then is to be done? What short- and long-range strategies and tactics do Blacks need to employ in order to neutralize the ongoing white supremacy thrust for white genetic survival, which is achieved through Black infant, child and youth inferiorization? As an initial response to this important question, all Black people must abandon the illusion of integration and face the difficult reality that most Black people prefer to ignore: you do not win a chess game if you have no knowledge of the exact objective and rules of the game. It is imperative that all Blackpeople understand they are not in a benign environment of benevolence and support, and that the surrounding highly structured environment is deadly; a very specific warfare is being waged against Blacks and other people classified as non-white in this social system. Further, all must understand that the specific war is racism for the purpose of white genetic survival -by any and all necessary means, inclusive of chemical and biological warfare. (Chemical warfare is designer drugs, such as crack and PCP. Biological warfare entails the production of cultural and ethnic organisms in viruses such as AIDS.)

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The Image and the Christian Concept of God as a White Man

Most fundamental and absolutely critical to the white supremacy system of religious thought was the formation of the Image of a white man as the "son" of God. This white male Image was then referred to as "Christ"; It doesn't matter that the prophet Jesus was a Black man.

Because of the nature of the human brain that functions on logic circuits, once a white male Image is established in the brain computer logic as the son of God, then the brain com­puter at deep unconscious levels automatically concludes that God the Father is also a white male, since Black or other non-white males would have produced a non-white son.

Thus, any person accepting the Christian religion—whether conscious of it or not—has the image and concept of God as a white man. With this unconscious "God-is-a-white-man" logic circuit securely implanted, the message becomes very clear; the white man (as God the Father) is supreme, perfect in power...and goodness...from whom all blessings flow.

Therefore, it can be said that all Black and other non-white "Christians" worship the white man as God—not as a God but as the God. So the white man is perfect, good, supreme and the only source of blessings, according to this logic circuit.

It is noteworthy that Christianity was based upon the life of an African (Black) prophet named Jesus. That the white Romans recognized this fact is reflected in early portrayals of Jesus and his mother (the Black Madonna and Black Child). To this day, a picture of the Black Madonna and Black Child is secretly cherished as one of the most revered Icons of the original Christian church, the Catholic church.

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Anthony Browder: Exploding the Myths- Little Known Facts About Religion

The history of Christianity should be of particular note to African Americans because of its key role in the development of the slave trade. In 1411 A.C.E., Portuguese slave traders present­ed the first slaves to the Pope, who deemed these Africans to be soulless individuals. Is it a coincidence that the same mentality that created organized crime, the Mafia, also created organized religion and sanctioned the beginning of the slave trade?

The first ship to transport slaves from Africa to America was named "The Jesus" (in photo) Slave masters used religion to control their slaves, promising eternal salvation in exchange for strict adherence to the laws of GOD. Slavery was sanctioned by the church through "Divine Providence" as a means of bringing salvation to a "soulless people."

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How Europeans Sliced Up Africa; The Interests of Africans were never a factor

Fourteen western nations attended the three-month session. Conspicuous by their absence were those who had the most at stake -- the Africans. But there was little hypocrisy: no one pretended the lines were drawn for any interests other than those of the countries at the table. The interests of Africans were never a factor.

"The Europeans came and assumed command of African history," wrote British historian Basil Davidson, "and the solutions they found were solutions for themselves, not for Africans."

The Africa of a century ago consisted of several hundred independent states, some large and powerful and well advanced, others smaller, weaker and more primitive. When the Europeans finished drawing their lines, these states had been condensed into about 40 pieces of territory.

It was not an easy or neat process. Ethnic groups were cleaved into fragments -- the Ovambo were split in half by the boundary line that divided Portuguese Angola from German South-West Af

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Stephen A. Smith Chopped and Anon on Eliminating the Conditions that Created N*****s all over the world

Slowed down & chopped it does not sound like Stephen A. Smith used the n-word last week on ESPN - but what he actually said is a mystery. More mysterious is the faux shock from whites & ESPN about his alleged remark - pretending to be so hurt about possibly hearing the n-word. On television Smith presents himself as an intelligent, confident Black man with an overdose of swag - racist white people hate that and eventually make Blacks like him disappear. [MORE]  The following is an excerpt from Trojan Horse: Death of a Dark Nation. By Anon. Published by Trojan Horse Press, 2009. Available [HERE

"If America didn't have niggers, they'd have to invent them." -  James Baldwin (1924-1987)

"Nigger" is the most debated and misunderstood word in the English vocabulary. As long (and as often) as this word has been used, most people do no understand it at all. For those who are uncomfortable with the word, it's time to take the NIGGER out of the closet and strip away its power to devastate us.

The Definition Of "Nigger" In A White Supremacy System:

1. "Nigger" is NOT a racial identity.

2. ALL non-white people are niggers  -  by default - in a system of white supremacy.

3."Nigger" is NOT a personality defect.

4."Nigger" is a political term that defines a social, economic, and political REALITY.

5. A nigger cannot decide who is a nigger and who is not.

6. All black people are niggers but all niggers are not black people.

7. All non-white people are niggers (in a system of white supremacy). 

8. There is no place on earth called "Nigger Land," therefore niggers are NOT born (niggers), they are CREATED.

9. White people cannot be niggers in a system of white supremacy.

10. There is NO racial slur for whites that is the social, economic, or political equivalent of "nigger" in a white supremacist system.

11. There is no such thing as "acting like a nigger."

12. Being a nigger has nothing to do with being ignorant, backward, country, poor, or uneducated. Those qualities are found in every ethnic group.

13. No amount of education, professional achievements, or fancy table manners will transform a nigger into a white person in a system of white supremacy.

14. Nigger is not a lifestyle or behavior, it's a condition. Accusing someone of acting like a "nigger" is like saying, "Stop acting poor!" If you're poor, you act poor. In other words, your behavior reflects your conditions NOT your race.

15. If we eliminated poverty and white supremacy, there would be no poor folks or niggers.

16. "Nigger" should never be a term of endearment. This is like greeting a friend who just lost his job by saying, "How you doing, you 'out of work person'?"

17. In the absence of white supremacy, niggers would not exist.

18.  In the absence of white supremacy, there would be no need for niggers.

19.  A moral and just society is "nigger-proof." (because there would be no need to invent niggers).

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Anthony Browder: Racism and White Supremacy are the Most Persistent Problems Confronting People of Color

Race, racism and white supremacy are ideologies which are the by-product of a xenophobic consciousness that has been imposed upon the majority of the inhabitants of the planet. Terms such as the white man's burden and manifest destiny express the Europeans' belief in their God-given right to conquer the world and introduce "civilization" to people of color. According to this doctrine, the whiter your skin, the greater your intelligence and the more privileges you are entitled to. To this end, racism and white supremacy are the power behind the most destructive forces the world has ever witnessed. Racism and white supremacy are synonymous and must never be confused with acts of prejudice—they are as different as night and day.

All people have prejudices; this may be considered to be one of humankind's great failings. However, for a group to be legitimately classified as racist, it must possess the power to impose its prejudices on members of other ethnic groups.  Power transforms a "pre-judged belief" into an ideology that is popularized, legitimized, and finally, incorporated into the legislative, judicial, religious, and social system designed to control the powerless.

The system of racism/white supremacy was created to sustain the white minority global dominance over the colored majority populations. Racism/white supremacy insures its control by influencing the thought and behavior of those who benefit from the perpetuation of this ideology, as well as its intended victims. Dr. Welsing has researched this subject extensively and has identified "nine areas of people activity" that are controlled by racists and white supremacists that exert wide ranging influence on society. The nine areas include: economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war.

By understanding the origins and development of humanity, the evolution of mankind, and the conditions which led to the creation of the European, Africans can begin to see the world from a truly different perspective. By looking at world events from this point of view, there can be no doubt that the presence of Africans in the Americas and the current conditions of Africans in Africa are the direct result of survival strategies implemented by racist white supremacists over five hundred years ago. The events cf the past do not dissipate; they set into motion a chain of events that transcend time and space and shape the present.

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Majority of White Americans Racist – AP poll (republicans & democrats)

From [HERE] The election of Barack Obama failed to usher in a "post-racial" US, with a new poll showing that 51 percent of Americans hold explicitly anti-black views. That figure is up from 48 percent in 2008, the year America elected its first black president. The poll also found that a majority of respondents (57 percent) held implicitly negative views about Latinos, up 51 percent from an AP poll taken last year.

­Those expressing implicit anti-black attitudes also spiked from 49 percent to 56 percent over the same four-year period, the Associated Press found in a poll released Saturday.

Racial prejudice against blacks cut clearly across America’s left-right political divide, despite perceptions to the contrary. While 79 percent of Republicans willingly expressed racial prejudice when answering questions measuring explicit racism (as opposed to 32 percent among Democrats), the implicit racism test showed that a majority of Republicans (64 percent) and Democrats (55 percent) held implicit anti-black feelings.

According to the survey, political independents were the least racist, with 49 percent exhibiting implicit anti-black feelings. 

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White women are the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action yet it is still seen as a “black program ” by most Americans --including white females

MYTH #1 : Affirmative Action Is An Entitlement Program Created By Blacks For Blacks

Black people did not create affirmative action, the terminology, or the where, when, or how it became a policy. Blacks do not control Corporate America’s or the US government’s hiring or affirmative action policies. Blacks do not have the power to implement any policies, just or unjust, at any white owned corporation, college, or university.

MYTH #2: Blacks Benefited The Most From Affirmative Action.

According to the US Labor Department, the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action were white women. Between 1972 and 1993:

* women architects increased from 3% to nearly 19% of all architects

*  women doctors more than doubled from 10% to 22% of all doctors

* women lawyers grew from 4% to 23% of all lawyers

* female engineers went from less than 1% to nearly 9% of all engineers

* female chemists grew from 10% to 30% of all chemists

* female college faculty went from 28% to 42% of all college faculty

White women are the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action yet it is still seen as a “black program ” by most Americans --including white females ( ! )

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White Party (GOP) Customer's New Slogan: "Put the White Back in the White House"

The 'Don't Re-Nig in 2012' Party Rolls On: This white man was photographed while attending a Mitt Romney campaign rally in Lancaster, Ohio over the past couple of days. His shirt reads "Put the white back in the White House." [yeehhaawwrrr]. Do you think this racist man really cares what Romney's policies or plans are about? His message is 'I support white supremacy/racism, it is my religion.' Thanks to his shirt, unlike other whites or racist suspects, at least we know where he is coming from. In what other ways does he practice racism? Perhaps he is a loan officer, a supervisor, a teacher, real estate agent, teacher, juror or police officer? Or maybe he is a just a white person who benefits from others being racist and/or knows others who are racist but refuses to identfy or stop them. It is too bad he cannot wear this shirt everyday. [MORE]  

The Republican party is a racial identity party. It is designed to appeal to white people as white people... not as union-members or as unemployed people or as home-owners... as white people.  It is a crude racial-identity party and the numbers bear that out. It is an almost exclusively white party. Many white people vote Democratic, but the Republican party is pretty close to all white. (A fact that is soft-pedaled in out national dialog because it makes the modern Republican party sound like a racist institution, which it is.) [MORE] In fact, the White Party (GOP) now depends on white voters for fully 90 percent of their votes in presidential elections. [MORE]. 

Like Patricia Carroll (the black CNN camera woman who was pelted with peanuts at the Republican National Convention and then told, 'This is how we feed animals.' [MORE]) said 'Blacks and all other non-whites need to wake up.' [MORE]  We should expect racism from these people every single day - that is what they are all about. It is unintelligent not to do so. 

(In photo, "Watermelon" the new White Party mascot for 'Don't Re-Nig 2012"). Racism is not primarily based on ignorance or hate - it is based on white people's survival. Do you really believe, Romney, Rove, Cheney and the RNC delegates are all ignorant and just in need of the proper information to liberate their thinking about non-whites or that they are basket cases in an emotional state of racism? Not likely- racism is a strategy.  

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Malcolm X: "The Ballot or the Bullet" - The Growing Debt that Democrats Owe to Non-White Voters - without us they are nothing

Three Democrats have become president since Lyndon Johnson — Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Obama — but none of them has won a majority of white votes. [MORE] How did they become president? By picking up enough white votes along with enough "minority" votes to build a winning coalition.

In 2008 Obama got 43 percent of the white vote, 95 percent of the black vote, 67 percent of the Latino vote and 62 percent of the Asian vote.  In 2008 when Obama captured 43% of the white vote - it was the highest percentage of white votes garnered by a Democratic presidential candidate since Lyndon Johnson (President Clinton also received 43% of the white vote in his 1996 re-election campaign). [MORE]. 

In other words, without the non-white voter, Democrats would be nothing. In his speech, "The Ballot or the Bullet?"[HERE] and [HERE], Malcolm X, who was neither Democrat or Republican asked "what do you get out of supporting Democrats?" What is the product of their politics? 'If you put them first and they put you last - then you are a political chump.' He implored us to demand justice in return for our vote - over 40 years ago.

A major difference today is that the white population is shrinking while the non-white population is surging. Whites are projected to be the minority of the US population by 2042. [MORE] What does that mean for black politics? If people of color stop settling for less we can begin to make decisions about our future - instead of merely selecting choices provided to us as part of an illusion of particpation. 


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Do White People Know What it Means to be A White Person?

From Counter-Racism.com. A white woman practicing racism/white supremacy on a black mail man. She breaks it down to him, "the black women are against the black men because they have been exploited so much. They're with the Hitler (inaudible) people, they're with the white people. They work against Black men underneath it all. There are very few white women who have the strength to work with the Black man. . ."

Lost In the Wilderness: If You Don't Understand Your Environment (Racism/White Supremacy) You Are Easy Prey

If intelligence is defined by the mastery of your environment then non-white persons have much to learn. [MORE]  Non-white people must understand that racism/white supremacy is a behavioral system of white survival & domination that is driven by the fear of white genetic annihilation. You are in a racist environment and must learn how to survive in it. In photo, mis-educated golfer, Tiger Woods. [MORE] and [MORE]. Picture a baby rabbit who hasn’t yet been taught by the adult rabbits. What happens when a baby rabbit does not have knowledge of itself to know that it is a rabbit...and it begins to hang out with the wolf? Eventually, when the wolf gets hungry enough, that rabbit becomes breakfast, lunch or dinner, Not because the wolf doesn’t “like” the rabbit, but because the nature of the wolf is to eat things like rabbits to survive.

The first law of existence is self-preservation. In order to preserve its own existence or survive, the rabbit must:

* Know its kind

* identify threats to its existence

* identify its historical enemy

* Avoid things that are destructive to its existence

* Avoid its natural enemy

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White Party (GOP) State Rep. (Ark.) says "Slavery was Good for Blacks" & Immigration will Lead to the Genocide of Non-Whites

From [HERE] and [HERE] Republican State Rep. Jon Hubbard recently published a book entitled, “Letters to the Editor: Confessions of a Frustrated Conservative.” What Jon Hubbard writes and believes will blow your hair back or free your mind.

From reading Hubbard’s writings, it is clear he believes that African-Americans are lazy, ignorant, lack discipline and that they should be thankful they were once enslaved.  He believes the US is reaching a racial tipping point or threshold and that immigration, population increases of non-whites and the declining white population will lead to a genocide of non-whites - like Nazi Germany. He is up for re-lection next month. 

 Slavery was good for black people:

“… the institution of slavery that the black race has long believed to be an abomination upon its people may actually have been a blessing in disguise. The blacks who could endure those conditions and circumstances would someday be rewarded with citizenship in the greatest nation ever established upon the face of the Earth.” (Pages 183-89)

If you think slavery was bad, you should have seen Africa:

African Americans must “understand that even while in the throes of slavery, their lives as Americans are likely much better than they ever would have enjoyed living in sub-Saharan Africa.” “Knowing what we know today about life on the African continent, would an existence spent in slavery have been any crueler than a life spent in sub-Saharan Africa?” (Pages 93 and 189).

Immigration is bad.

"..the immigration issue, both legal and illegal... will lead to planned wars or extermination. Although now this seems to be barbaric and uncivilized, it will at some point become as necessary as eating and breathing." (Page 9).

Don't forget Nazi Germany.

 "[white] American Christians are assuming a similar stance as did the citizens of Germany during Hitler's rise to power." (Page 158).

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Derrick Bell: The Permanence of Racism

Everpresent, always lurking in the shadow of current events, is the real possibility that an unexpected coincidence of events at some point in the future — like those that occurred in the past — will persuade whites to reach a consensus that a major benefit to the nation justifies an ultimate sacrifice of black rights — or lives. Chapter 9 portrays one such fictional coincidence in "The Space Traders." By concluding the book on this dire note, I hope to emphasize the necessity of moving beyond the comforting belief that time and the generosity of its people will eventually solve America's racial problem. 

I realize that even with the challenge to rethinking these stories pose, many people will find it difficult to embrace my assumption that racism is a permanent component of American life. Mesmerized by the racial equality syndrome, they are too easily reassured by simple admonitions to "stay on course," which come far too easily from those — black and white — who are not on the deprived end of the economic chasm between blacks and whites.  

The goal of racial equality is, while comforting to many whites, more illusory than real for blacks. For too long, we have worked for substantive reform, then settied for weakly worded and poorly enforced legislation, indeterminate judicial decisions, token government positions, even holidays. I repeat. If we are to seek new goals for our struggles, we must first reassess the worth of the racial assumptions on which, without careful thought, we have presumed too much and relied on too long. 

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