Advocates Condemn SNigger Steve Harvey for saying ‘Blacks Should Expect Nothing for Their Vote.’ But They Already Don't. "Black Politics" is Now Meaningless. It Means, ‘Not Republican,’ What else?

Apparently Black people and others are supposed to be so terrified of Donald Trump that they should expect nothing for their vote – just defeating him in and of itself will benefit Black people, anything else is just extra. Dumbocrats are fucking clowns. But Black people are clowning themselves, complicit in their own condition for uncritically believing whatever elite white liberals tell them to believe. Dr. Amos Wilson explained, ‘People who are dominated by another people through ideas cannot possibly have any meaningful political philosophy, real leaders or any non-superficial culture. The only philosphy or theory such a dominated people could have would be one that enables the other group to dominate.’

Digressing to momentarily indulge white liberals in their Trump fear obsession, how exactly can the executive “destroy a democracy?” Lathered up liberals literally claim this would happen under another Trump presidency. Yet how is this so? (assuming arguendo there is a “democracy” in the first place and that it is a good thing) There is no special executive power that allows the president to shut down courts or the Congress. There is no Constitutional reset button a president can hit to close state governments. In other words such fears are irrational and factually unsupported. Much of their whining about Trump amounts to grievances and constant name calling. Additionally, through its “single source propaganda” elite white liberals and their media dogmatically claim Trump is racist. Yet what do elite white liberals mean when they say something is racist or racism? They certainly don’t mean racism white supremacy. Remarkably, elite racist suspect liberals have tricked Black people into believing the system of racism white supremacy is a system of bigotry or unchecked mean words, name calling and disrespect. That is, to elite white liberals racism isn’t actual harmful and conspiratorial team conduct to dominate Black people: (firing and not-hiring Blacks, forcing them into Mcjobs or transient inadequate housing, evicting Blacks, making them homeless, denying bank and mortgage loans, denying proper health care, causing poverty, inadequate public assistance, welfare dependency, mass surveilling of blacks, mass stopping, searching, arresting and prosecuting Blacks, mass incarceration of Blacks, failing to protect Black people in unsafe neighborhoods, preventing law abiding blacks from defending themselves, providing black children miseducation/servant education, failing to educate them, misrule of the administration of justice, frivolous government services etc, and all the many other problems caused by the system of racism white supremacy and authority), rather, racism according to elite white liberals, is merely speaking bad words, expressing hate, being rude and articulating bad thoughts about Blacks. They have weaponized the terms “racist” and “racism” for their own political purposes. As a result, deceived, gullible Blacks seek to elect friendly looking, polite masters who are politically correct to “do the right thing.” With such a profound misunderstanding about racism, sleeping Toms enthusiastically seek to solve the wrong “problems” or perhaps the majority (like Steve Harvey) perceive their domination by whites in all areas of people activity as the normal state of play for an inherently inferior people (Black believers in racism white supremacy).

The above is in no way intended as an endorsement of the Republican party. Republicans who are racist are indeed also enemies of Black people. But Blacks are their own enemy if they uncritically believe that Democrats don’t also function as a “white party” and racist liberals aren’t presently strangling them to death while making it appear like they are dying from natural causes. BW is also not saying both sides are the same so nothing matters- that is bullshit too (yes anarchists, prison conditions matter). For instance, in NYC, DC, Chicago, LA, Detroit, Baltimore and many, many other places where the majority of Black people live, is it white MAGA republicans or elite white liberals who are cramming them into reprehensible jails, failing to teach their children how to read and count, failing to protect them in dangerous cities, searching their MF clothes and their cars as they go about their business, overcharging them with crimes, evicting them into the street in mass numbers and preventing them from defending themselves, etc? Like a salmon and a bear, elite white liberals aren’t the allies of Blacks.


BARK AND CLAP BLACK POLITRICKS. Black people, once envied and imitated by people seeking freedom throughout the world are now demobilized and have no effective political organizations, no real leaders and “black politics” is literally void of any actual substance. “Blackness” and “black politics” has come to mean ‘not Republican’ and not much else. Black politics has gone from being aggressively results oriented and highly organized to being tame activity channelled into voting for the Democratic Party and its grimacing white liberal and black borg candidates. In their relations with Democrats Black voters (sleeping toms) function like trained seals or dogs that “bark and clap” at election time and then shut-up afterwards. Norman Kelly called this phenomenon “bark and clap politics.” [MORE]

Dumbocrats in turn have no messaging or organizing aimed at black people. Norman Kelly explained Democrats essentially offer no substantial policy initiatives that benefit African-Americans and “No real agenda drives politics beyond having the Democratic candidate show up.” ‘Democrats don’t stand for anything in regard to Blacks (except, of course, for their right to vote for democrats); black people are voting against republicans but not for Democrats.’ Similarly, Robert Smith observed ‘that what is striking about any so-called ‘black agenda’ from Democrats is that its not really black. That is, relatively few items are race specific.’ Kelley also explained, ‘Democrats offer only boilerplate liberalism and no legislative initiative. And why would they need one? Democrats know they will suffer no sanctions from disgruntled and politically emasculated blacks.’

Dumbocrats push so-called ‘climate change,’ on demand aborticide, genderplex confusion and sex politics, forced experimental and deadly “vaccines” and their irrational Donald Trump obsession onto Black people, as if this ad-hoc collection of issues will solve the myriad of problems plaguing Black people and their communities. Elite whites and their McNegro media probots are quick to remind anyone that “Black voters are not a monolith, and their attitudes differ based on upbringing, geography and other factors.” Such an overstatement purposefully misses the point. Black people are not white people – and white liberals are not subjected to the system of racism white supremacy. White liberals’ menu of political concerns and grievances have little to do with the realities of daily life that Black people face. [MORE] Democrats have no messaging or explanation to account for the existence of racism white supremacy. To the contrary, racist suspect liberals have deceived Black people into believing the system of racism white supremacy is a system of bigotry, unchecked mean words, name calling and disrespect. As if slavery or jim crow were primarily about hatred and bad words as opposed to total domination and vast unequal power and control in a white over Black political system. [MORE]

White Media in Black Face: Ebony, a Magazine for "The MoTeaSuh Tribe" Financed by Elite Whites, Lionizes Kamala w/o Examination of Her Do-Nothing Record for Blacks, Propagandizes Her as Fighting Power


BOHICAN – Bend Over Here It Comes Again Negro. Sniggers are the last of the buck-dancing Bohicans. “I am the last of the Bohicans,” he said, “…and I will never be broken. I am the last and worst of my breed—and the final token.” (See: Snigger, Coin-Operated, Samboism, Uncle Tom, Possumist, Turdistan, Piece-Activist, Niggeroe & GOP)


What is Ebony saying? The Vice President of the US - an authoritarian who represents elite white power is fighting her own power - and somehow, whatever she is doing in her step-&-fetchit role is benefitting Black people and Black communities?

SAFE NEGRO PROGRAMMING: So-called “Black organizations” involving decision making and substantial financing from elite whites and white corporate wealth are not “Black” organizations. Such organizations, which may be non-profit or for profit, may have the ostensible purpose of being “black” but their actual purpose is to serve the interests of elite whites by influencing and directing the thought and action of Black sheeple. These organizations are under the “remote control” of elite white liberals because they financially depend upon them for their existence. As explained by Dr. Amos Wilson, so-called “Black media” literally deliver the black market audience to the elite white liberal establishment.

Black media outlets such as Ebony and BET offer reactionary, consumer “enterstainment” propaganda. Such “safe negro programming” creates a make believe world for its BOHICAN viewers that focuses on showcase Blacks, auto-coon entertainers and presents other mindless, unoriginal diversionary content. Its political coverage is reactionary, sanitized “information” pre-digested by white liberal media. Black media literally parrots massa’ media’s positions - whatever massa’ says, we agree because massa’ pays us to do that.’ Said content is merely symbolic or “teddy bear” politics, meaning fear-based or propaghandi freedumb "protest" actually in cooperation with and submission to authority, white supremacy/racism and the maintenance of servant relations. Messaging that is remotely threatening or contrary to their elite white liberal financiers will not be tolerated from the Black media. Ebony and others like “The Grio,” would never dare to challenge all the misrule going on in liberal jurisdictions because it would go against the interests of their elite white liberal masters. Black media seeks to reinforce the parameters of all discussion, dissent and thought of the black bourgeoise and other gullible Black sheeple that consume its propaganda. Therefore, it is intelligent to expect “Black media” to obediently work against the interests of Black people as they are only interested in preserving their status with elite white liberals and not in destroying master servant relations that sustain the system of racism white supremacy .

According to FUNKTIONARY:

The Moteasuh Tribe – the miseducated coin-operated buck-dancing, sole-shuffling, politically disappointed kneegrows who pander to Massah’s agenda—Mo’ Tea Sir? This tribe of sorry-ass kneegrows follow the dictates and even orchestrates the marching bandits of racism white supremacy as spewed forth from the mouthpieces of political power within the borders of the Witches Castle. It’s the Condi-Clarence-Powell complex—that is, those who do Massah’s bidding as if you weren’t kidding yourself that you were doing otherwise. Keep your eyes on the lies, the liars, and the disguise.

According to Dr. Amos Wilson:

The Black Media: White Media in Black Face

The most popular Black media productions, e.g., Ebony, Emerge, Black Enterprise, Essence, Upscale, and other similar magazines; the Black radio stations and television programs which feature Black-oriented formats, have in large measure been victimized by their very success. For such success, dependent on White elite financing and underwritten by White elite advertising revenues, has made "success­ful Black media" extremely sensitive to Afrocentric ideology and even circumspect about "radical chic" Black-oriented ideology, i.e., ideology emphasizing Black identity and culture that is a bit critical of Eurocentrism, a bit left-of-center in its social and economic value orientations, but still within acceptable White liberal conversational domains. On the whole, the Black media are essentially a parochial establishment lacking vision and courage, craving White media acceptance and recognition. Specializing in racial ego massage, commiseration, complaints and victimization, they are of relatively low-educational value and provide little worthwhile leadership for the Afrikan American community. They are dark imitations of their white counterparts which set their reactionary agendas, news stories, editorials and features. Even though Afrocentrism is phenomenally increasing in the Afrikan American community and popular culture viz., rap music, the popularity of Afrocentic T-shirt art, Afrocentric personal dress and adornments, the demand for Afrocentric and Afrocentric-oriented multicultural education in the Afrikan American community, etc., one would be very hard-pressed to find any popular Afrikan American magazines, such as Ebony, or radio or television series which have produced in-depth, thoroughly descriptive explana­tions of the ideology and goals of Afrocentrism. Nor would one readily find a clear indication of an Afrocentric scholar, spokesperson, columnist or editor consistently or unrestrictedly published in their pages or hosting their programs. For, essentially, the current Black media establishment is still one with what it was when it received its most severe criticism by sociologist E. Franklin Frazier in his much-acclaimed book Black Bourgeoisie published in 1962.

The Negro press is not only one of the most successful business enterprises owned and controlled by Negroes; it is the chief medium of communication which creates and perpetuates the world of make-believe for the black bourgeoisie. Although the Negro press declares itself to be the spokesman for the Negro group as a whole, it repre­sents essentially the interests and outlook of the black bourgeoisie. Its demand for equality for the Negro in American life is concerned primarily with opportunities which will benefit the black bourgeoisie economically and enhance the social status of the Negro. The Negro press reveals the inferiority complex of the black bourgeoisie and provides a documentation of the attempts of this class to seek compensations for its hurt self-esteem and exclusion from American life. Its exaggerations concerning the economic well-being and cultural achievements of Negroes, its emphasis upon Negro "society" all tend to create a world of make-believe into which the black bourgeoisie can escape from its inferiority and inconsequence in American society. [Emphasis added]

He then argued that "In reporting any recognition which the Negro may receive, the Negro press is not concerned with principles or values except where status, in a narrow sense, is concerned . . . the Negro press is not concerned with broader social and economic values." The contemporary Afrikan American press, except for its marked increase in size and composition, which now includes a much larger electronic, i.e., radio and television sector, maintains the essential character and purpose attributed to it by E. Franklin Frazier. The Afrikan American media establishment still "represents essentially the interests and outlook of the black bourgeoisie." In a number of ways it is even more bourgeois in outlook and interest than in the past. Until the decade of the '60s and '70s the major Black media, particularly some newspapers and magazines like Ebony, still expressed the character of the original Black press, that of organs of "Negro protest." Many publications following the traditions of the first Black papers in America, Freedom's Journal, North Star (later renamed Frederick Douglass'Paper), New York Age, and the Chicago Defender, were staunch defenders of the rights of Black Americans, exposed and fulminated against racial oppression and discrimination. The editorials of Ebony magazine regarding the civil rights struggles of the late '50s and '60s were outstanding. Their emphasis on the historical and contemporary achievements of Afrikan Americans served to enhance Black self-esteem and encourage continuing struggle against American apartheid.

The central ideological thrust of the Black print media was primarily assimilationist and integrationist in character. They struggled mightily against what was then called the "second-class" status of Black Americans and for full equality for Blacks in American society. The ideological thrust and the struggle for social equality manifested by the Black press were in accord with Black bourgeois interests and outlook as well as those of the Black masses, and were generally supported by the White liberal press and White liberal establishment. At the end of the Civil Rights era when most of the important Black bourgeois goals were nominally achieved — school and housing desegregation, affirmative action (which accelerated the movement of Black bourgeois professionals into previously exclusively White employment areas), expanded equal opportunity programs in many social and employment areas for Blacks, tokenism, national Black suffrage, and so forth — the Black bourgeois press and expanding electronic media establishment while still serving as the watchdogs for Black bourgeois interests and speaking for Black community interests, increasingly follows the party line of the liberal White American media establishment. The Afrikan American media establishment in essential ways more closely fits Frazier's character­ization of it today than in the late '50s and early '60s when his media critiques were first published.

The Black print media as exemplified by Ebony, Essence, Emerge, EM and other similar national publications fit Frazier's characteriza­tions "to a T." These publications along with their electronic media brethren are boringly innocuous, inoffensive and bland. Apparently frightened of provoking the disapproval of their national and multinational advertisers and of raising the ire of the White ruling establishment on whose favor they depend for survival, these media assiduously concern themselves with reporting the activities of Black celebrities, of the Black bourgeoisie, and with selling the products of White-owned manufacturers to Black customers. The Black media literally "deliver" the Black market to White merchants, their raison d'etre. The Black print media, especially the popular magazines which increasingly project the fashionable lives of Blacks "who have made it" in White society, are little more than fashion and consumer magazines. Their stock-in-trade is now fundamentally the same as White mass publications — celebrity features, male-female relations, career choices and opportunities, exercise and fitness features, self-help and pop psychology features. Controversial issues are superfi­cially treated when dealt with at rare instances and are carefully and inoffensively "balanced." They are careful not to take any editorial position which can be interpreted as Black nationalist or Afrocentric in orientation. The deeper issues and controversies involving Afrocentrism and Black nationalism, involving deep ethnic confronta­tions between the Black and non-Black communities are virtually ignored or dealt with so gingerly and benignly as to be devoid of any real substance while not revealing where the Black media themselves stand relative to such issues. Afrocentric and Black nationalist interpretations of events and ethnic reality are essentially excluded from the national Black print media and local and regional electronic media. The views of Black nationalist scholars and intellectuals as well as activists are rarely featured in the Black media except when they are the objects of White media attack or have aroused broad White social disapproval, or are engaged in some controversial struggle with the White powers-that-be. Some nationalists and activists are not interviewed or presented even under these circum­stances if their mere mention or presence may be interpreted by powerful Whites as representing Black media approval or support for their ideological orientation or social-political activism.

The Black media establishment is highly reactionary. Its agenda is generally set by the White media and ruling/corporate elite establishment. Once a Black person has evoked the full notice and approval or disapproval of the White media and ruling establishment, the Black media establishment compellingly presents him or her to their Black public. The Black media interaction with these noted or notorious persons or groups as defined by the White press or estab­lishment, usually lasts as long as White media focus is maintained on them. Consequently, the White press markedly still determines the visibility or invisibility, the esteem or lack thereof, of Black persons, groups and ideas in the Black media establishment. Rarely does the Black media raise a Black person, group or ideology to prominence based on the intrinsic nature of their relevance to the Black commu­nity and to Afrikan liberation without having received some signal from the White media.

Thus, the Black media in its reactionary fashion seconds the motions of the White media in excluding unpopular, anti-White supremacy, anti-Eurocentric, anti-capitalist, and other radical ideological approaches that may provide possibly promising, prag­matic solutions to problems faced by the Black community. They thereby help to deny the Black community innovative and creative alternatives to the failed, yet socially accepted, approaches advocated by the general media (including the Black and White media). In this sense the Black media enters into complicity with the White media against Afrikan liberation from White supremacy.

When expert opinion is sought by the Black media regarding problems facing the Black community, e.g., Black-on-Black violence, drug abuse, economic deprivation, etc., this establishment with its penchant for recognizing as expert only those Blacks so designated by the White media and educational establishments (or celebrities such as movie directors, actors, comedians and other erstwhile Black entertainment or media personalities) will publish the sayings or writings of these "experts" regardless of the fact that they generally express opinions of no real substance or relevance, or more often than not, express regressive and outdated approaches to problems. Typically, the Black media will treat the expositions of Black academics attached to prestigious White elite universities as holy writ without apparently considering the fact that such experts have eschewed any ideological perspectives and pragmatic solutions to problems in the Black community which would meet with the disapproval of their White colleagues and the White institutions for which they work. Their espousal of unorthodox ideologies and approaches would no doubt have precluded their employment by the White establishment institutions in the first place. Obviously, their solutions to problems confronting the Black community will fit within the range of acceptable White elite opinions. Their Black faces and positions in White institutions serve essentially to sanction White elite ideas and values which are antithetical to Black liberation and independence, to give these ideas authority and present them in ways which deceive the Black public into assuming that they operate in its interest when the opposite is true. Moreover, the ready access these White institution-supported Black experts have to the Black and White media, allows them to not only reinforce the ruling ideas of the dominant White elite but to literally block a fair hearing of unortho­dox, though often more realistic ideas of independent Black experts, activists and everyday citizens. Frazier succinctly summarizes the scope of the Black press thusly:

The lack of interest of the black bourgeoisie and its mouthpiece, the Negro press, in the broader issues facing the modern world is due to the fact that the Negro has developed no economic or social philosophy except the opportunistic philosophy that the black intelligentsia has evolved to justify its anomalous and insecure position. Of course, plain ignorance of the nature of the modern world and the revolution which is in progress accounts also for the outlook of the Negro press . .. They are generally careful, however, never to offend the black bourgeoisie nor to challenge white opinion on fundamental economic and political issues. In fact, except in regard to race relations, the columnists generally echo the conservative opinions and platitudes of the white world on crucial issues . . . By echoing the opinions of the white community the intellectual leaders of the black bourgeoisie hope to secure the approval and recognition of the white propertied classes with whom they seek identification.

The Black broadcast media is a major culprit in mesmerizing the Afrikan American community, particularly its youth, with stupefying, mind-numbing, retrograde music and DJ claptrap — music created and recorded by the lowest elements of its street culture and sold and distributed by White-owned, Japanese-owned record companies who have shown nothing but the nastiest contempt for the peoples whose music is the principal source of their fabulous wealth and power. In general, Black electronic media feed the mind-destroying, self-defeating addiction Blacks have for music, whether rap, jazz, hip-hop, or gospel. Black celebrity-driven electronic and print media saturate their audiences with Black bourgeois political nostrums and palliatives, hokey cliches and hopelessly wrongheaded prescriptions for Black social and economic advancement and liberation. Black reactionary media push the same corporate conglomerates as do the white media; and like the white media, virtually ignore, suppress, or invalidate more radical, alternative points of view, social, political, economic prescriptions and programs for Afrikan empowerment and liberation. Unlike the white media, however, the Black media does not see as one of their most important roles that of "creating visibility and thereby legitimacy" by raising from relative obscurity those persons, groups and organizations, those publications which speak directly and practically to the liberation of Afrikan peoples from the mental and physical bondage to white supremacy.

Relative to publication of books which target the Black American community, one need only look at the Black literary review sections of magazines like Black Enterprise, Ebony, Emerge, Essence, and literary quarterlies or supplements like the Quarterly Review of Black Books and the City Sun Literary Supplement to note that 99% of the books reviewed are by Black authors published by White-owned presses. Thus, not only is the white-owned book industry pedaled by the Black press, but the rather innocuous books — books edited according to the needs and standards of white supremacy, books specializing in victimology, self-pity, self-aggrandizing autobiogra­phies and inflated biographies of people who were or are famous because they achieved the condescending approval or reactionary disapproval of whites, books advocating solutions to Black problems which have long ago been demonstrated to be complete failures, harmful even — are routinely recommended to a gullible Black public. Books by both Black and white authors that have gained critical acclaim or propagandistic visibility in the white press, that have made the New York Times Best-sellers List are routinely reviewed, their authors lionized and interviewed regardless of their content or genuine social importance or relevance to the Afrikan American community and its critical struggle to survive. Authors and books which address this struggle and prescribe for its success, particularly if they run counter to the social and political status quo, are contrary to "acceptable" [read: white liberal] opinion and Black bourgeois interests, are ignored and actively suppressed by an obsequious Black media or a Black media which is gutless and lacking in vision. The publishing companies more likely to publish such books are the Black-owned publishing houses. [MORE]

Judge Reprimanded for Handcuffing a 13 Year Old Latino Teen For No Valid Reason During Her Father’s Sentencing

From [HERE] A California federal judge who ordered a teenager handcuffed at her father’s sentencing hearing was properly reprimanded, a judiciary conduct committee said Tuesday.

The review panel agreed with a unanimous Ninth Circuit Judicial Council finding by upholding a public reprimand and three-year pause on criminal case assignments for Senior U.S. District Judge Roger T. Benitez of the Southern District of California (article available here(link is external)).

"The committee explained that 'the shackling of a spectator at a hearing who is not engaged in threatening or disorderly behavior exceeds the authority of a district judge' and that 'creating a spectacle out of the presence of a minor child in the courtroom chills the desire of friends and family members to support loved ones at sentencing.'"

The handcuffing led to complaints from the Federal Defender's office and from the child's mother, who called for the judge's retirement, Tuesday's decision said.

In addition to the public reprimand and three-year pause on criminal assignments, Judge Benitez was "reminded" in the May order "that retaliating against participants in the complaint process is misconduct." The order also provided that parties in any violation of supervised release hearings scheduled within three years may move to recuse Judge Benitez.

“No Justice, Just a Piece.” Liberal Authorities Settle Casey Goodson Case for $7M. White Columbus Cop Shot Black Man 6X in the Back as He Walked into His Home Holding Keys and a Bag of Sandwiches

COP WAS ACTING IN SELF DEFENSE AS HE FOLLOWED BLACK MAN, SHOT HIM IN THE BACK?? From [HERE] Franklin County Commissioners unanimously approved a $7 million settlement in a civil lawsuit involving a sheriff deputy's fatal shooting of Casey Goodson Jr. in 2020.

The Franklin County Prosecutor's Office asked commissioners to approve the multi-million dollar settlement from the county general fund that would dismiss all civil claims by Goodson's family without admitting any liability, according to a resolution.

Former sheriff's deputy Jason Meade fatally shot Goodson in December 2020.

Before the approval, all three county commissioners spoke about how the dollar amount would not bring Goodson back or replace the loss his family has felt.

Meade faces a retrial by special prosecutors this fall after a jury could not agree on a verdict earlier this year.

Meade was initially charged with one count of reckless homicide, one charge of murder for purposefully causing his death and one charge of felonious assault in Goodson's death. 

Prosecutors later dropped the purposeful murder charge and plan on retrying Meade with the remaining reckless homicide charge and murder charge. The first court date in his second trial is set for October.

Casey had just left an appointment at the dentist’s office and was bringing lunch back to his grandmother’s house when Jason Meade shot him six times from behind, killing him. Meade’s lawyer says the deputy fired when Goodson pointed a gun at him. Goodson’s family has said he was holding a sandwich, not a gun.

The complaint states in relevant part,

“a group of officers tasked to the U.S. Marshals were in the neighborhood to arrest someone that was not Casey and was in no way affiliated with Casey. Jason Meade was working with the task force as a member of their Southern Ohio Fugitive Apprehension Strike Team (SOFAST) and as a member of their District Fugitive Task Force (DTF). The U.S. Marshals were heavily armed, and Jason Meade was not in uniform and was carrying a rifle.

The SOFAST and DTF did not find their target, however the target’s sister did encounter Meade when he and his colleagues raided her home. As she stated in a Facebook post, “#JasonMeade was already on bullshit before he left my house. Knowing I wasn’t dressed busted in my room knowing I was naked and we had a brief argument as he felt I had ‘plenty of time’ to get dressed. They were aware my brother was AT WORK. Truth be told, they shouldn’t have been on this street PERIOD. It was as simple as communicating with the parties involved.” The sister also later described Meade as a ticking time bomb who was extremely angry and aggressive when inside of her home.

The mission of SOFAST and DTF ended without apprehending their target, and the members of the team began to disperse.

Around this time, Casey had finished his appointment at the dentist. After leaving, Casey went to Subway to buy sandwiches for his family.

As Casey was returning home from Subway, upon information and belief, Jason Meade saw Casey and followed Casey back to his home.

Upon information and belief, Casey arrived home, parked, and exited his vehicle. He grabbed the bag of subway sandwiches, and began walking toward the side of the house to enter through the side door.

Casey was not committing any crime, was not suspected of committing any crime and did not present any threat to Meade or anyone else. He was simply attempting to enter his own home.

Jason Meade—armed with a rifle— targeted and hunted Casey, following him as Casey proceeded towards his house.

Casey proceeded to enter the side door of the house. The side door of the house is comprised of an exterior door with a metal-screen, and a wooden interior door with a lock. Casey opened the exterior door and used his keys to unlock the wooden door. As Casey unlocked the wooden door, Jason Meade opened fire. Casey was entering through the door when Jason Meade shot him to death.

Meade fired six bullets into Casey’s body with his rifle. Two bullets pierced Casey’s back, ripping through his body, bullet’s trajectory exiting through his chest, next to his heart.

Another bullet pierced Casey’s back, about six inches from where the first and second bullet pierced his body, exiting directly left to his chest.

Meade fired another bullet into Casey’s left-lower-back. Unlike Jason Meade’s first, second, and third bullet, the fourth bullet did not rip through Casey’s body. Instead, it blew a chunk of flesh off of Casey’s body.

Meade fired another bullet into Casey’s lower-right-back, ripped through Casey’s body up to Casey’s chest.

A sixth bullet entered Casey’s right buttock and remained lodged directly above his hip bone. At least three of the bullets flew through the metal screen, shattering the glass contained within the door.

Wound mapping provided Bauer Forensics demonstrates that Meade shot Casey all six times while Casey was facing away from him, entering his home.

Nine members of Casey’s family were in the house at that time but did not know that Meade was nearby. They did not hear any alleged orders or commands from Meade.

When Casey’s family heard gunshots and the glass in the metal screen door shattering, they ran toward the door to see what was happening. There, Casey’s family members observed Casey lying on the kitchen floor, bleeding to death.

While still in the house, an officer pointed his rifle at Tamala’s brother, who was holding his three-year old daughter and commanded them to “get out of the house before [he] shoots them too.”

Casey’s grandmother suffered a stroke that night, which caused her to fall and injure her head in her own home—the same place where Jason Meade shot her grandson in the back six times.

This shooting was unjustified, objectively unreasonable, and constituted excessive force, in violation of Casey’s constitutional rights.

7 Months Pregnant Black Woman Believed She was Free to Disobey Authority [but no one is]: Columbus Cop Charged for Murder of Ta’Kiya Young - Shot Through the Windshield as She Slowly Drove Toward Him

The police officer who shot and killed a pregnant 21-year-old Black woman in Columbus, Ohio, pleaded not guilty to murder charges via video conference Wednesday.

Connor Grubb, a Blendon Township police officer, faces four counts of murder, four counts of felonious assault and two counts of involuntary manslaughter in the killing of Ta’Kiya Young in the parking lot of a local Kroger grocery store on August 24, 2023. Young, who was seven months pregnant, was given medical aid by the officers but did not survive.    

“Connor is 29 years old with no record whatsoever. He is married, he has two children, your honor, they are young,” his attorney Mark Collins said. “He is a lifelong resident of central Ohio both his wife’s parents and his parents live in central Ohio.”

The judge, citing Grubb’s “clean record” and considering “it’s been over a year since the events occurred,” set his bond at $250,000. He also ordered Grubb not to possess a firearm and submit travel documents including his passport. [MORE]

Still Cruel and Unusual Punishment (if You Believe “Rights” Actually Exist): Despite Reforms, Thousands of Youth Remain Locked Up for Life. 58% of Juveniles Serving Virtual Life Sentences are Black

From [HERE] A wave of reforms since 2010 has changed the trajectory of punishment for young people by substantially limiting the use of juvenile life without parole (JLWOP) sentences. At the sentence’s height of prominence in 2012, more than 2,900 people were serving JLWOP, which provided no avenue for review or release.1 Since reforms began, most sentence recipients have at least been afforded a meaningful opportunity for a parole or sentence review. More than 1,000 have come home.2

This progress is remarkable, yet thousands more who have been sentenced to similarly extreme punishments as youth have not been awarded the same opportunity. Our analysis shows that in 2020, prisons held over 8,600 people sentenced for crimes committed when they were under 18 who were serving either life with the possibility of parole (LWP) or “virtual” life sentences of 50 years or longer. This brief argues for extending the sentencing relief available in JLWOP cases to those serving other forms of life imprisonment for crimes committed in their youth.

In addition, The Sentencing Project has estimated that nearly two in five people sentenced to life without parole (LWOP) were 25 or younger at the time of their crime.3 These emerging adults, too, deserve a meaningful opportunity for a second look because their developmental similarities with younger people reduces their culpability in criminal conduct. The evidence provided in this brief supports bold reforms for youth and emerging adults sentenced to extreme punishments.

Supreme Court of the United States Authorizes Second Looks for Young People

A series of landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases beginning in 2010 acknowledged that children under 18 must be viewed as less culpable for criminal conduct compared to adults because they have not yet fully developed. Their reduced culpability stems from the increase in risk-taking and impulsivity during this period of brain development, particularly in emotionally charged situations.4 Beginning with Graham v. Florida in 2010,5the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that individuals under 18 could not receive LWOP in non-homicide crimes. This ruling affected the sentences of less than 200 people,6 but the implications of the ruling set precedence for future cases that elicited the resentencing and subsequent release of many more.7

In 2012, the Court ruled in Miller v. Alabama that individuals under 18 could not be sentenced to LWOP in states that uphold a mandatory LWOP statute for homicide convictions because there could be no guarantee that young age and its attending characteristics had been accounted for.8 The Miller ruling had much broader implications than the Graham ruling. Research conducted by The Sentencing Project confirmed that prior to Miller, the majority of JLWOP sentences were imposed in states where judges did not have another choice.9 This ruling was not explicitly retroactive, however. In 2016 in Montgomery v. Louisiana,((Montgomery v. Louisiana, 577 U.S. 190 (2016). the Court affirmed that the Miller ruling applied retroactively, affecting over 2,000 individuals previously sentenced to JLWOP.10 A 2024 study led by researchers at the University of California Los Angeles, found that 87% of the JLWOP population has been resentenced following the rulings in Miller and Montgomery. As of January 2024, 1,070 individuals have been released.11 [MORE]

New Map Shows Police are Primarily Killing Black People in Cities Controlled by Elite White Liberals and Doing so in Substantial Numbers. In Chicago Blacks are 30X more likely to be Killed than Whites

From [HERE] Nearly 13,400 people have been killed by law enforcement in the United States since 2013 — around 7% of the nation's homicides, according to new data released by the advocacy group Campaign Zero.

Not only does the data show a surge in killings by law enforcement since 2013, but Campaign Zero's new "Mapping Police Violence" shows specific neighborhoods in Chicago and St. Louis, with large Black populations, have a massively high proportion of killings.

Mapping Police Violence stated that it will be releasing neighborhood-level data for more U.S. cities over the next year. 

The big picture: The detailed neighborhood-level analysis reviewed by Axios suggests aggressive policing in areas with significantly higher percentages of Black, Latino and Native American residents is leading to more killings by police.

  • For example, the Campaign Zero data show Black Americans were 2.9 times more likely to be killed by law enforcement in the U.S. than the general population from 2013 to July 23, 2024. 2023 was the deadliest year for people killed by law enforcement, with 1,352 police killings, according to the database.

  • CHICAGO: Black residents in Chicago are 30.6 times more likely to be killed than White residents with massively higher portions of police shootings on certain streets and neighborhoods, the analysis found

    • Despite Black people comprising only 29% of the population, 76% of people killed by law enforcement were Black (excluding incidents where race is unknown).

  • ST LOUIS: Black Americans also were 10.5 times more likely to be killed than White Americans in St. Louis, with higher portions of police shootings on certain streets and neighborhoods.

Despite Black people comprising only 43% of the population, 81% of people killed by law enforcement were Black (excluding incidents where race is unknown).

  • NATIVE AMERICANS/LATINOS: The new mapping also shows how Native Americans and Hispanic residents were more likely to be shot by police in rural areas.

    • The map gives clues to the high number of Native Americans and Latinos killed by law enforcement in New Mexico's Four Corners region that borders the Navajo Nation.

    How it works: The database examines any incident where a law enforcement officer, whether off-duty or on-duty, uses lethal force, resulting in someone's death, regardless of whether the death is ruled "justified" or "unjustified."

    AUTHORITY KILLS: The database found that law enforcement killed an average of 1,147 people per year from 2013 to July 2023, with Black Americans accounting for 28% of those deaths nationally.

    • Black people in the U.S. are 2.9 times more likely than the general population to be killed by law enforcement.

    • The average age of a person killed by law enforcement in the U.S. is 37 years old — 33 for Black people and 44 for White people.[MORE]

TO SEE THE ACTUAL MAP CLICK ON IT. THE BLUE DOTS REPRESENT BLACK PEOPLE. ACCORDING TO MAPPING POLICE VIOLENCE, From 2013-2023, US law enforcement killed 1147 people per year. Despite Black people comprising only 13% of the population in the US, 28.2% of people killed by law enforcement (excluding incidents where race is unknown). This means that Black people are 2.9x more likely to be killed by law enforcement in the US. The average age of a person killed by law enforcement in the US is 37 years old (33 for Black people and 44 for white people).

The map appears to show that police are primarily killing Black people in cities controlled by elite white liberals and police are doing so in substantial numbers. Look at the highlighted areas on the map showing where police kill Blacks; Sacramento, San Francisco, LA, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Denver, Austin, Houston, Kansas City, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Madison, Chicago, Detroit, Indianapolis, Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Atlanta, Jacksonville, NYC, Newark, Philadelphia, Baltimore, DC, New Orleans, Miami and others.

In the above stated cities, liberal Democrats control nearly all levels and branches of government and control all local government agencies, such as police departments. Consequently, if liberal democrats really wanted to do something meaningful about police brutality - that is, controlling their own cops’ behavior in their relations with its Black and Latino residents, then the elite white liberal leadership could and would have done so at some point over the past 40-50 years. Contrary to ‘get out the vote’ rhetoric, the quality of Black citizenship stays low in these places and it does so despite high turnout by the black votary. In liberal jurisdictions, elite liberals and their “academented” Black rolebots dogmatically claim that voting will solve all their problems. Yet Black people’s so-called “rights” are tuned on and off like light switches in said jurisdictions where police surveil, stop, detain and search law abiding Black people’s clothing, their cars and generally interfere with their freedom of movement as they attempt to go about their daily lives. In such liberal places cops have mauled, injured and put thousands of Black people into greater confinement and also murdered hundreds of other Black and Brown people with impunity. The Black votary should be aware of this because it is happening right in front of their faces and has been for decades. In St. Louis for example, now and when police murdered Michael Brown, liberal democrats dominated the area’s politics with a liberal; Governor (Jay Nixon), U.S. Senator (Claire McCaskill), State Attorney General (Chris Koster), St. Louis Mayor (Francis Slay) and liberal Prosecutor Robert McCulloch. The Democratic Party has dominated St. Louis city politics for decades. The city has not had a Republican mayor since 1949 and the last time a Republican was elected to another citywide office was in the 1970s. At the federal level, in Missouri's 1st congressional district, a Republican has not represented a significant portion of St. Louis in the U.S. House since 1953. [MORE] Yet as the findings indicate above, police kill Blacks with impunity in St. Louis. What’s holding the dem apparatus back?

BARK & CLAP POLITRICKS: Like fans at an intense sporting event, a lathered up and passionate black votary acts like they have everything to lose at election time - but when the election is over they get nothing - and it is the same after every game, every year for decades. The Black electorant expects nothing in return for its vote as it goes on dutifully and robotically fulfilling its servant role. MOTIVATED SOLELY BY IRRATIONAL AND MANUFACTURED FEAR. [MORE] DR. AMOS WILSON EXPLAINED, Elite whites remain in control by keeping Black people in a state of mental maladaptiveness - maintaining this mental state is a political, social necessity, Black people must be literally kept out of their minds - and they are. [MORE]

Amos Wilson: Is Black America Dying of Natural Causes or Strangulation by White Supremacy/Racism?

Here, white liberals and their black followers may hallucinate that cities like Memphis, Baltimore, Atlanta and DC are not actually run by white liberals and may claim they are in fact run by Blacks themselves. However, whether a city is controlled by elite white liberals” has nothing to do with the number of elected black officials or appointed black authorities in a given jurisdiction. In reality, Black people function as “a powerless class” having no power independent of elite whites. Rather, in all liberal jurisdictions where blacks reside, elite whites control and own all major resources (such as banks, local mainstream media, major real estate, ports, utilities, large corporations and businesses, major industry, major non-profits, unions, hospitals, etc) and anything else of substantial material value. Neely Fuller explains, ‘in a socio-material system dominated by wealthy, powerful racists, all major decisions involving non-white people are made by elite racists. In such places elite white liberals function as the major decision makers in regards to what happens or does not happen to non-white people, particularly blacks and latinos. Elite racists are their employers, landlords, creditors, land owners, bosses and major decision-makers. Whatever a Black person gets, and/or is allowed to keep, is the result of decisions made by elite racists. This is the functional meaning of White Supremacy (Racism) that many Black people prefer not to acknowledge. [MORE] Thus, in their direct or indirect relations with elite white liberals, most black people function as their employees, workers, consumers, helpers, servants, tenants, patients, clients and customers. Contrary to liberal whitenology, racists seek to dominate non-white people - hate has little to do with it, as master-servant relations are the gravamen of the system of racism white supremacy - not mere bigotry.

The above map is part of mounting evidence that voting for liberals and supporting their causes has been a complete disaster for Blacks. Dr. Frances Cress Welsing explained Black people are currently in a “losing streak that is centuries long.” Electoral politics, participating in retail politics and voting in general has had no meaningful or tangible impact on the white over Black system of vast unequal power. In reality, as explained by Dr. Wilson, very few, if any, of the major political, economic and social goals achieved by Black America, including the Voting Rights Act, were accomplished through Black voting prowessThe ballot box has been a relatively impotent weapon in the achievement of major victories by the Black community.

Elite white liberals are especially clowning Blacks. Fuller emphasizes that racism is primarily carried out by deception and that elite racists are “masters of deceit” and are “masterful liars.” More specifically, Dr. Wilson explains, the principal ideological goal of elite racists is to manufacture Black people’s consent to their own domination. He states, elite racists seek “to legiti­mate and justify their superordinate position and power; generate the evidence which substantiates their claims to power and legitimacy; have their rule and domination appear inevitable and "natural," i.e., not the result of deliberate, perhaps malicious intentions on their part; gain the "freely given" consent of Afrikan Americans to subordi­nation to White Power; and to continuously reproduce the conditions of Afrikan American community dependency and relative powerlessness.” Here, elites have deceived Black sheeple and caused them to misperceive elite white liberals as their political allies because they generally appear to be non-hateful and friendly to them. With such a profound and delusional misunderstanding about racism white supremacy, sleeping toms seek to have consensual relations with friendly looking, polite, well behaved and racist liberal; representatives landlords, police, judges, prosecutors, school administrators, employers, bank officials, neighbors, real estate and others who dominate them in all areas of people activity and keep them in a continuous state of checkmate decade after decade, unbeknownst to them.

Is the 4th Amendment a 2nd Class Right or Just Imaginary for Black Residents in Liberal Chicago? Before Cops Massacred Dexter Reed, They Made 50 Other Predatory Traffic Stops in 3 Days

HIGH QUALITY, MANDATORY PUBLIC SERVICE FROM RACISTS From [HERE] In the days and hours before police murdered Dexter Reed, tactical police officers conducted dozens of uneventful traffic stops on Chicago’s West Side — none of which appear to have generated so much as a ticket.

As the Civilian Office of Police Accountability continues to investigate the March 21 shooting and the traffic stop that sparked it, the oversight agency has also launched a probe to determine whether those other stops were “unjustified,” records show.

Body-camera footage obtained by the Sun-Times shows that five officers who were involved in the shooting conducted 50 traffic stops between March 19 and March 21, including eight stops that were made in the roughly three hours before they encountered Reed in the 3800 block of West Ferdinand Street.

In the wake of the shooting, Chicago Police Supt. Larry Snelling has pushed to overhaul the department’s controversial traffic stop practices under an ongoing federal consent decree. 

Advocates and activists argue the pace of court-ordered reform is too slow to address a pressing issue that was brought into sharp focus when Reed was fatally shot. Many have called on the department to immediately disband its tactical units and to stop using traffic stops as an excuse to conduct searches.

Reed was boxed in by two unmarked police SUVs, then resisted orders and shot one of the officers. The four other cops fired back, firing nearly 100 rounds, striking Reed 13 times, according to COPA and the Cook County medical examiner’s office.

It’s still unclear why he was pulled over.

COPA has questioned whether police officials lied when they attributed the stop to a seat belt violation. More recently, city lawyers fighting a lawsuit brought by Reed’s mother have instead cited the tinted windows on Reed’s SUV.

The newly released body-camera footage shows the five officers repeatedly stopped people for both those reasons, as well as for moving violations and smoking weed. But in some cases, they didn’t appear to provide any explanation for stopping and searching people.

None of the searches appeared to result in a traffic ticket, much less a felony arrest.

Meanwhile, COPA has opened a separate investigation into another shooting incident that happened a day before Reed was killed. As the five tactical officers responded to a block where a group of people had congregated, another cop shot and killed a charging dog, angering residents.

“We don’t do nothing. Every day, we stand here getting stopped and frisked,” one person is heard saying in the body-camera footage.

The videos would seem to support criticism that heavy-handed traffic enforcement seldom leads to arrests for more serious crime. The ACLU of Illinois last year filed a lawsuit against the city on behalf of Black and Brown motorists who are stopped at much higher rates than drivers in predominantly white neighborhoods.

The practice of using traffic violations as a pretext to search vehicles and their passengers began in 2016 after the Chicago Police Department curtailed pedestrian stops under a settlement with the ACLU. The number of traffic stops rose from fewer than 100,000 in 2015 to a peak of 600,000 in 2019, after which stops dropped dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to data cited in the lawsuit, fewer than 1% of all stops made by CPD officers result in police finding drugs or weapons. The Harrison District, where Reed was shot, has the highest number of shootings per capita in the city and has led the city in total traffic stops.

Baltimore Cops were Searching for a Robbery Suspect When They Attacked a Black Man who was Filming. Cops Slammed Him to the Concrete and Put a Gun to His Face, Though He Hadn't Committed a Crime

From [HERE] A Baltimore man is alleging excessive force against several Baltimore City police officers.

It comes after the court case against him was dismissed. The police department said its Public Integrity Bureau's Special Investigations Response Team began investigating immediately after the incident, and the internal investigation is ongoing.

The arrest happened in the 1900 block of East Oliver Street. Detectives said they were looking for an armed robbery suspect. Jaemaun Joyner said he was filming a video for a memorial of a friend.

A video obtained by 11 News shows police arriving to the scene in East Baltimore as one officer attempts to hold 24-year-old Joyner and place him in custody. Police body-worn cameras captured the May 23 incident, but the body-worn camera video does not show anything prior to Joyner's arrest.

"This is straight excessive force beyond any means necessary," said Jessica Rubin, a defense attorney.

Joyner's attorneys allege excessive force because of the takedown and the way officers pinned Joyner to the sidewalk.

"These officers went over the top. This was unnecessary, unprovoked and in the end, unacceptable," said Tony Garcia, a defense attorney.

In the video, the officers yelled at Joyner as they attempted to put him in handcuffs. Viewers can also hear him yell several times about an officer allegedly putting something in his pocket. The attorneys said they are alarmed to see what happened to their client, especially the alleged actions taken by Officer Conner Johnson.

"The statement of probable cause never mentions Detective Johnson or Officer Johnson pulls out that gun and presses his head and his temple and holds his head down with the service weapon while he has his other hand around his neck," said Hunter Pruette, a defense attorney.

According to a court charging document, "(Officers) were attempting to place Mr. Joyner in handcuffs. He was able to get away and attempted to flee on foot. This detective (PHIL POLANCO) was able to grab Mr. Joyner with both hands as he tried to run by me and conducted a forcible takedown."

"My son will not be a victim. If I can save any other parent from going through this, that's the goal," said Rhonda McCain, Joyner's mother.

The court record indicates officers recovered a handgun, eight live 22 caliber rounds, a magazine and a powder substance which they suspect is heroin.

"The Maryland State Police Gun Center advised that Mr. Joyner does not have any prohibiting factors which disqualify them from possessing a firearm... The investigation for the armed robbery is still ongoing," the charging document read

Prosecutors dismissed the case against Joyner on Monday. 11 News did check with the Baltimore City State's Attorney's Office, and was told that the case was dismissed for further investigation.

Elite White Liberals Remove and Replace Cori Bush with a New NGHR More Controllable and Pliable to Their Authority and Non-Black Agenda as SNAG Wesley Bell is S[e]lected to Missouri House Seat

From [HERE] Incumbent progressive Rep. Cori Bush lost the Democratic primary in Missouri against a well-funded challenger backed by pro-Israel group Aipac.

Bush’s loss to St. Louis County prosecuting attorney Wesley Bell, age 49, is a major electoral win for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which has targeted members of Congress who criticized Israel on the national stage. The congresswoman is the second member of the left-leaning House “Squad” to lose a Democratic primary this summer, after Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D., N.Y.) was defeated in June.

With 99% of the vote counted, Bell had 51.2% to Bush’s 45.6%, according to the Associated Press projection.

Bush, age 48, spent the summer on the campaign trail fundraising and fending off accusations that she had broken too often with her party. 

Voters in St. Louis faced a barrage of advertisements over the past few months in a $19 million primary that tested the power of Aipac and other pro-Israel groups to target Democrats who have criticized Israel over how it is conducting the war in Gaza. [MORE]

An army of thousands of black elected and [s]elected officials (borgs) at all levels of government are not a reflection of “black power.” Rather, they are representatives of a powerless people – powerless to prevent racists from practicing racism against them and powerless to solve their own problems. So-called “black” leaders, such as Eric Adams, Barak Obama, Kamala Harris or Lori Lightfoot, are not engaged in “black politics” nor do they espouse any “black” political philosophy, or do they have any articulable “Black agenda.” These highly controlled individuals function as straw bosses, black wards, rolebots and puppeticians who literally ‘perform leadership’ to Blacks on behalf of wealthy white interests and serve as their “human resources.” The individual political successes of black elected and [s]elected officials has not translated into power for the Black masses much in the same way that successful Black athletes and entertainers also do not tangibly empower Blacks- as they enrich the pockets of wealthy whites who own and control the sports and “enterstainment” industries. Showcase Blacks and puppeticians alike derive and maintain their success, relevance and prestige from their usefulness and allegiance to elite white liberals.

Indigenous Activist Leonard Peltier Will Likely Die in Prison After Parole Denied. Framed for the Murder of 2 FBI Agents

From [HERE] On July 2, Leonard Peltier (Turtle Mountain Ojibwe), a leader of the American Indian Movement (AIM) in the 1970s, was denied parole by the U.S. Parole Commission, ensuring that he will most likely die in federal prison.

Suffering from serious health issues as he nears 80, Peltier is serving two consecutive life sentences for killing FBI agents, Jack R. Coler and Ronald A. Williams, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota in June 1975.

Imprisoned for nearly 50 years, Peltier has maintained his innocence and there are grounds to believe him.[1]

The federal government, for example, withheld a ballistics report at Peltier’s trial indicating the fatal bullets did not come from his weapon, according to court documents Peltier filed on appeal.

One prosecution witness, Michael Anderson, testified during cross-examination that he was threatened by an FBI agent, and said that he agreed to testify in exchange for criminal charges against him in another case being dropped.

Another witness, Myrtle Poor Bear, said that she had been coerced into signing a false affidavit implicating Peltier and that her life had been threatened. “They had the law in their hands, and could do anything,” she said of the FBI. [MORE]

KCPD Refuse to Release "Their" Video of White Cop Shooting Amaree’ya Henderson in the Face After a Suspect Traffic Stop. A Lawsuit is the Only “Justice” Available as White Prosecutors Fail to Charge

From [HERE] The mother of a Black man killed in a Kansas City, Kansas, traffic stop last year has filed a lawsuit against the local government, claiming her son was unarmed and posed no threat to police when an officer shot him to death in his car.

Amaree’ya Henderson of Kansas City was killed in April 2023 after an officer jumped on the door frame of his vehicle to prevent Henderson from leaving a traffic stop, according to the lawsuit filed Friday in the U.S. District of Kansas Office in Kansas City, Kansas.

Attorneys for Pauletta Johnson, his mother, argue that the officer fired “blindly” into the vehicle — while Henderson’s girlfriend was in the passenger seat — and put himself in danger. He killed the 25-year-old when other, safer courses of action were available, the lawsuit says.

“A vehicle pulling away from a traffic stop does not give a police officer continued permission to kill a non-threatening citizen,” attorneys wrote in the lawsuit, adding that there was never an allegation that Henderson was “armed with any type of weapon” and that he was not wanted for a crime.

The lawsuit names the Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kansas, the police department and Officer Austin Schuler as defendants.

“Both the Wyandotte County District Attorney’s Office and the Department of Justice investigated the facts of the case and determined that criminal charges against Officer Schuler were not warranted,” they said in a statement.

On April 26, 2023, Henderson and his girlfriend Shakira Hill had just finished a DoorDash delivery in the Shawnee Heights neighborhood when Schuler pulled them over on Metropolitan Avenue, near the 12th Street Bridge, the lawsuit says.

Apparently the traffic stop was unlawful - as police have not explained any lawful reason for the stop. Hill said Henderson was not violating any traffic laws.

Hill said the officer approached the driver’s side window, but it was broken. She said they rolled down the back window. Hill said that she and Henderson asked the officer multiple times why they had been pulled over, but that the officer did not provide them with a reason.

Henderson gave the officer his license and registration, according to the lawsuit. The couple believed the officer was writing them a ticket for expired plates, according to the lawsuit, and Henderson contacted his mother via FaceTime.

According to the complaint, more uniformed officers arrived on the scene and Schuler again approached the vehicle with his flashlight. Attorneys allege that during the confrontation, the officer unnecessarily escalated the situation by pulling open the door of Henderson’s vehicle.

The attorneys say Henderson, fearing for his life, began to drive away as Schuler planted himself on the doorjamb, pulled out his gun and shot the 25-year-old in the arm and face. The vehicle collided with a parked car. According to Attorney Nuru Witherspoon

‘Officer was not threatened, and was not in the path of the vehicle’. ‘In fact, he put himself in harm’s way by hopping onto the frame of the vehicle.’

Amaree’ya Henderson’s car travels for 220 to 250 feet before it strikes a parked vehicle after he is shot in the face and torso at close range.

According to police, the officer was treated in hospital for minor injuries after the shooting.

In addition to wrongfully killing Henderson, the indictment also accuses the officer of violating police policy and training.

None of the officers used de-escalation techniques during the traffic stop, the lawyers allege. And shooting a motorist behind the wheel of a moving car — a practice generally discouraged by policing experts — is limited by KCK police policy to situations in which an officer or another person is in danger.

In March 2023, a month after the shooting, U.S. District Attorney Mark Dupree’s office said no criminal charges would be filed against the officer. Prosecutors reviewed the evidence and concluded the officer reasonably feared for his life when the vehicle sped away at a “high rate of speed” and Henderson “ignored commands” to stop.

Requirements for bodycam images

The Henderson shooting sparked community protests in 2023, along with broader calls for transparency from area activists. Leaders of the police reform group Justice for Wyandotte last year called on law enforcement to release footage of the shooting, a step it has taken in some cases to prosecute Black people, including the killing of a former police detective who disarmed an officer in 2022.

Bodycam footage of the Henderson shooting has never been made public. In Kansas, family members and their attorneys can view such footage privately, but state law limits the situations in which videos can be shared widely.

Body camera footage is considered criminal investigation data and is released to the public at the discretion of the police or other officials, such as the prosecutor.

The Kansas Star’s request for a copy of the video was denied by the United States Government in December.

A recent Star investigation into body camera disclosures in the state found that law enforcement released only one video of eight fatal police shootings over a five-year period.

In April, the brother of a man killed in February 2023 filed a lawsuit over footage of that police shooting. The case is still pending in Wyandotte County Superior Court.

The lawsuit filed Friday by Henderson’s mother alleges constitutional rights violations and wrongful death. It seeks a jury trial in federal court.

White Liberal California Governor Issues Order to Clear Homeless Encampments. 73% of CA Homeless are Non-White. Although Black People are only 5% of the State Population, 26% of Homeless are Black


From [HERE] California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order Thursday setting guidelines for the removal of homeless encampments by state agencies and departments while requesting that local governments adopt the policies as well.

The order will require state agencies under Newsom’s authority to address homeless encampments on state property and set five explicit policies to follow for removal. The policies include (1) site assessments determining whether a camp is a danger to public health and warrants immediate removal; (2) reasonable advance notice to vacate where exigent circumstances warranting removal exist; (3) standard 48-hour notice to vacate before removals; (4) communication with service providers for outreach to individuals experiencing homelessness; (5) 60-day storage of personal property for homeless individuals at the removal site.

The order also encouraged local governments to use “all available resources and infrastructure, including resources provided by the State’s historic investments in housing and intervention programs” to address the crisis and “humanely remove encampments from public spaces.” The California Interagency Council on Homelessness was tasked with developing guidance and technical assistance for local governments adopting the order’s policies.

The order extends only to state agencies and departments under the executive branch. It is not binding on cities and local governments but would include lands under the control of the Department of Transportation, Parks and Recreation, and Fish and Wildlife.

The ACLU condemned the order, accusing the governor of displaying a “disregard for human dignity” and calling the order a superficial fix on a systemic problem driven by underlying issues including “skyrocketing housing costs.”

It is estimated that over 180,000 people experience homelessness in California as of 2023. According to a University of California study, California’s homeless make up nearly a third of the homeless in the entire US in a state that contains 12 percent of the nation’s population. Said study explains that non-whites make up 73% of the homeless population. They are also overrepresented. Although Black people make up 5% of the entire CA population they are 26% of all homeless. Native American or Indigenous identity (12%) were also overrepresented compared to the overall California population. Thirty-five percent of participants identified as Latino/x.

Black Woman Executed on Video: Cop Shot Sonya Massey in the Face as She Knelt Down w/Her Hands Up [If you hear a racist suspect Rationalizing about "a threat," you're probably listening to a racist]

From [HERE] Authorities have released shocking video that shows a white police officer in Illinois shooting a Black woman – who called police in fear of a home intruder – in the face, killing her.

Sonya Massey, 36, was killed early on the morning of 6 July by deputy Sean Grayson of the Sangamon county sheriff’s office in her home in Springfield, the Illinois state capitol.

Massey had called police because she thought someone was trying to break into her home. When police arrived, they began looking into Massey’s home with flashlights, a neighbor, Cheryl Evans, told the Guardian. Evans wondered why police hadn’t knocked on her door, as they typically have done in the past when searching for suspects. Eventually, Grayson, who is white, and his partner entered the home where they began speaking to Massey.

After an initial discussion and request for Massey’s drivers license, Grayson spotted a pot of boiling water on the stove and ordered Massey to remove it to avoid starting a fire. In doing so, Massey asks the officers – who visibly distance themselves from her as she goes to handle the pot – why they moved away from her.

“Where you going?” she asks them.

“Away from your hot steaming water,” Grayson answers, with a laugh, before Massey responds: “Away from the hot steaming water? Oh, I’ll rebuke you in the name of Jesus.”

With his gun drawn, Grayson closed the distance between himself and Massey, who was beginning to kneel behind a counter with her hands up.

“You better fucking not, I swear to God I’ll fucking shoot you right in your fucking face,” Grayson warned.

Massey can be heard saying, “I’m sorry,” as Grayson continues to advance. “I’m sorry,” she says again as Grayson fires three shots, striking her with a bullet below the eye that exited from the back of her neck.

As Massey lay dying on her kitchen floor, Grayson says he’ll go get his medical kit to render aid.

“That’s a headshot. She’s done,” Grayson says before going to get the med kit.

As the pair stand there with their guns still drawn, Grayson says: “I’m not taking a bullet out of her fucking head,” then points out that the water from the pot had reached his feet.

“What else can we do?” Grayson asks his partner. “I’m not taking hot boiling water to the fucking face.”

Grayson’s partner tends to Massey and at one point says, “she’s still gasping” and wonders what’s taking Grayson so long with the medical kit. When paramedics and other officers arrive, one can be heard asking, “where’s the gun?” Grayson replies that Massey had a pot of boiling water and threatened to rebuke him in the name of Jesus. Paramedics took her to a nearby hospital, where she was pronounced dead.

Grayson has been arrested and charged with three counts of first-degree murder and is being held without bond until his trial is set to begin. It is exceedingly rare for police officers to be charged with murder in the death of a citizen, and hasn’t occurred in such a high-profile case since the killing of George Floyd in 2020. [MORE]

THE PSYCHOPATHIC RACIAL PERSONALITY. If you hear a racist suspect rationalizing about the boiling water then you are probably listening to a racist. Racist police, attorneys, journalists and citizens will probably make much ado about the “boiling water.” Don’t indulge or engage in this shared delusion. Such persons most likely are suffering from what Dr. Bobby Wright diagnosed as a the psychopathic racial disorder. Wright explained that by and large, white people treat each other humanely. But in their relations with black people, racists function as psychopaths. 'Psychopaths simply ignore the concept of right and wrong. The racist has no morality where race is the variable.' 'The psychopath is an individual who is constantly in conflict with other persons or groups. He is unable to experience guilt, is completely selfish and callous, and has a total disregard for the rights of others. Psychopaths understand right from wrong but simply choose to ignore the concept of right and wrong. By ignoring this trait in the white race (the lack of ethical and moral development) blacks have made and are still making a tragic mistake in basing the worldwide black liberation movement on moral suasion. It is pathological for blacks to keep attempting to use moral suasion on a people who have no morality where race is the variable.' [MORE]

New Filings Allege Racist Suspect GA Prosecutor Withheld Critical Evidence of Plea Deal with Co-Defendant To Convict and Sentence Warren King to Death. Same DA Improperly Removed All Black Jurors

From [HERE] Attorneys for Warren King (pictured), who was convicted and sentenced to death in Georgia in 1998 for the murder of a convenience store clerk, have uncovered evidence that shows the prosecutor, John B. Johnson, withheld critical evidence from Mr. King’s defense team at the time of trial. A new court filing indicates that ADA Johnson failed to disclose a plea deal reached with Mr. King’s co-defendant, Walter Smith, the only eyewitness to the crime. Both Mr. King and Mr. Smith were charged with the murder of Karen Crosby, but Mr. Smith avoided the death penalty and pled guilty to life in prison with the possibility for parole three years after Mr. King’s trial and conviction. During closing statements at Mr. King’s trial, ADA Johnson told jurors there were “no deals” in place for Mr. Smith, who also testified on cross-examination that there was no deal in place. In a new sworn statement from John Brewer III, one of Mr. Smith’s trial lawyers, he said that ADA Johnson agreed to recommend a life sentence with the possibility of parole, in exchange for Mr. Smith’s testimony against Mr. King. According to Mr. Brewer, ADA Johnson approached his client with a possible deal “several months before Mr. King’s trial.” Mr. Brewer added that he “would have never recommended Mr. Smith testify against Mr. King unless [he] knew for certain that he had a deal and would avoid the death penalty.”

Counsel for Mr. King should have been provided this information under longstanding legal precent established by the United States Supreme Court in Brady v. Maryland (1963), which requires prosecutors to turn over all favorable evidence to the defense team. There is also an ethical obligation for prosecutors to do so.  With proof of a deal in place for Mr. Smith, attorneys for Mr. King could have used this information to impeach Mr. Smith’s credibility as a witness. The filings say that the prosecution’s failure to disclose this deal “deprived Mr. King of a fair trial and produced the ultimate miscarriage of justice: an unreliable conviction and death sentence.”

At Mr. King’s trial, Mr. Smith testified that Mr. King was responsible for shooting Ms. Crosby and that Mr. King, after the shooting, said, “I hope I killed the b*tch.” Mr. King did not take the stand during the guilt-phase of his trial but testified during the sentencing phase. Mr. King told the jury that Mr. Smith had given him the gun and told him to shoot Ms. Crosby, but instead, he gave the gun back to Mr. Smith who then fired the fatal shots. Mr. King’s filings explain that Mr. Smith’s testimony is the only evidence pointing to Mr. King being the triggerman. Had Mr. Johnson disclosed the deal with Mr. King’s trial attorneys, they “would have been able to powerfully challenge Mr. Smith’s testimony by highlighting his motive to paint Mr. King, rather than himself, as the shooter, in order to save his life,” said the motion.

On July 2, 2024, the Supreme Court refused to hear claims that ADA Johnson improperly excluded Black jurors from Mr. King’s trial. Lower courts have upheld Mr. King’s conviction despite evidence showing that ADA Johnson struck 87.5% of eligible Black jurors, while striking just 8.8% of white jurors, who were all women. Consequently, a Black juror was ten times more likely to be excused than a white juror, and women were four times more likely to be excluded than men, according to the motion. The Supreme Court’s decision in Batson v. Kentucky (1986) prohibits attorneys from excluding potential jurors from service based on their race. At Mr. King’s trial, ADA Johnson provided race-neutral reasonings for his exclusion of Black jurors. Attorneys for Mr. King have uncovered handwritten notes from ADA Johnson which indicate he closely tracked which potential jurors were Black and which were women. Mr. King’s lawyers claim that these handwritten notes are “concrete proof that [ADA] Johnson was indeed considering race and gender” of potential jurors.

Affirmative Auction Demockery: Elites Void Primary [s]Election and Impose Kamala Onto Dumbocratic Voters, as The Golden Retriever Replaces Corpse Biden in Last Minute SNigger Rebate, Bait and Switch


Democratic primary voters cast millions of votes for Joe Biden as their choice. Getting rid of CORPSE JOE effectively nullifies the will of those voters—an outcome that no one can seriously regard as democratic.

There is also something unworthy of democracy in the argument that is being put forward for pushing President Biden out of the race. The Democrats who want him to leave have all said something like this: Biden has been a great president and had a very successful administration, but he needs to get out now because he is about to be beaten in a landslide. This claim is so ridiculous as to amount to a fraud on the public. The American voters who turn the outcomes of national elections are pragmatists. If they thought the present administration were a success, Biden would be cruising to victory now. Such voters would think: “He may be a bit diminished, but he must know how to manage his team, because the country is doing so well.”

The truth is, Biden was doing poorly even before the June debate precisely because many Americans are not satisfied with the results of his administration. What the Democrats are now attempting, then, is a last-minute switch to evade responsibility for the administration that they elected and supported for the last three and a half years. They are trying to hang on to power by a desperate trickery that insults the voters’ intelligence and tries to deprive them of their right to hold this administration to account electorally. “[MORE]

According to FUNKTIONARY:

golden retrievers – a dysphemism describing a variation of the old “Step-N-Fetchit” racist caricature to be revived (in the very near future) in a labor context vis-à-vis Afrikan-Americans and other majorities (so-called minorities).

Affirmative auction – $N1gg3rs on the block doing the moneywalk—Negroes up for sale—totally Souled-Out of their minds. Your brain must be clean because it has been truly whitewashed. “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” ~Martin L. King, Jr. (See: Black Conservative, Coin-Operated & Sambo)

demockery – a spectacle of the true nature of democracy. What each political party (the jackass and the elephant) wants is not justice but its own idea of what is just (for themselves and their special interests). “We the people have no say, our duty is to obey and pay for lavish lifestyle of our betters, politicos, bankers and men of letters who talk down to us as though to fools, the working stiff, taxable mules. With intent to confuse the dumbed-down herd, economics, science presented by some nerd, with confident arrogance, talk not plain, why attempt with animals to explain the higher thoughts of lofty mind to junk-gene people left behind. For government you’ll fight, be taxed, labour, next election you’re supplied (again) with another savior.” ~ Alan Watt. (See: Government, Justice, Predictive Programming, Equality, Elections, Voting, Politics, Holodeck Court, Ideology, Collective Delusions, Taxtortion, Slavery, Political Money, Freedom, Control & Violence)

Elections – the tricks of the Elect; the advanced auction of stolen goods. 2) rituals where periodically citizen-subjects are called upon to “participate” in the staged-hoax ratification of one group of state managers or another, which provides the comforting illusion of “democracy” where none exists. 3) Dumbocracy in action; stage prop to enable the puppeteer and his puppeticians to pull the strings of you and me. 4) show and shell games. 5) the orchestration and preservation of the illusion of choice and open competition. Elections merely determine how you will get screwed, i.e., either with a Democratic Phillips or with a Republican Flathead. Stop repeat offenders—don’t re-elect them! . . .You are electing those who have been selected for you far in advance and without your input. You choose but they cannot lose when you have no say in who is chosen to come out to play their prime-time gameshow called electoral politics where you “get in” to win, not win to get in (office). Elections are always an attempt to stymie cognitive dissidents’ (the unlearner and the natural man) and the working poor’s struggles, to silence legitimate outrage at psychological, social, judicial, and economic oppression and demands of self-determination. Those that “get in” long before they are chosen by the Elect (the ruling elite) are groomed and tested for their loyalty to the dominant minority ruling class over the interests of the individual or the commoners as we are referred to when in a more jovial mood. Money only makes you eligible, power determines if you’re suited to do their bidding and act as a distraction (sideshow) away from the shadow or parallel government where the Agenda of the Pathocracy gets executed while the Punch and Judy show of sham participatory democracy (three-ring media circus) plays out as a daily dose of entertainment for the clueless, conditioned and apathetic masses (the voting public, i.e. citizens of the United States). [MORE]

IncogNegro Van Jones Cries About Burying Corpse Biden- as If Dumbocrats Stand For Something in Regard to the Black Votary, Besides Using It to Win Elections while Delivering Nothing of Tangible Value


"Political Silence:" Barking and Clapping Like Seals, the Black Electorant VoteS FOR WHITE LIBERALS AND BLACK ROLEBOTS But Can’t Articulate Why. White Liberals Offer No Black Message or Agenda b/c They Don’t Have to

According to FUNKTIONARY:

$pinfidels – those well-paid profligates in the print and visual Hypnomedia who twist issues, facts, events, statements, contexts, and predicaments of outspoken people from all walks of life into ready-made labels that demonize and/or marginalize anyone who questions the actions, policies, jurisdiction, positions, legitimacy, accuracy, enforcement, or authority of the Twin-Towering $tatus Quo—Corporate State and Corporate Religion. $pinfidels are those who believe in the doctrine of Original Spin. “Loyalty to petrified opinion never broke a chain or freed a human soul.” ~Mark Twain (Samuel Clements). (See: Richcraft, Hypnomedia, Whore Nation, MEDIA, NEWS, Coin-Operated & Corporate Religion)

incognegro – a Black individual so camouflaged in double-consciousness to the extent that he or she cannot be trusted by Blacks (who think) to think and act in the best interests of the greater collective of native Black Americans—especially those who hold elected or appointed positions of political power. (See: Negro, Coin-Operated, SNigger & Niggermarole)

Recognegro – spotting a sell-out who has either crossed over or passed over into a reality that continuously crosses his or her kind out or passes them over to the “authorities” (racist economic and criminal injustice system). Everybody your color ain’t your kind or deeper still—all your skinfolks ain’t your kinfolks. (see: afro-sin-trick, sambo & criss-crossover)