Welcome to Spin City

Welcome to Spin City
The cordoned-off green zone for the Republican National Convention may lie on Manhattan's West Side--but the event will be strictly Madison Avenue. The Republicans, ever the masters of spin, are poised to use their convention to remake the party's image in two vital ways--both of them making good use of the seemingly inhospitable environment of New York City. First, the RNC in NYC will help transform the image of the Bush-era Republicans from right-wing, ideological wackos into just a bunch of regular guys. With a host of "moderate" convention speakers (and a little help from the mayor), the Republicans will position themselves as decent, sensible, patriotic people, forced to fend off the attacks of protesting anarchists, agents provocateurs from foreign countries like Canada, pinkos, queers, and other radicals of the type that most Americans are all too ready to assume make up the majority of New Yorkers. Second, the RNC in NYC will play the 9-11 card in the shrewdest possible ways. Any lingering tendencies in the minds of swing-state voters to hold the Bush administration accountable for the attacks should be put to rest by this extravaganza. [more ] Pictured after: Bush at a Ground Zero photo-op.

  • Pictured before:  During a photo -op Chief of Staff Andrew Card came over and whispered in Bush's ear, "A second plane hit the second tower. America is under attack." What did the Commander in Chief do? Nothing. He sat there. He sat for well over 5 minutes, doing nothing while 3,000 people were dying and the attacks were still in progress. To see it go [here ]
  • New 9/11 Footage  Shocks Sacramento Viewers
    A new 9-11 video was screened last night in Sacramento, California, leaving the audience stunned. '911 in Plane Site' is basically presented in two parts. The first segment is 52 minutes and designed for showing on television with the balance of a one hour time slot reserved for commercials. Part II continues with more film and analysis. This video is digitally mastered making details sharp and clear. [more ]
  • Who's who in protest. A list of some of the thousands of groups who plan to protest the Convention. [more ]
  • Democratic Party chief Terry McAuliffe says his party doesn't need to help the thousands of protesters who will descend on New York in anticipation of next week's Republican National Convention. He says President Bush's policies provide all the inspiration they need. They're there solely because of the failed presidency of George Bush. [more ]
  • Get Mad. Act Out. Re-Elect George Bush. [more ]