95% of All Prosecutors are White and Only 5% of All Attorneys are Black in Lilly-White Legal Profession. Yet in The Spectacle Black DA's are Ever present to Create the Appearance of inclusion/fairness

According to a recent study only 1% of all elected prosecutors are Black women. According to the same study only 2% of all elected prosecutors are Black men while 95% of all prosecutors are white.

Most people have little understanding of the awesome power of prosecutors (aka district attorneys or attorney generals) or the term "prosecutorial discretion." Media misinformation and lack of information about prosecutors and what they are up to is an intentional part of our conditioning or mind shampoo process. Prosecutors have the power to decide; whether to charge a person with a crime (police make arrests and refer matters to prosecutors who determine whether to prosecute), what charges to paper (charge) and present to the court, whether to seek pre-trial confinement or release and what, if any, release conditions to seek, what kind of plea offer to make, what level of resources to expend to prosecute, what information to disclose to the defense, what kind of sentence to seek & recommend to the court (such as confinement, probation or to defer the imposition of a sentence), whether the death penalty will be sought and whether probation should be revoked or extended. They also have a say in whether to seal arrest records or expunge criminal convictions. Further, prosecutors set broad policies, deciding the aggressiveness with which different laws will be enforced, and other law enforcement officials often follow their lead. Additionally, the power of the prosecutor (or the executive) even in the face of egregious misconduct is basically unchecked by judges or state bar organizations, whom are also overwhelmingly white. [MORE]

Said decisions made by prosecutors are overwhelmingly made by white people about non-white people because the vast majority of prosecutors are white and criminal defendants are disproportionately non-white.  Specifically, 95% of the 2,437 elected state and local prosecutors across the country are white, and 79 percent are white men (by comparison, white men make up 31 percent of the population of the United States). Also, most States have no Black prosecutors. [MORE]. On the federal level 87% of all US Attorneys are white - as 8% of assistant U.S. Attorneys are African American and 5% are Latino. [MORE] and [MORE].

In the context of all attorneys, according to the ABA only 5% of all attorneys are Black. Said number has remained steady since 2009. The legal profession is overwhelmingly white: specifically, it is 85% white, 5% Black, 5% Latino, 2% Asian American and 1% Native American. [MORE] and [MORE]

The low numbers of Black attorneys may sound surprising because elite racists in The Spectacle go through so much effort to give us the misleading impression that Black prosecutors and lawyers are plentiful. Neely Fuller explained that the operating system of white supremacy is carried out through deception and/or indirect or direct violence. [MORE] On a regular basis television, movies, news shows and other media programming Black attorneys, particularly black female attorneys are paraded before our eyes. As stated, the legal profession is lily white. In fact only 1% of all prosecutors are Black women. This illusion is necessary to maintain the belief of progress, inclusion and the appearance of justice in a participatory legal system based on consent.

Alternatively, as with other things in the system of racism white supremacy, where elite racists cannot conceal reality then they make the subordinate position of Blacks appear to be natural, inevitable (systematically occurring by unidentified persons) or merely coincidental and never the result of intentional purposeful activity by elite whites.

The role of Black prosecutors is simply to help make the prosecution of Black defendants appear fair to Black people and also to do anything else their white liberal bosses tell them to do. Racism is the dominant feature of the criminal justice in the United States and a major goal of the white supremacy system is the greater confinement of substantial numbers of non-white people, particularly Blacks. Not dissimilar to professional Blacks in other areas of people activity, the Black attorney primarily functions to help solve elite white people’s problems in some legal capacity - not solve his own peoples problems, as he has not been trained or been given the means to change his subordinate social situation or acquire power to do so - the black prosecutor is in the courtroom to play a complementary role in the system of racism white supremacy. As explained by Kenneth Montgomery, a former Black prosecutor for the Brooklyn, New York district attorney’s office, “prosecution is about locking black people up.” “I thought that because of who I was, because of the street and academic smarts I had, I was able to do some things that were more in line with justice. But, it was like putting a Band-Aid on a gunshot wound. In the long run, I didn’t think it was worth it, so that’s why I left.” [MORE].

As such, black attorneys function as court room props to create the appearance of justice in the criminal justice system. A system that is rigged and about as real as the plastic emblems above the judge. Like a lego-land courtroom set everything is accounted for to create the product of the appearance of justice; this includes Black defense attorneys, Black prosecutors, probation officers and black courtroom staff -all these folks are essential, without them it wouldn't look right. Such deception is necessary in order to maintain Black people’s belief in the system of democracy and in its concepts of “fairness,” “equality” and “justice.” Our belief in it, is its only real power. Without such belief the system would collapse - that is, the system of RWS, which concerns a “power group dynamic” or a consensual master/servant relationship between whites and Blacks would cease to be cooperative. Said white over Black relationship is predicated upon false consciousness programming from birth, relentless propaganda and many, many lies consumed by gullible Black sheeple.



The Spectacle - a constructed reality; the concrete inversion of life; via the autonomous movement of the apparently non-living. 2) the mirrorization of the noumenon into the phenomenal universe without understanding or overstanding it as such an objectivization in duality. The Spectacle is not a collection of images but a social relation among people mediated by images. The Spectacle is a theoretical construct—a tool for explaining many things about society; how people live vicariously through the dominant images of production, consumption and power relations. It is the thoughtfofms in which people create, contemplate and consume mediated by images of what-life-is, so that they will forget how to live radically for themselves. It is the totality of images and illusions that alienate people from living, its the primary production of modern societies. It is ideology materialized. It is the social relations that are mediated by the mass media; it is what makes people apathetic and reduces them to inactivity. It is what prevents people from realizing what their collective problems are and dissolving them. It is what perpetually absorbs people into activities that prolong their misery. [MORE]

injustice” - the by-product of authority and its enforcement through legal fictions: the Corporate Police State and their tribunals. 2) forced obligations. injustice is the systematic means by which the greedy keep in check the needy. Injustice pervades; justice is incidental, accidental and random. “The paradox of injustice emerging out of justice has only occurred because the different standards of what is just have both been called justice.” JD Unwin. (See Holodeck Court, Greed, Control, Vices, Involuntary Servitude, Positive Law, Volunteered Slavery, War on Drugs, Master’s Rent, Lawful , Legal & Judicial Victimization).