“The Violence that Violence Produced"- Amos Wilson on “How White Society Promotes Violence in the Afrikan Community"

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Jeremy Locke states “The lie of tyranny is that you will maintain the freedom of life by obeying authority. The choices it offers you are a lifetime of obedience or death. Evil is the master of deceit. The objective of evil is not violence, but obedience.

The purpose of violence is to compel obedience. Its design is the destruction of freedom. Whether submitting to authority and obeying, or allowing it to destroy you physically, you will have lost your freedom. The only way to maintain freedom is to fight tyranny at all times and at all costs.“

According to FUNKTIONARY:

totalitarianism - a neologism coined by Mussolini--best understood by the phrase "The Nightmare State," whose agents (neocrats) seek totality of control over its subject-victims ("citizens"), including their erotic emotions and minds. 2) Big Brother's Fantasy State. 3) total impersonalized terror. 4) fascism disguised as democracy. (See: Fascism & Demockcracy)

violence - an attempt to control via overt and subtle coercive means (physically, i.e., bodily attack; e.g. "rape" emotionally, i.e.,harsh invectives and economically, i.e., usury via gangbanking). 2) the product of the cultural repression of the inner shadow (the Dark Side). 3) the attempt to impress our will or belief onto others. 4) frustrated expressions of unlove. 5) a complex publicly funded system of education for America's youth. We do violence to another each time we attempt to sway someone to our point of view, or dissuade someone from a course of action that we, in our arrogance, feel is wrong. All violence is the violence of exclusion towards the slippery slope of eradication based on the apparent illusion of the “Other." It involves the ambiguity between seduction and terror. We live in a Society that is founded on, and maintained by, violence unleashed in various forms, some overt (visible and obvious) and others covert (invisible and very subtle). Violence always rebounds back to ultimately destroy its initiator. The end result of humanity's violation of their own nature is always destruction. Violence is our response to threats against our imagined security. We have constructed complex walls of relationships, financial arrangements, ideals, and religious beliefs behind from which we hide from change and uncertainty. When these walls are threatened, we respond with some form of subtle or overt violence. Violence runs like a river. "Violence... does not always or necessarily go straight to the gullet; usually it demands of its victims only allegiance to the lie [of official ideology or religious dogma to the one and only True god], only complicity in the lie." "'In the human spirit, it is ideology alone that can make lies, the sheer lack of anything conforming to experience." -Alexander Solzhenitsyn's Nobel Lecture, [brackets], Dr. Blynd. "Violence has no constitutional sanction; and every government from the beginning has moved against it. But where grievances pile high and most of the elected spokesmen represent the Establishment, violence may be the only effective response." ~Justice William Douglas. The concept of God in man's religion is unmatched for its violence. Read I Samuel 15:3. According to the Bible, God killed or authorized the killings of up to 25 million people. This is the God of which Jesus was is supposedly an existential or integral part. That is to say if you believe in the Trinity, Jesus himself was an accessory to these murders and massacres. Therefore, Christianity must admit that their god (Yahweh) is in fact a serial, genocidal, infanticidal, filicidal, and pestilential murderer. Only spiritual dissatisfaction will save you from the Religion virus meme. When we learn to transform the unloved into the loved we will see peace on earth. Essentially, violence is the "unlawful" use of physical force. There is a stark difference, however, between the use of physical force in defense one's rights as opposed to other uses of force (such as in denying one's rights). "Any violence anywhere is always connected to all violence everywhere." ~Thomas Stanley. Yes, peace is the key-- but violence picks the lock. (See: Ideology, God, Jesus, Elohim, Yahweh, Cowards, Terror, Religion, Parasites, Rulers, Ideals, Idealism, Corporate State, Taxtortionists, Assassination, Force Continuum, Law Enforcement, Richcraft, Terrorcrats, Stationary Bandits, Tyrannolow, Tyrants, Nonviolence, Conditioning, Orderlies, Second Coming, Bible, Spiritual Dissatisfaction, SpiritualEvolution, Memes, Hurt, Self-Hatred, Racism White Supremacy, Dissent, Gangbanking & "The Shadow")