Obedient Rolebots Joy Reid/Eric Dyson Shadowbox Nicki Minaj; Say 'Vaccines Must be Safe b/c White People Take Them.' Yet Massa's Data is Unable to Prove that Vaccines Save More People Than They Harm
/According to Neely Fuller, Racial Shadow Boxing occurs when victims of racism (non-white people) are directly or indirectly, "assigned", bribed, coerced, and/or otherwise influenced, by the racists (white Supremacist), to speak or act to do harm to other victims of racism. White Supremacists oftentimes hide behind others whom they use as shadows of themselves. [MORE] Shadowboxing is a tool used by racists to filter out Blacks who are perceived as threatening [for some reason] to elite racist whites or who have fallen out of favor with them. Shadowboxing also is used to set the parameters or outer bounds of conduct & discussion by Blacks - conduct/speech deemed undesirable by racists is ridiculed [Kapernick].
Statists politicize everything as left or right. Here, on behalf of their white liberal masters, coin operated negros Eric Michael Dyson and Joy Reid shadowbox Nicki Minaj and imply that anyone who disagrees with violent, liberal vaxx mandates must be right wing or a Trumper [to be clear “violent” here means forcing people to do something through violence or coercion or through involuntarily taking one’s job, livelihood, property or “freedoms” - the true nature of democracy/mob rule through force and false choices). While claiming to be following massa’s science, these Black proxymorons are apparently actually unfamiliar with massa’s science and massa’s prevailing nonsensical logic [see below]. What they are clear on is what their white masters want them to say.
As explained this month by Nina Pierpont (MD, PhD) in her paper, “Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates Are Now Pointless: Covid-19 vaccines do not keep people from catching the prevailing Delta variant and passing it to others.”
In fact, persons who are unvaccinated spread covid at the same rate as persons who are vaccinated. The executive summary states,
Excellent scientific research papers published or posted in August 2021 clearly demonstrate that current vaccines do not prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
2) Vaccines aim to achieve two ends:
a. To protect the vaccinated person against the illness.
b. To keep people from carrying the infection and transmitting it to others.
i. If enough people are vaccinated or otherwise become immune, it is hoped that the disease will stop circulating. We call this herd immunity.
ii. On the way to herd immunity, there is an assumption that people who are immunized can form safe clusters or groups within which no one is carrying or transmitting the virus.
3) Unfortunately, this last assumption (2.b.ii) is no longer true under the new variant of SARS-CoV- 2, Delta (B.1.617.2), which now accounts for essentially all cases worldwide.
4) Delta is more infectious than the Alpha strain (B.1.1.7) that prevailed in the UK from January to May 2021 (and in the US from March to June 2021), meaning that Delta is passed more readily person-to-person than the previous dominant strain.
a. Infectiousness is a correlate of high viral load (see section 5, below).
b. From its origin in India, Delta has soared to nearly complete domination of COVID-19 viral strains everywhere in a matter of months, because it spreads so easily and infects both vaccinated and unvaccinated people.