Massa’s Media Misuses the Term “Anarchist" to Promote Confusion: Protesters are Demanding Change from Their Masters; Anarchists Seek a World without Masters
/government hoax - “next to money, the biggest hoax of them all. "The government hoax is probably the oldest, most pervasive and stubborn of hoaxes. It's the belief in non-existent "states" and "nations" and that "government" is both legitimate and necessary.” FUNKTIONARY
Trust and believe that most protesters are not anarchists. Unfortunately, a critical mass of such phfreedom fighters and souldiers probably have not been born yet. The protesters are involved in statist protest in that they are “demanding” change from their Government[s]; they don’t realize that the very “existence” of government or belief in authority are the source of their problems. Contrary to government and media spinfidels’ claim that the protesters are ‘outsiders,’ ‘agitators’ and or anarchists [claims made for the sake of their own positive self-perception] the protesters are persons with “legitimate outrage at psychological, social, judicial, and economic oppression and demands of self determination" and ‘people left with no other means to resist white supremacy.’
Here, the Government exacerbated an already fucked up situation in the system of miserabilia by cooping people up in their homes for months while simultaneously preventing them from making a living without any just compensation in violation of their so-called constitutional rights under the Takings Clause. Yet we are still required to pay rent, utilities, food, medicine and other material bills either now or in a lump sum at the end of the stay in place orders. Poor & working class people have no way to pay said bills and imminently face eviction, utility shut-offs, car repossessions, food insecurity & homelessness when governments lift their shut down orders. The state and federal governments have given the working poor the middle finger. As such, people are under mad stress and are motivated primarily by anxiety and real anger. Folks were already tired of the compounded bullshit when the latest round of “justifiable homicides” by genocidal racists and fuckery from unaccountable cops occurred within yurugu’s free range prison.
Unfortunately though, as explained by undeceiver Larken Rose “protests for the most part, do little more than reinforce authoritarianism. Marches, protests, and so on, are designed to send a message to the masters, the goal being to convince the masters to change their evil ways. But that message still implies that it is up to the masters what the people may do, which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy: when the people feel beholden to an “authority,” they are beholden to an “authority.” Those in “government” derive all of their power from the fact that their subjects imagine them to have power.“
Anarchists do not hold such “beliefs” and regard Government as simply an illegitimate, granfalloon [empty representation] in the same way that counter-racists understand that the concept of “race” [another granfalloon] is not real but racism is. Dr. Blynd explains, “Government does not need to be abolished; merely rendered obsolete through seeing it for what it truly is—a prime manufacturer of poverty, brutal oppression, violence, coercion, conformity and fear.”
However, most people, white or Black, never wonder whether a world without masters is ever possible. Jacques Ellul explained,
“We consider it obvious that everything must be unreservedly subjected to the power of the state; it would seem extraordinary to us if any activity should escape it. The expansion of the state’s encroachment upon all affairs is exactly paralleled by our conviction that things must be that way. . To repeat: it is not just the fact of the state being at the center of our lives that is crucial, but our spontaneous and personal acceptance of it as such. We believe that for the world to be in good order, the state must have all the powers.” [MORE]
Within Uncle Brother’s global “political illusion” [left/right] paradigm even the most so-called radical leftists, ‘black power or counter-racist advocates’ [Chomsky, Cornel West, etc) or extreme rightists seek to elect or be represented by better rulers; their goal is not to have no government but to find better rulers to solve the problems they want to solve.
Rose explains, “there is a big difference between striving for a new, wiser, nobler master, and striving for a world of equals, where there are no masters and no slaves. Likewise, there is a big difference between a slave who believes in the principle of freedom, and a slave whose ultimate goal is to become the new master. And this is true, even if that slave truly intends to be a kind and generous master. Even those who advocate a relatively limited, benign type of “government” are advocating against freedom. As long as the people believe in the myth of “authority,” every downfall of one tyrant will be followed by the creation and growth of a new tyrant.”
"Among those who vote Democrat or Republican – or for any other party – no one recognizes the underlying problem, and as a result, no one ever gets any closer to a solution. They remain slaves, because their thoughts and discussions are limited to the pointless question of who should be their master. They never consider – and dare not allow themselves to consider – the possibility that they should have no master at all. As a result, they focus entirely on political action of one kind or another, But the foundation of all political action is the belief in “authority,” which is the problem itself. So the efforts of statists are, and always will be, doomed to fail. [MORE]
FUNKTIONARY explains, “the real threat to "authority" is the masses overcoming info-gaps and verigaps through self-knowledge and the proliferation of symbols of opposition, not crime or destruction of property.” [MORE]
Rose explains, “the belief in “authority,” which includes all belief in “government,” is irrational and self-contradictory; it is contrary to civilization and morality, and constitutes the most dangerous, destructive superstition that has ever existed. Rather than being a force for order and justice, the belief in “authority” is the arch-enemy of humanity.” Dr. Blynd states “authority is not a force but a farce.” “There is no freedom in the presence of so-called authority, i.e. outside of one's Self and Self-Nature.) Doc further states, authority is rule through coercion. Jeremy Locke makes it plain that:
“Evil will confiscate money, destroy virtue and spill blood. Most people are not evil; most people try to create and not to destroy. However, evil people do exist and they are extremely dangerous. They are called authority.
There is no authority on earth that can rightfully govern your life. Born to this world, you and you alone control your eyes, your ears, your tongue, your hands and your mind. All authority which claims to be able to dispose of you and your abilities is deceit. You were born to this world so that you might have the free agency of life. Life is liberty. With liberty and faith in this world, you can learn and do anything. Anyone who tells you that you must yield your mind, your body, or your possessions to authority is evil.”
Government “authority” can be summed up as the right to rule. “The concept of “government” is about certain people having some special right to rule. And that idea, the notion that some people – as a result of elections or other political rituals, for example – have the moral right to control others, in situations where most people would not, is the concept being addressed here. It is the idea that some people have the moral right to forcibly control others, and that, consequently, those others have the moral obligation to obey.” [MORE]
According to statist belief “the people” have delegated powers to politicians. And politicians have transferred or delegated police the moral right to commit acts of unprovoked violence on people. That is, police officers have acquired the moral right to initiate violence and commit acts of aggression against others (by way of so-called “laws”) “to protect” the people for their own benefit. [MORE]
Question here: can you delegate a right to someone that you don’t possess? where does authority, the right to rule others, come from? Asked differently, you don’t have the right to initiate unprovoked acts of force against other people - so how can you delegate or authorize another person to do such things? How did police and government authorities acquire such super-human powers over us?
Undeceiver Larken Rose states, “Despite all of the complex rituals and convoluted rationalizations, all modern belief in “government” rests on the notion that mere mortals can, through certain political procedures, bestow upon some people various rights which none of the people possessed to begin with. The inherent lunacy of such a notion should be obvious. There is no ritual or document through which any group of people can delegate to someone else a right which no one in the group possesses, And that self-evident truth, all by itself, demolishes any possibility of legitimate “government.
Police unaccountability is merely a symptom of the root problem of governmental authority. Dr. Blynd plainly states, “People who are awake see cops are mercenary security guards that remind us daily, through acts of force, that we are simultaneously both enemies and slaves of the Corporate state - colonized, surveilled and patrolled by the desensitized and lobotomized drones of the colonizers.”
Liberal reforms may better conceal the system of RSW and coercive control but our status as “enemies and slaves” will remain so long as we are still subjected to governmental authority in a white over Black system. Accountability for cops purposefully remains incidental, random, accidental or symbolic by design in a system of injustice. Indeed, through the doctrine of sovereign immunity or through mind blocked racist jurors, prosecutors & judges, court’s apply the law of the jungle to cops and their relationship to Black and Brown people. ‘We are bound by the written law but those who write & enforce the law are bound by the law of the jungle.’ [MORE]
To persons who recognize this reality there is no need to fight or petition to change the Government from within. It is a non-reality. Undeceiver Osho explains, "fighting with anything non-existent is the most dangerous thing in the world. It is like fighting with darkness; if you start fighting with darkness, wrestling, even if you are a Mohammed Ali you are not going to win. Soon you will be tired, exhausted, and you will fall flat on the ground, thinking that darkness seems to be very powerful. Darkness is not powerful, darkness is not weak, because darkness does not exist at all. Similarly, FUNKTIONARY explains, "never fight (oppose) things that are not or 'what is not' - as you will stratify your energy and disparate your life force while paradoxically strengthening what is not. If it is an absence - a granfalloon - then don't fight with it, seek the the thing of which it is the absence (for), find it and handle your business accordingly. [MORE] That is, fighting to change the Government actually strengthens the government. Larken Rose explains;
“The harder people try to work within any political system to achieve freedom, the more they will reinforce, in their own minds and the minds of anyone watching, that the “system” is legitimate. Petitioning politicians to change their “laws” implies that those “laws” matter, and should be obeyed. Nothing better shows the power of the belief in “authority” than the spectacle of a hundred million people begging a few hundred politicians for lower “taxes.” If the people truly understood that the fruits of a man’s labor are his own, they would never engage in such lunacy; they would simply stop surrendering their property to the political parasites. Their trained-in desire to have the approval of “authority” creates in them a mindset not unlike the mindset of a slave: they literally feel bad about keeping their own money and making their own choices without first getting the master’s permission to do so. Even when freedom is theirs for the taking, statists continue to grovel at the feet of megalomaniacs, begging for freedom, thus ensuring that they will never be free.”
According to FUNKTIONARY:
majority rule- an illusion which is the single most barrier to people understanding the vicious nature of the Peter Pan like fiction (granfalloon) known as government. 2) Majority (fooled) gang Rule. "Majority rule means rule by those with the majority of the money." --The Holey Psyble 40:5. (See: Voting, Secret Ballots, Political Elections, Granfalloon, Consensus, Elections, Consensus Reality, Ideologues, Ideologies, Pathocracy. Shadow Government, Demockracy & Servitude)
democracy - a commercial form of "government" (exploitation and theft via force, deception and involuntary participation) of the mob, by the mob, and/or the mob, i.e., Mob-Rule. 2) a guise rubber stamping of an alternative royalty into overruling power. 3) the worst possible form of government because the majority rules whether they be good, evil, or misled by a minority. 4) slavery of the people, by the people, for the people. 5) equality achieved through force. 6) a system where only the majority need to befooled. 7) advertised equality. 8) a parody of a free society that only ethical anarchism or voluntaryism can usher into existence. [MORE]
Statism - the belief "citizens"' and "states" exist and the memetic thought patterns supporting such beliefs. 2) the religion of oppression and domination coupled with the science of exploitation and sociopathic control. 3) the opiate of the so-called Elites. 4) a philosophy that idealizes majority rule gang force (authority) over individual authenticity (autonomy). 5) servitude over liberty and statutes over humanity. So long as "states"' are viewed and accepted as natural, normal, reality-based and inevitable, they will continue to violently abstract humans into extinction. Statism is mind control; people both unwillingly and willingly surrender their property (labor being one's most inviolable property) to men and women pretending to be "governors,"" "commissioners," and "presidents" etc. because they believe they are "citizens" of a so-called "state" and must pay their proverbial "fair share" to support such abstractions or fictions of law. Just using statism against itself proves bureaucrats never have a case regardless of what they "charge" someone with. "Statism and it's supporting political theology do not exist in people's minds to promote freedom or protect 'Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness:" it's pure mind control to divert our attention away from the actions of anti-social individuals (sociopaths) who are so desperate to "protect" us they are willing to kill us and steal our property." -Marc Stevens. (See: DOME. Beliefs, Landmine Legislation, Scrapitalism, Standing, Subject Matter Jurisdiction. Judicial Victimization, States. Holodeck Court, Allegiance. Anarchy, Society, Civilization, Citizens, Monopoly Capitalism The Golem, Government Paradox, Granfalloons, Corporate State. Government, Servitude. Stalinize, Property, Standing & Monopoly).
"Government" - Latinized Greek ("Gubernatlo" = control; and from the Latin "menre" = mind; "The control of the mind." 2) an abstraction (hoax) created for the sole purpose of making theft respectable and mind-control acceptable. 3) the societal manifestation of mass individual psychological reversal, i.e., the statutes, regulations, agencies, and agents (so-called bureaucrats) needed to threaten and shrink one's comfort zone. 4) a granfalloon. 5) a fiction supported by those who kill on command and steal on demand under the guise of "protecting" their victims. The outworking of history consistently demonstrates that government will, in spite of the Bill of Rights, arrogate all power to itself eventually, if the people don't act to prevent it. You have rights alright, just don't get caught exercising them, O.K.? "Government" is simply, unequivocally, and always initiation of force or coercion and nothing else. Official "government" is disorganized, politicized; centralized; canonized and revered initiation of force, but it is no less initiation of force and coercion than any unofficial singular action of the same offensive or violent content. "Government" is an abstract infinite entity acting as a possessive noun. There is not a single line in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, or any governmental document that states that a natural person will be left alone as long as she or he does not impose upon another or others. By commission and omission, all official decrees make clear that a human is regarded as owned property or resource of the god called "Corporate State." [MORE]
"authority" - (so-called)—a cartoon, an alleged image of the Law. 2) a cartoon clothed in flesh and blood. 3) the notion of an implied right and application of that "right" of individuals or groups of same to control or exercise external power over others, which has no meaning in reality. 4) power over...which is thoroughly institutionalized. 5) ruling through coercion. So-called "authority" is the justification for remaining impotent. The real threat to "authority" is the masses overcoming info-gaps and verigaps through self-knowledge and the proliferation of symbols of opposition, not crime or destruction of property. [MORE]
anarchism - the revolutionary idea that no one is more qualified than you are to decide what your life will be and who you will voluntarily cooperate, plan, work, and play with. 2) opposition and/or resistance to coercive behavior and oppressive societal control and obsessions with truth and law devoid of reality. 3) Self-governance. In anarchism, the fictitious entity "Corporate State" does not entirely disappear; it simply dissolves into the people. The people absorb the state and take up its funktions (turn its functions into funktions and its functionaries into funktionaries) as a part of their everyday existence. So, as Outkast, sung by Macy Gray would say, "Get up, get out and do something.. .don't let the days of your life pass you by, because you and I got to do for you and I." The intelligent goal of anarchism is not to abolish "government," i.e.. Corporate State, rather make it so obviously obsolete as a construct for sane human development and the evolution of consciousness. Anarchism postulates: Live your life however you see fit as long as you don't injure (hurt or harm) others. "The more corrupt the State, the more numerous the laws." -Tacitus (55-117 A.D.) Anarchism is about Living Large Now. (See: Hierarchy, Chump Change, Dumbmocracy, Living Large, Statutes, Symbiocracy, Lovesign, Corporate State & Mutual Aid) [MORE]
anarchist - one to whom Liberation (Freedom via Se/f-government) is not only the goal but also the means of achieving it. 2) one who lives the hierarchy-free philosophy of Anarchy as a more practical and enlightened approach to life without violence or using the threat of violence to achieve individual, social and economic ends. 3) one who believes that humans are capable of educating themselves to a level of social consciousness sufficient for self-government. An anarchist is anyone who puts his or her real conscience above the unreal (legal fiction) known as "the State." "Anarchists do it with freedom." [MORE]
mass media - "Massa' Media. Massa's media plus (+) Mass Hypnosis = Mindless Masses. 2) The "Mess" Media. 3) wholesale re-tale--retelling the whole tale (propaganda) exactly as you're told, consistently and relentlessly. How can you possibly relate when you are framed by the very debate wherein you are an unwilling spectator? Let's be perfectly cleat on this. There's no counter-option or outlet to vent when you're under the controlled thoughtform of mass-think manufactured consent. "Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one." -A.J. Liebling. (See: Media, T.V., Mass, Alienation, Spectacle Society, NEWS, ABCTV, Propaganda, Legislation & The New God Economy)