Slowed down & chopped it does not sound like Stephen A. Smith used the n-word last week on ESPN - but what he actually said is a mystery. More mysterious is the faux shock from whites & ESPN about his alleged remark - pretending to be so hurt about possibly hearing the n-word. On television Smith presents himself as an intelligent, confident Black man with an overdose of swag - racist white people hate that and eventually make Blacks like him disappear. [MORE] The following is an excerpt from Trojan Horse: Death of a Dark Nation. By Anon. Published by Trojan Horse Press, 2009. Available [HERE]
"If America didn't have niggers, they'd have to invent them." - James Baldwin (1924-1987)
"Nigger" is the most debated and misunderstood word in the English vocabulary. As long (and as often) as this word has been used, most people do no understand it at all. For those who are uncomfortable with the word, it's time to take the NIGGER out of the closet and strip away its power to devastate us.
The Definition Of "Nigger" In A White Supremacy System:
1. "Nigger" is NOT a racial identity.
2. ALL non-white people are niggers - by default - in a system of white supremacy.
3."Nigger" is NOT a personality defect.
4."Nigger" is a political term that defines a social, economic, and political REALITY.
5. A nigger cannot decide who is a nigger and who is not.
6. All black people are niggers but all niggers are not black people.
7. All non-white people are niggers (in a system of white supremacy).
8. There is no place on earth called "Nigger Land," therefore niggers are NOT born (niggers), they are CREATED.
9. White people cannot be niggers in a system of white supremacy.
10. There is NO racial slur for whites that is the social, economic, or political equivalent of "nigger" in a white supremacist system.
11. There is no such thing as "acting like a nigger."
12. Being a nigger has nothing to do with being ignorant, backward, country, poor, or uneducated. Those qualities are found in every ethnic group.
13. No amount of education, professional achievements, or fancy table manners will transform a nigger into a white person in a system of white supremacy.
14. Nigger is not a lifestyle or behavior, it's a condition. Accusing someone of acting like a "nigger" is like saying, "Stop acting poor!" If you're poor, you act poor. In other words, your behavior reflects your conditions NOT your race.
15. If we eliminated poverty and white supremacy, there would be no poor folks or niggers.
16. "Nigger" should never be a term of endearment. This is like greeting a friend who just lost his job by saying, "How you doing, you 'out of work person'?"
17. In the absence of white supremacy, niggers would not exist.
18. In the absence of white supremacy, there would be no need for niggers.
19. A moral and just society is "nigger-proof." (because there would be no need to invent niggers).