Between 2014 - 2023 the St Louis Police Solved Fewer than Half the Homicides of Black People but Two-thirds of Cases Involving White victims. Detectives investigating Murders are Overwhelmingly White

From [HERE] The unsolved killings on Shulte Avenue reflect reality in St. Louis. In a city where nearly 90% of homicide victims are Black, police have struggled to solve the killings of Black people.

Between 2014 and 2023, the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department solved fewer than half the homicides of Black people but two-thirds of cases involving white victims, according to an analysis of police data by APM Reports, St. Louis Public Radio and The Marshall Project. The news organizations found that the department at times struggled to solve homicides in the past decade partly due to shoddy detective work, staffing shortages and eroding community trust.

St. Louis police officials declined repeated interview requests to discuss the findings.

Some Black community leaders have contended that police aren’t making the same effort to solve crimes involving Black victims as crimes involving white victims.

“These are communities that don’t trust the police,” said community activist Jamala Rogers, co-founder of the Organization for Black Struggle. “These are communities that have had bad relationships and experiences with the police.”

While nearly half of the city’s population is Black, the detectives tasked with investigating homicides overwhelmingly are white.

Families of homicide victims on Shulte Avenue echoed Rogers’ concerns. They said contact with police investigators was short-lived, and they have little hope of ever seeing justice for their loved ones.

“I knew in the beginning they wouldn't be doing anything,” Sherya Hawthorne said. Her son, Travis Hill, was shot and killed in an alley behind a Shulte Avenue home in 2017. Hawthorne said police never talked with her about her son’s death, and she felt there was no point in following up. “I never wanted to keep reliving and reliving and reliving it,” she said.

Hill’s killing is one of about 1,000 unsolved homicides involving Black victims between 2014 and 2023. That’s close to double the enrollment of the high school serving students living in the neighborhoods around Shulte Avenue. [MORE]

New Study that Analyzed 98 Million US Traffic Stops Concluded that Police Stop Black Drivers and then Search Their Cars at 2 Times the Rate of Whites

From [HERE] A new study by researchers from the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research has found that Black drivers are more frequently searched during traffic stops without finding contraband compared to white drivers. The findings, published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology, highlight a pervasive bias in policing across multiple states and counties.

Analyzing 98 Million Traffic Stops Across the U.S.

Maggie Meyer, a doctoral candidate in psychology, and Richard Gonzalez, director of the Research Center for Group Dynamics at ISR and professor of psychology, analyzed data from 98 million traffic stops using the Stanford Open Policing Project database. They examined traffic stops in 14 state police departments and 11 local law enforcement departments between 1999 and 2017.

The researchers found that innocent Black drivers were likely to be searched about 3.4 to 4.5 percent of the time, while innocent white drivers were likely to be searched about 1.9 to 2.7 percent of the time.

“We show that there’s this pervasive bias in multiple states and multiple counties across different stop and search reasons that we need to understand,” said Meyer. “We’re not the first people to find racial bias in policing and we won’t be the last, but hopefully, this gives a clear place to intervene.”

Developing the Overlapping Condition Test to Account for Missing Data

To account for the unknown information about whether drivers who weren’t searched held contraband, the researchers developed the Overlapping Condition Test. This test is based on a standard descriptive tool in statistics called a 2×2 table, which allows researchers to jointly evaluate a decision and an outcome using hit rates and false alarm rates.

The researchers explored the possible values of the missing information and found that even without knowing the actual values, the bias was still present.

“It’s analogous to presidential elections with the electoral college. An election can be called because one candidate already has enough electoral votes to win, even though all of us haven’t been counted,” Gonzalez said. “Even if those uncounted votes went for the other candidate, one candidate has already got it in the bag.”

UK Government Data Demonstrates that Deaths in the "Vaccinated" were Categorized as Unvaccinated in 2021

From [HERE] ONS (Office for National statistics) data - possibly more so than any other source of data in the world - was used to bolster the claim that the [COVID] "vaccines" were highly effective and safe. However, as we have always argued, and which is now certain, any claims of efficacy and safety based on their data were completely illusionary and subject to the cheap trick of miscategorisation whereby even a placebo - or something even worse - could be ‘shown’ to be safe and effective. They therefore lied and intentionally created and spread misinformation. We were accused of conspiracy thinking and our reputations were tarnished as a result. - 

Joel Smalley

In 2021 when the UK ONS started releasing its vaccine by mortality status reports we exposed that there were large spikes in the non-covid death rates in the 'unvaccinated'. These spikes in mortality coincided with the first main vaccine rollout and did so for each age group (see this report, for example).

Here is the chart for non-covid mortality rates in weeks 1-38 of 2021 for the 60-69 age groups:

The charts for the other age groups looked much the same. 

We asserted that these obvious anomalies were a result of the standard ONS procedure of categorising anyone within 20 days of their first dose as ‘unvaccinated’. However, in our own discussions with the ONS they maintained that, although that method was used for their efficacy calculations, it was not used when it came to mortality. They clearly said that a person dying any time after vaccination was correctly categorised, as a vaccinated death, in the mortality data they regularly released to the public and which formed the basis of a massive public communication campaign encouraging vaccination. 

To ‘explain’ the spikes the ONS pushed the implicit assumption that there was a phenomenon called the 'healthy vaccinee' effect, whereby they claimed that people ‘close to death’ were not vaccinated. And they made this bold claim without any data to support it whatsoever.

Apart from the fact that this would have contradicted the NHS policy at the time we showed that, while a healthy vaccinee effect might have partly explained the longer term lower non-covid mortality rates in the vaccinated, it could not possibly have explained those spikes in mortality rates.

They could only be explained by categorising deaths shortly after vaccination as unvaccinated. Yet the ONS, along with many of the staunchest covid vaccine disciples, doubled down on their insistence that such miscategorisation did not occur. To them all the anomalies in the ONS data could only be explained by the hallowed ‘healthy vaccinee effect’.

Later, the ONS did actually claim that there was indeed an ‘unhealthy vaccinee effect’ but did so to explain other anomalies in the data. Clearly the ONS was so self-serving they did not see the contradictions between these claims and simply wanted to have their cake and eat it.

As a result of a subject access request that Clare Craig submitted to the ONS we have now found out that we were correct after all!

Clare has posted on this twitter/X thread, an internal ONS email confirming that the NIMS database of vaccinated people, that the ONS relied upon, had excluded those people who had died before vaccine records had been sent back to the central system:

When we pointed out to the ONS exactly this possibility for miscategorisation in 2021 they continued to deny that it had happened (see Table 8 of our report here).

Why is this so important? Because the ONS data - possibly more so than any other source of data in the world - was used to bolster the claim that the vaccines were highly effective and safe.

And, as we have always argued, and which is now certain, any claims of efficacy and safety based on their data were completely illusionary and subject to the cheap trick of miscategorisation whereby even a placebo - or something even worse - could be ‘shown’ to be safe and effective.

They therefore lied and intentionally created and spread misinformation. We were accused of conspiracy thinking and our reputations were tarnished as a result.

But we were right!

Study: Black Chicagoans are 20X more likely to be homicide victims as Arrest Rate Hits Low. Cops Fail to Protect but Fill the Jails w/Blacks who Possess Guns for Self-Defense in Unsafe Liberal City

From [HERE] Black Chicagoans are 20 times more likely to be murdered than white residents, with the expectation of an arrest for the crime hitting a record low.

Hispanic Chicagoans were nearly 5 times more likely to be a homicide victim than their white counterparts. The stats were for the 12 months through April.

The arrest rate for these felonies hit a record low. Only 1-in-4 homicides resulted in an arrest between May 2023 and April 2024, compared to the same period in previous years.

In contrast, Chicago police made an arrest in 39% of homicide cases between May 2022 and April 2023. The number of arrests fell from 278 during that time to 148 through April of this year.

Chicago’s decade-long, nation-leading homicide crisis saw some relief during the past 12 months. Total cases dropped from 713 to 603, but Black Chicagoans were the victims in 77% of those cases where the victims’ race was known.

While Black Chicagoans were homicide victims 20 times more often than white residents, Hispanic Chicagoans were 4.7 times more likely to be homicide victims. Hispanic residents were 18% of homicide victims from May 2023 through April 2024. [MORE]

How does a reasonable, law-abiding non-white citizen living in a city run by elite white liberals measure the effectiveness of police? it seems logical to conclude that if a high number of crimes took place in Black neighborhoods then it means that police failed a high number of times to do their job of preventing crimes or protecting people in Black neighborhoods. If it occurs frequently it would seem then that police in general fail to do fulfill their perceived role of protecting Black people. Nevertheless, the Dependent media, which functions as “government media” in The Spectacle, always upholding authority, parroting police rationalizations no matter how ridiculous or factually unsupported and parroting facts from police perspective while assigning less credibility to civilian witnesses and perspectives, report crime numbers as if the police are helpless to do anything about crime. Often times the dependent media portrays cops as victims. We are made to believe that police are primarily engaged in actual police work and are aggressive crime fighters acting on behalf of people to fulfill their legal duty to Black citizens pursuant to the social contract, an agreement whereby citizens voluntarily agree to obey government authority in exchange for police protection and other services from the government.

Yet, in reality, crime data demonstrates that police don’t protect Black and Latino people and are not really involved in ‘police work’ in our communities. Rather, authorities use the perception and reality of crime to stalk, surveil, manage, control and kill Black and Latino people. Any beneficial “public service” provided by cops is random, incidental or done only under the most egregious or convenient circumstances and even then, it is done primarily to maintain manufactured public relations and provided on a compulsory, involuntary basis. Professor Alex Vitale states, “It is largely a liberal fantasy that the police exist to protect us from the bad guys. As the veteran police scholar David Bayley argues,

“The police do not prevent crime. This is one of the best kept secrets of modern life. Experts know it, the police know it, but the public does not know it. Yet the police pretend that they are society’s best defense against crime and continually argue that if they are given more resources, especially personnel, they will be able to protect communities against crime. This is a myth.”

According to Pew Research FBI Data Shows the Violent Crime Rate Fell 49% between 1993 and 2022 and the Property Crime Rate Declined 59% between 1993 and 2022

From [HERE] A growing share of Americans say reducing crime should be a top priority for the president and Congress to address this year. Around six-in-ten U.S. adults (58%) hold that view today, up from 47% at the beginning of Joe Biden’s presidency in 2021. [MORE]

How have crime rates in the U.S. changed over time?

Both the FBI and BJS data show dramatic declines in U.S. violent and property crime rates since the early 1990s, when crime spiked across much of the nation.

Using the FBI data, the violent crime rate fell 49% between 1993 and 2022, with large decreases in the rates of robbery (-74%), aggravated assault (-39%) and murder/nonnegligent manslaughter (-34%). It’s not possible to calculate the change in the rape rate during this period because the FBI revised its definition of the offense in 2013.

The FBI data also shows a 59% reduction in the U.S. property crime rate between 1993 and 2022, with big declines in the rates of burglary (-75%), larceny/theft (-54%) and motor vehicle theft (-53%).

Using the BJS statistics, the declines in the violent and property crime rates are even steeper than those captured in the FBI data. Per BJS, the U.S. violent and property crime rates each fell 71% between 1993 and 2022.

While crime rates have fallen sharply over the long term, the decline hasn’t always been steady. There have been notable increases in certain kinds of crime in some years, including recently.

In 2020, for example, the U.S. murder rate saw its largest single-year increase on record – and by 2022, it remained considerably higher than before the coronavirus pandemic. Preliminary data for 2023, however, suggests that the murder rate fell substantially last year.

How do Americans perceive crime in their country?

Americans tend to believe crime is up, even when official data shows it is down.

In 23 of 27 Gallup surveys conducted since 1993, at least 60% of U.S. adults have said there is more crime nationally than there was the year before, despite the downward trend in crime rates during most of that period. [MORE]


For 2nd Straight Year Homelessness Increases in DC, a City Controlled by Elite White Liberals; Black Families Hit Hardest as Black People Make Up 86% of DC Homeless but are Only 46% of the Population

Photo courtesy of Vincent Brown, the undeceiver.



homeless – the informationally disenfranchised and in many cases also the psychologically disengaged. The streets may belong to the people, but they make less than ideal places to live. In the cold, the homeless look for the “grate” outdoors.

From [HERE] New data published Monday showed the number of homeless people living on D.C. streets increased for the second consecutive year — and many of those seeking shelter are families.

The D.C. mayor’s office said the city recorded a 14% increase in homelessness this year, according to the District’s annual Point-in-Time Count taken in January.

Raw numbers haven’t been released yet, but a 14% increase over the 4,922 people counted as homeless last year in the District would put this year’s number around 5,600 people. In 2022, the District recorded 4,410 people living on city streets.

“Across the last two years, we counted a higher percentage of people experiencing homelessness for the first time, which both points to the need for earlier interventions as well as our success at supporting those who have experienced long-term homelessness to regain housing,” Laura Zeilinger, director of the D.C. Department of Human Services, said in a news release. “We are committed to continue to build on and invest in proven solutions, and innovative approaches to enhance our system for District residents facing homelessness.”

Families accounted for 39% of the increase in homelessness, while single individuals represented 6% of the increase, according to the mayor’s office.

That’s a change from the PIT count last year, when both groups were relatively equal contributors to 2023’s uptick in homelessness. Families made up 12% of last year’s increase, and single individuals accounted for 10%.

City officials noted there are fewer transients in the city now than in 2020, when data was collected roughly two months before the COVID-19 pandemic took hold.

The mayor’s office said the 30% reduction in homelessness over the past four years stemmed from pandemic-era policies such as the eviction moratorium and an infusion of federal cash into cities and states.

The District’s homeless population dropped 31% between 2020-22 — which led the nation, according to the mayor’s office — until the trend began to reverse after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the eviction moratorium in 2021 and federal money slowly dried up.

But homeless advocates who work in the city believe the District’s numbers are finally correcting after being undercounted during the heart of the pandemic. 

“The District reported a significant decrease in homelessness overall during COVID, and we saw nothing to support that dramatic decrease that they were reporting,” Joe Mettimano, the executive director for Central Union Mission, told The Washington Times.

Mr. Mettimano said he saw the same number coming to Central Union’s men’s only shelter during COVID as he does now. 

And he mentioned that the organization’s food pantry, which is open to anyone, saw a 50-75% surge in visits from women and families during the pandemic that has yet to recede. [MORE]

Police Killings Set Record in 2023: Blacks Made up 26% of All those Killed [Initiating Unprovoked Acts of Violence on Others is Immoral whether its done by citizens or by people wearing Blue Costumes]

US police brutality hit a new record in 2023 breaking last year’s record as police officers killed at least 1,232 people in 2023 according to Mapping Police Violence. In 2022 cops killed 1,183 people. [MORE]

Black people disproportionately made up 26% of all those killed by police despite being only 13% of the US population. Killings of Black people also rose - as least year Blacks accounted for slightly less deaths at 25%. [MORE] In fact in 2023 Black people were the most likely people to be killed by cops. Blacks are 3X more likely to be killed than whites and 1.3X as likely as white people to be unarmed.

Born into this arrangement we have been miseducated to believe that “political authority” is part of the natural order of organizing human relations. Yet this is actually nonsense. The source of the police brutality problem and many many others is so-called “authority”- the implied right to rule over people. It is the belief that some people [authorities] have the moral and legal right to forcibly control others [citizens], and that, consequently, those citizens have the moral obligation to obey.’ [more] Here in this context, we are discussing the authorities known as police officers, who as representatives of authority, have somehow been empowered to use force offensively against citizens.

Contrary to lofty legal pronouncements and pretenses of civility, authority is evil and there is no legitimate or rational way to account for belief in its existence.

All force used offensively (not in self-defense) is excessive and immoral. Acts that would be considered unjust or morally unacceptable when performed by people are just as unjust or morally unacceptable when performed by government agents. Putting your hands on another human being, not in self-defense but offensively, without their consent and ‘manipulating their body in disregard of their volition is evil’, whether its done by citizens or representatives of “authority” wearing blue costumes. Laws cannot alter morality. Larken Rose explains, “authority is permission to commit evil – to do things that would be recognized as immoral and unjustified if anyone else did them.” subconsciously we know that ruling over others by force is barbaric.

There is no rational basis for the belief in authority. All governmental power purportedly is derived solely from the people. However, the government has somehow granted itself the power to do things that no individual citizen could ever do. While citizens have the inalienable right to act in self-defense or come to the defense of others, citizens have no right to initiate unprovoked acts of violence on other people and have no right to forcibly control other people. As such, it is impossible for citizens to delegate the power to forcibly control others to the government - because citizens cannot possibly delegate powers to the government that they don’t have. Other explanations for authority such as the “social contract” theory have been thoroughly debunked. [more] Although we assume there is some valid explanation for why the government should be entitled to engage in behavior that would be deemed to violate individual rights if performed by anyone other than the government, there is none. [more] And [more] Authority, the basis for all governments and rulership, is a farce. [more] As explained by Funktionary, freedom cannot exist in the presence of so-called authority.

95% of All Prosecutors are White and Only 5% of All Attorneys are Black in Lilly-White Legal Profession. Yet in The Spectacle Black DA's are Ever present to Create the Appearance of inclusion/fairness

According to a recent study only 1% of all elected prosecutors are Black women. According to the same study only 2% of all elected prosecutors are Black men while 95% of all prosecutors are white.

Most people have little understanding of the awesome power of prosecutors (aka district attorneys or attorney generals) or the term "prosecutorial discretion." Media misinformation and lack of information about prosecutors and what they are up to is an intentional part of our conditioning or mind shampoo process. Prosecutors have the power to decide; whether to charge a person with a crime (police make arrests and refer matters to prosecutors who determine whether to prosecute), what charges to paper (charge) and present to the court, whether to seek pre-trial confinement or release and what, if any, release conditions to seek, what kind of plea offer to make, what level of resources to expend to prosecute, what information to disclose to the defense, what kind of sentence to seek & recommend to the court (such as confinement, probation or to defer the imposition of a sentence), whether the death penalty will be sought and whether probation should be revoked or extended. They also have a say in whether to seal arrest records or expunge criminal convictions. Further, prosecutors set broad policies, deciding the aggressiveness with which different laws will be enforced, and other law enforcement officials often follow their lead. Additionally, the power of the prosecutor (or the executive) even in the face of egregious misconduct is basically unchecked by judges or state bar organizations, whom are also overwhelmingly white. [MORE]

Said decisions made by prosecutors are overwhelmingly made by white people about non-white people because the vast majority of prosecutors are white and criminal defendants are disproportionately non-white.  Specifically, 95% of the 2,437 elected state and local prosecutors across the country are white, and 79 percent are white men (by comparison, white men make up 31 percent of the population of the United States). Also, most States have no Black prosecutors. [MORE]. On the federal level 87% of all US Attorneys are white - as 8% of assistant U.S. Attorneys are African American and 5% are Latino. [MORE] and [MORE].

In the context of all attorneys, according to the ABA only 5% of all attorneys are Black. Said number has remained steady since 2009. The legal profession is overwhelmingly white: specifically, it is 85% white, 5% Black, 5% Latino, 2% Asian American and 1% Native American. [MORE] and [MORE]

The low numbers of Black attorneys may sound surprising because elite racists in The Spectacle go through so much effort to give us the misleading impression that Black prosecutors and lawyers are plentiful. Neely Fuller explained that the operating system of white supremacy is carried out through deception and/or indirect or direct violence. [MORE] On a regular basis television, movies, news shows and other media programming Black attorneys, particularly black female attorneys are paraded before our eyes. As stated, the legal profession is lily white. In fact only 1% of all prosecutors are Black women. This illusion is necessary to maintain the belief of progress, inclusion and the appearance of justice in a participatory legal system based on consent.

Alternatively, as with other things in the system of racism white supremacy, where elite racists cannot conceal reality then they make the subordinate position of Blacks appear to be natural, inevitable (systematically occurring by unidentified persons) or merely coincidental and never the result of intentional purposeful activity by elite whites.

The role of Black prosecutors is simply to help make the prosecution of Black defendants appear fair to Black people and also to do anything else their white liberal bosses tell them to do. Racism is the dominant feature of the criminal justice in the United States and a major goal of the white supremacy system is the greater confinement of substantial numbers of non-white people, particularly Blacks. Not dissimilar to professional Blacks in other areas of people activity, the Black attorney primarily functions to help solve elite white people’s problems in some legal capacity - not solve his own peoples problems, as he has not been trained or been given the means to change his subordinate social situation or acquire power to do so - the black prosecutor is in the courtroom to play a complementary role in the system of racism white supremacy. As explained by Kenneth Montgomery, a former Black prosecutor for the Brooklyn, New York district attorney’s office, “prosecution is about locking black people up.” “I thought that because of who I was, because of the street and academic smarts I had, I was able to do some things that were more in line with justice. But, it was like putting a Band-Aid on a gunshot wound. In the long run, I didn’t think it was worth it, so that’s why I left.” [MORE].

As such, black attorneys function as court room props to create the appearance of justice in the criminal justice system. A system that is rigged and about as real as the plastic emblems above the judge. Like a lego-land courtroom set everything is accounted for to create the product of the appearance of justice; this includes Black defense attorneys, Black prosecutors, probation officers and black courtroom staff -all these folks are essential, without them it wouldn't look right. Such deception is necessary in order to maintain Black people’s belief in the system of democracy and in its concepts of “fairness,” “equality” and “justice.” Our belief in it, is its only real power. Without such belief the system would collapse - that is, the system of RWS, which concerns a “power group dynamic” or a consensual master/servant relationship between whites and Blacks would cease to be cooperative. Said white over Black relationship is predicated upon false consciousness programming from birth, relentless propaganda and many, many lies consumed by gullible Black sheeple.



The Spectacle - a constructed reality; the concrete inversion of life; via the autonomous movement of the apparently non-living. 2) the mirrorization of the noumenon into the phenomenal universe without understanding or overstanding it as such an objectivization in duality. The Spectacle is not a collection of images but a social relation among people mediated by images. The Spectacle is a theoretical construct—a tool for explaining many things about society; how people live vicariously through the dominant images of production, consumption and power relations. It is the thoughtfofms in which people create, contemplate and consume mediated by images of what-life-is, so that they will forget how to live radically for themselves. It is the totality of images and illusions that alienate people from living, its the primary production of modern societies. It is ideology materialized. It is the social relations that are mediated by the mass media; it is what makes people apathetic and reduces them to inactivity. It is what prevents people from realizing what their collective problems are and dissolving them. It is what perpetually absorbs people into activities that prolong their misery. [MORE]

injustice” - the by-product of authority and its enforcement through legal fictions: the Corporate Police State and their tribunals. 2) forced obligations. injustice is the systematic means by which the greedy keep in check the needy. Injustice pervades; justice is incidental, accidental and random. “The paradox of injustice emerging out of justice has only occurred because the different standards of what is just have both been called justice.” JD Unwin. (See Holodeck Court, Greed, Control, Vices, Involuntary Servitude, Positive Law, Volunteered Slavery, War on Drugs, Master’s Rent, Lawful , Legal & Judicial Victimization).

New Report Chronicles the NYPD’s Reprehensible History of Murdering Black People in NYC, a City Historically Run and Controlled by White Liberals

From [HERE] The ongoing violent crackdown on Jordan Neely protests by the NYPD’s Strategic Response Group (SRG) comes as no surprise. Despite its blatant, costly misconduct during the 2020 George Floyd protests, the “elite unit” has evaded scrutiny, with NYPD officials skipping a City Council oversight hearing in March. 

Meanwhile, NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell has made a mockery of the Civilian Complaint Review Board disciplinary process for NYPD officers found guilty of misconduct. 

While earnest liberals may seek to improve the “professionalism” of cops, via measures including better salaries and improved training, a new report shows that if history is any guide, such initiatives will do little to alter the direction of the NYPD. It remains an entity that defies accountability. 

Released last week by the Police Reform Organizing Project (PROP), “The Notorious and True History of NYC’s Finest” reviews the history of the NYPD from its origins in the mid-19th century through the present. The report culls from the work from a wide array of scholars, including Marilynn S. Johnson, Clarence Taylor and Jules Stewart.